Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 12, 2012

Excellent Lifestyle

Inner excellence is a way of thinking and a way of acting. It is a quality of mind. a mentality of being responsible for your actions.

Excellence is not a given for us. For you to have excellence you have to make it a mindset and a way of life. For you to have excellence in your life you will have to take responsibility for your actions. No more blaming your past, your parents, your weaknesses for where you are in life. For excellence to be your lifestyle you will have to break away from the normal, from average, from getting by. Excellence as a lifestyle will cause you to make changes in your thinking and your actions. You will have a paradigm shift toward excellence. We aren’t created with that excellence mindset but it has to be a decision. Being mediocre, average, or just getting by is the lifestyle that is comfortable and the norm. Being excellent in your life is a conscious decision that you have to make and carry out. You were created with the ability for an excellent life but God intends on you to do your part. You can have inner excellence in your life beginning today. Make the decision to do your best in everything you do, then go do just that. Excellence and integrity will take you way far in your destiny and purpose. You will never go wrong when you choose excellence. Are you ready to make inner excellence your lifestyle today?

October 11, 2012

Full Out Life

Today, I want to remind you that you are full of incredible potential. When God created you, He deposited seeds of greatness inside of you.

He’s given you your own dreams and desires. You have something to offer that no one else has. But too often, we allow adversities, disappointments and setbacks to push these things down, until one day, we find that we’re not pressing forward anymore. We’re not stretching; we’re not believing to rise any higher. When adversity comes, it’s easy to think, “Why is this happening to me?” The answer is because the enemy knows what’s on the inside of you. He’s going to do everything he can to keep that seed from taking root. But, he will only be successful if you let him. He can’t stop you unless you quit. During the difficult times, remember that the gifts and callings God has placed within you are still there. Don’t become stagnate in pursuing your dreams. It’s time to get your fire back! It’s time to press forward. It’s time to dig deep inside and take hold of the marvelous destiny God has prepared for you! Are you ready today to step into your potential? Are you read to be the absolute best you can be?

October 10, 2012

Quality of Life

The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless to their chosen field.

Ever notice that people who haven’t committed their life to a life of excellence are never happy. Especially those are perfectionist. A perfectionist can only be happy when things are perfect. I got some news; it ain’t ever going to be perfect. However, a person of excellence can look at their life and see the mistakes and imperfections; yet still be happy. Not saying they don’t work on those areas, but they realize they have weaknesses and will always have them. A person of excellence is one that always does their best, no matter what they are doing. A person of excellence can laugh at themselves, because they don’t take themselves too seriously. A person of excellence is always growing, learning, and improving. They are people of change. People of excellence have a great quality of life. They can rest at night knowing they did all they could that day to make it a great day for themselves and for others. Check your quality of life today. Don’t blame others if it isn’t where you want it to be. Take the more excellent route and be a person of excellence. Then you will see a quality control improvement. How  is your quality of life today?

October 4, 2012

Your Belief System

Belief is a state of mind where trust is placed in a person. Beliefs drive behavior; which affect performance in everything we do.

You have probably heard the quote; “if you don’t believe in something, you will fall for anything.” Your belief system is vital to your performance in all areas of your life. When you don’t have a good, strong, healthy belief in someone of something your level of performance will decline. Conversely, when you have a strong system in a person or thing; your performance level has no limit. Your belief system is of major importance in every area of your life. I mentioned that belief and trust go together to form your belief system. What you believe in you will trust and what you trust you will believe in. Whether it is a person, a chair or your favorite team; what you believe about that area will determine your actions. Think about your relationships where you trust the person as opposed to a relationship where your trust level is low. You will believe the person where the trust level is high; whereas the relationship where there is little trust there is little believing. Check your performance level in each relationship. You will hold back from the one and give your all to the other. Your trust and belief system is important. They do affect every area of your life. Some are bigger than others, but never take for granted your beliefs. Are there areas today, possibly a relationship, where you need to work on your belief system?

October 3, 2012

Love and Forgiveness

Love over comes hate. Forgiveness over comes bitterness. Give love. Give forgiveness.

You can never love too much. You can never forgive too much either. Sometimes when you have been hurt it may feel that way, but you can never give too much of love or forgiveness.  When you least feel like it a great time to give away love and forgiveness. The one thing that will try to stop you from freely giving is; pride. We don’t feel they deserve it or because they hurt us we will never love or forgive them again. Again, that is the time step up; love and forgive. Don’t listen to that side of you that says not do. Always go on the side of love and forgiveness. It may not be easy at first, it may be very difficult. Give it away anyways. You will never go wrong. God will honor your decision and help you do it right. When you make love and forgiveness a lifestyle it will get easier to do. It will become habit for you, it will first and second nature for you to love and forgive. There is a person right now that you are thinking about that you have said you could never love or forgive. This is the time to change all that. Make the decision today to love and forgive, not just that one person, but everyone. Leave no one out.

