Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 26, 2013

Load Up

This morning when you woke up, what was the first thing that went through your mind?

Maybe you have a deadline to meet or a to-do list a mile long. Maybe you are facing a challenge or going through a difficulty in a relationship that’s consuming your thoughts. Today, I want to encourage you, instead of focusing on what your circumstances have to offer, focus on what God has to offer you. His mercies are new every morning, and His compassion never fails. He has victory in store for you today. He has provision in store for you today. He has joy in store for you today, and He has peace in store for you today. He daily loads you with benefits! The key to “loading up” these daily benefits is setting your focus in the right direction. You can’t wait to see how you feel, what kind of mood your spouse is in, or what the traffic is like. No, you have to set your focus by saying, “This is going to be a great day. I am blessed and cannot be cursed! I know God is directing my steps and something good is going to happen to me today!” Are you ready for a great upcoming year?


December 24, 2013

Stay Connected

It’s easy to look around at what’s happening in the earth today and be tempted to feel afraid.

Circumstances may seem overwhelming. Maybe your business is struggling, maybe you lost your job, maybe you’re struggling in a relationship or concerned about the economy. During times like these, it’s important to remember that God has promised that He will never leave us. In fact, not only is He with us, He has promised to strengthen us and harden us to difficulties. That means, when tough times come, they just bounce right off of you. You don’t allow your circumstances to steal your peace and joy. You have the attitude that says, “This may be a big problem, but my God is bigger!” Keep in mind that the enemy isn’t after your checkbook; he’s ultimately after your peace and joy. He knows that if he can get your joy, then he can get your strength. But when you stay connected to God. Are you staying connected today?


December 16, 2013

New Year Time

This time of year, people often take time to reflect and set goals for the New Year.

Have you ever set “perfection” as a goal on your list? Now, that may seem a little strange or unobtainable to many; but really, in God’s eyes, perfection isn’t about performance. In fact, it isn’t about behavior at all. What God is looking for is a heart that is perfect toward Him. Scripture says that man looks on the outside, but God looks at the heart. That means He is more pleased with someone who has a heart toward Him who may mess up than He is with someone doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons. The condition of your heart is extremely important to God. When you have a right heart, you are humble before Him. You look for His ways. You get up each day with a desire to please Him. You submit every area of your life to Him, and you are willing to make adjustments and receive correction so you can grow and come up higher. As you prepare for the coming year, make knowing Him your number one priority. Yield yourself to Him and let Him shape your character. Serve Him with all your might and let your heat be perfect toward Him. Are you ready for the New Year?


December 2, 2013

Beauty and Ashes

Develop a perspective that views pain as the beginning of the healing process–as the catalyst to becoming a better person.

Everyone has experienced hurt and disappointment. We’ve all been burnt by life. But God doesn’t want us to sit in the ashes of the past; He wants to trade our brokenness for healing. He wants to give us beauty for our ashes. The key is that we have to be willing to give up the ashes in order to receive the beauty. You can’t have both because the old has to go before the new can come. Today, are you willing to trust Him with your past hurts? Are you willing to let go of the pain, to forgive others and yourself so you can move forward in freedom? Don’t waste another day sitting in the ashes. The past is over, but your future remains. Let God give you joy instead of mourning, and let Him make something beautiful out of the ashes of your life today. Are you ready to trade your ashes for His beauty?


December 1, 2013

Major Pain

You may be living carrying pain on the inside. Maybe you can barely get through your day without crying or feeling overwhelmed.

Your life is not over because you had a setback. God has an “after this” in your future. He has another victory planned. He wants to take you further than you ever dreamed possible! When you go through tough times, don’t be surprised if the enemy whispers in your ear, “You’ll never be as happy as you used to be. You’ve seen your best days. This setback is the end of you.” No, let that go in one ear and out the other. God is saying to you, “After the bad break, after the disappointment, after the pain, there is still a full life.” Know today that you have not danced your best dance. You have not laughed your best laugh. You have not dreamed your best dream. If you will stay in faith and not get bitter, God has an “after this” in your future. He’s not only going to bring you out, He is going to bring you out better than you were before. Are you ready to start living?