October 2, 2012

Purpose Zone Podcast/Blog

Find your passion and make it happen. Be on a mission and live your life on purpose. Be motivated by your desire to achieve rather than be noticed.

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What is it that you do, that you are great at, that makes a difference in people’s lives? That is your passion, your purpose, and your mission. When you don’t care if you are ever noticed doing what you do; then you have reached a higher level than most ever reach. When you are living in your purpose zone and changing people’s lives for the better; you will not care if you’re not noticed. There is really no better place to be. Your life will be much easier, not easy, but easier. Your life will be simple even though you handle complex problems. Your life will not be stressful, even though you solve stressful situations. Your life will not be frustrating, even though you are in the middle of confusion and turmoil. You will have peace, contentment and a fulfillment in your life. You will find satisfaction in your life. Your life will take on a while new meaning. You will see things from a totally different perspective. There is truly no better place to be in life than the place of passion, purpose and mission. You may not think this is possible for you but I am here to tell you it’s not only possible but readily available. God intended for you to be in your perfect place. Make the move today. Get in your purpose zone. Are you ready to get moving today?

October 1, 2012

Adversity Response

Successful people take responsibility for themselves. They understand that it’s not the event but how they respond to it that’s most important.

If you desire to be successful you can’t get flustered when things bad happen in your life. You have heard before; it’s not what happens to you but how you respond that matters. You really don’t have control about what happens to you, but your attitude to it is all in your hands. Successful people handle what is handed to them. They take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. They check their emotions and are not lead by them. Emotions are awesome when used the right way. Successful people have learned to be in charge of their attitude and their emotions. They don’t blame others or circumstances for where they are in life. There are reasons why successful people are successful; and all have to do with how they respond to adversity. If you want to be successful in your life; then take responsibility for your adversity responses. Do you need to make some changes in how you respond to adversity today?


September 30, 2012

Reconcile Relationships

Reconcile doesn’t mean you condone or agree with; it means in spite of. Reconcile broken relationships right now.

There are people in your life that you need to reconcile your relationship with today. When you reconcile that doesn’t mean that you have like or even agree with what they have done or are doing. What it does mean is that you love them, accept them, and welcome them despite what has happened. God is calling us today to be people of reconciliation. He is asking us to restore the broken relationships in our lives. I know you have been hurt by someone that are thinking about right now. You don’t have to agree with their life or their lifestyle. God is calling you to love them and appreciate them anyways. He isn’t asking you to accept their addiction or habits but to accept them for who they are not what they do. Take time today and make the effort to reconcile broken relationships. Is there someone who you need to reconcile with right now?

September 29, 2012

Keep Standing

If you have given up and lost all hope; give it one more chance. Stay with it one more day.

You may be saying that you have nothing left to give. You may be on your last nerve. You may be thinking this is your last day. I am asking you to give it one more chance. Give it one more day. Don’t give up, don’t ever give up. You may be at a crossroads in your life today. Before you make any final decisions, make sure it is the right decision. Don’t give up on that child today. Don’t give up on your marriage today. Don’t give in to that addiction. Hold on to hope. Hope may be all you have, but hope can hold you together when nothing else can. I have been in situations that looked hopeless to everyone else. People were telling me that I had tried my best, but… I never gave up and I did beat that addiction. My marriage is still going strong and getting stronger. All I had was hope, but hope was more than enough. Most folk in your situation would have lost their mind long time ago, but you are still here. Keep standing or if all you can do right is lay down, then lay down for a minute and then get back up. Don’t ever give up! Never, never give up!

September 28, 2012

Present in the Process

It’s not enough to just go through the process, but you have to believe in your process. Do you believe in your process today?

You may be just going through the motions today in your life. Going through the motions is to enough when it comes to the process of your destiny. I am guilty of being present physically but being present emotionally or mentally. This is a major character flaw that I have to change. It is not enough that I am with my family and friends in body, I need to be there in my mind and with my emotions too. If you are only physically going through the process in your life, then today you need to step up your game. Get your mind and emotions in the process too. You have to totally involved for the process of your life to take effect in the way you desire it to. You are one person, but you have three attributes, your spirit, soul and body. Get all three in sync and all three in the process today. See your life go to a whole new level when you get all attributes working together. Are you only partially involved today?

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