November 29, 2013

A Good Plan

When we are stripped of our agendas and facades we put up, we are left with a simple choice; trust God or don’t.

God opens doors of opportunity for us that no one is able to shut. We have to realize, sometimes He also closes doors because He has something better in store. We may see a logical opportunity, but just because it’s the logical way doesn’t mean that it’s God’s way. Just because it happened that way before doesn’t mean it’s going to happen that way next time. That’s why you have to stay open and keep trusting in God. If you’re narrow-minded and only look at the door that’s been closed, you may miss the door He has opened behind you. When you are able to let go of your own agenda and trust God, He’ll make sure you see those open doors. Our attitude should always be, “God, I surrender all to You. Have Your way in my life. I trust Your timing. God, I trust You to do it Your way.” Then, step back and see the open door He has prepared for you. Are you trusting today that God has the best plan for you?


November 27, 2013

New Suit

Do you need a new suit today?

I’m not talking about physical clothes. I’m talking about what’s covering your mind and emotions. Are you clothed with despair and disappointment? Are you wearing ”heaviness?” If you’ve gone through a hurtful situation, the Bible says there is a time to grieve, and it’s important to release that hurt to the Lord.. Are the garments of yesterday weighing you down and holding you back? It’s time for a new garment. Don’t carry those heavy burdens around anymore. Choose to forgive those who have hurt you and praise God for what He’s doing in your life today. If nothing else, start thanking Him for the beautiful sunrise. Thank him for restoring you, even if you don’t see it yet. When you choose to do this, you will be as strong and secure as a tall oak tree, displaying His splendor all the days of your life. Are you ready for a new wardrobe today?


November 21, 2013

The Best You

There was an article out recently that talked about how to reduce the risk of being laid off.

There are three main things that employers look for when deciding who to keep. They want to keep people who are positive, people who are versatile, and people who are always improving. Are you focused on developing your gifts in such a way that your company cannot make it without you? Do they notice that things don’t run nearly as smoothly when you’re not there? If you take a week off and nobody misses you, all the work gets done and sales are just as good, unless you’re the owner, it’s time to sound the alarm. If you’re not being missed, then maybe you’re not needed. You need to kick it into a new gear and start producing more than you have been. The Bible is clear, when we sharpen our skills, when we work with a spirit of excellence, we will stand before great men. Leaders will take notice. Promotion comes. Like cream rising to the top, you will rise higher as well. Remember, as you keep doing your best, as you stay faithful and keep growing, God will cause you to be noticed and move forward in the life of blessing He has prepared for you. Are you being the best you that you can be today?


November 20, 2013

What You Think

You are not ordinary. You didn’t come off an assembly line.

You weren’t mass-produced. You are an original design. Nobody else in this world has your fingerprints. You are a masterpiece! It is so important to get this down in your spirit. When you do — and when you begin to see yourself as God created you — you will start to understand your real purpose and your God-given destiny. You will be able to reach your highest potential! Right now, you may not like who you are. You might wish you were taller, had a better personality or that your metabolism worked a little faster. Maybe you’re self-conscious about a physical attribute or perceived imperfection or you just don’t think that you are lovable. I want to encourage you. Right now, begin to change any negative opinions you have of yourself. Stop focusing on your flaws and comparing yourself to someone else. God has made you unique and special just the way you are. When you understand this, it brings new opportunities, new relationships. Your value doesn’t come from what you look like, or what you do or who you know. Every morning, remind yourself that you are God’s creation. Declare, “I am not average. I am not ordinary. I have the fingerprints of God all over me. I am a masterpiece.”  God created everything about you on purpose…your looks, your skin color, your height, your personality, your talents and gifts. If you see yourself as strong, talented and valuable, then that’s the way other people will see you. But if you see yourself as “less than,” not talented and not valuable, then that’s the way others will see you. Choose to start loving yourself in a healthy way, being proud of the person God made you to be. How do you see yourself today right now?


November 8, 2013

New Season

Are you ready for a new season in your life?

Sometimes, in order to move forward into the life God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the new! You may have had some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand; but let me tell you, you have come too far to stop now. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude! Instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new season for me — a season filled with victory!” Are you ready to move into your new season?


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