Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 26, 2012

Destiny Relationships

Who really knows you? Who gets you? What risks will you take and secrets do you need to share to improve the quality of your relationships?

Do you know how important it is to be connected to the right people? Your destiny is too big to accomplish on your own. But God has already arranged for certain people to speak faith into you. He has already placed in your path people who will inspire you, challenge you and help you accomplish your dreams. But the reason some people never reach their highest potential is because they never get away from the wrong people. Recognize today that not everyone can go where God is taking you. You’ve got to connect with people who understand your destiny and can call forth your seeds of greatness. You don’t have time to spend on people who are always pushing you down, telling you what you can’t do, or never giving you their approval no matter how hard you try. Friend, life is too short to drag people along. If you will get the wrong people out of your life, then God will bring in the right people so you can fulfill the destiny He has in store for you. Do you need to improve your relationships today?

October 25, 2012

Team Player

Who’s on your team? Who knows your dreams? Who knows you well enough to see your potential even before it comes out? Who has your back?

Who do you trust to be on your team? Who do you allow to get close enough to see the real you? Have you been hurt; so now you don’t let anyone get in your inner circle? Do you resist the thought of being a team member again? Do you just say; “I am just a shy person.” Let’s stop making excuses and hiding behind what has happened in the past. Today, let’s be a team. Find someone that needs a friend and start a new friendship. Rekindle an old relationship with someone that needs someone they can trust. Be a team player today. No person can make it on their own. We weren’t designed that way. We are a family. We are a team. Let those who should be close to you into your inner circle. Find that someone God has placed in your life and be the friend you have always wanted to be. You have something to offer and something to gain by be on the team. Will you be disappointed? Yeah, there will be times like that. Will you get hurt? Yeah, part of being on a team. Will you be happy? Yes you will. Will you see a difference in your life? Yes you most certainly will. Are you looking for a team to be a part of today? Are you willing to be a team player?

October 24, 2012

Building Friendships

A desire for connection, for friendship, for relationship is a foundational part of us all.

Everyone has a desire to be a part of something greater and bigger than themselves. We have an innate wanting to be wanted, needed and appreciated. We are not be to be alone. God intended for us to be in relationship. We are to be connected to others. I, for one, need to be in friendships for accountability sake. We one another to stretch us, to help each other grow. We need mentors to teach and show us how to use our gift. We need to be a mentor to someone that needs our instruction. There is a need to teachers. You need a teacher as well as being a teacher. You see how the connections, friendships and relationships work. What is past down from others to you; you then pass on to others. Build positive, healthy, growing relationships. We have enough negative, gossiping, back biting going on around us today. We need to turn things around in with those in our lives and be positive. Is there someone today you need to be a friend to? Who do you need in your life?

October 22, 2012

Prepare to be Confident

Confidence is the emotional knowing that you are prepared, mind, body, and spirit for anything.

When you are prepared, you will be confident, when you are confident you will not feel the pressure. Pressure is what you feel when you aren’t prepared and not confident in your ability. Today, be confident in your purpose. To be in that place, you need to prepare yourself in all three areas; spirit, soul and body. To be a difference maker you have to be prepared. Take the time to read. Read something that is the area of your purpose. A lot of people read but they don’t learn from their reading. Read something today that will help you grow. Take charge of your emotions and feelings. Don’t let your feelings control your actions. Feelings change almost instantly. Be in charge of your feelings and emotions. Lastly, take care of your body. Prepare your body for the challenges you will face in route to your destiny. Your purpose in life is demanding on your physical body too. Get good rest, eat clean and exercise everyday. You will be confident when you feel good. Prepare your spirit, soul, and body today and everyday. Are you confident today?


October 21, 2012

Get Past It

Don’t let your past get in your eyes and cause you to miss the present.

Is there something that you’ve done in your past that you’re not particularly happy about? A choice that you regret? The good news today is that you can be free of guilt and condemnation. You don’t have to live with that burden any longer. God’s mercies are new every morning. He’s not ever going to run out of compassion. He’s not ever going to run out of forgiveness. He’s not ever going to say, “Well, this is the last time I’m going to give you mercy.” No, you can have a new beginning every single day! Let that truth sink deep into your heart right now. If there is anything from the past that you may still be carrying, take a moment and call on His faithfulness. Call on His mercy. Ask for His forgiveness. Let Him refresh and restore your soul right now. Praise Him and thank Him for the work He is doing in your life and enjoy a fresh new beginning today. Is there something in your past today that you need to let go of?

October 20, 2012

No Comparison

If you want to be happy stop comparing yourself with others or making excuses for why things cant work in your life. We all have greatness inside us.

God has given you everything you need in order to enjoy your life. Think about that for a minute. What is keeping you from living life to the full? You may not be in the home you want. You may not have the exact job you would like. Maybe you’re single and really want to be married. If you focus on these temporary things, it opens the door to comparison and frustration. It’s good to have big dreams. It’s good to want to increase. But if you start comparing yourself to others, it opens the door for the enemy to steal your joy. If you don’t learn to be happy where you are, you’ll never get to where you want to be. But if you’ll choose to be happy, refuse self-pity and refuse to complain, then you are sowing good seeds for God to take you where you want to be in your future. Realize today that God is directing your steps. You have a future and a hope. Take joy in knowing that He is working all things together for your good according to His divine plan. Stay in faith, focus on Him and obey His commands. Soon, you’ll see those new doors open so you can walk boldly into the place of blessing God has in store for you.

October 18, 2012

Learned Behaviors

We are not born with insecurities. They are learned behaviors. What robbed you of your confidence?

The more I work with people the more I am seeing insecurities. The thing that gets me is that none of us were born with these issues. They are all learned during our life. We allow others to plant seeds of insecurity in our mind and it grows. Someone or some incident has stolen your confidence. It may only be in one area, but insecurity will grow, mutate and control your life. It is time to unlearn these behaviors and regain your confidence. Confidence is a major key in you discovering your purpose in life. When you allow insecurities to remain in your life, you will not live out your destiny. Insecurity will prevent you from stepping out in your purpose. Your purpose is bigger than you, but insecurity will make you small. There can be no small thinking. Today is your day to start making changes in your thinking. Start changing your thought process. Confidence is in you, its inside you. Are there learned behaviors that you need to change today?

October 17, 2012

Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy your life. Problems won’t go away just because you worry about them, are frustrated or mad. Enjoy your life everyday!

You should never live with a “barely-get-by” attitude. There are days of increase in front of you. You were created to thrive, to live an abundant, overflowing life! Sometimes when things seem difficult, it’s easy to slip into “survival mode.” When times get tough, it’s tempting to just “hunker down” and settle where we are. If you’re not careful, you’ll develop a survival mentality that will keep you from growing and releasing your faith. You’ll be happy just to “break even.”  You are not supposed to just break even; we’re supposed to break through to a new level! We’re supposed to believe for more of God’s favor, increase and promotion no matter what is happening in the world around us. Make up your mind today that no matter how difficult things seem, you are going to thrive every day! Take hold of God’s promises and declare that you are rising higher. As you continue to expect His favor and increase, you’ll see His hand of blessing in your life, and you will thrive and live in victory all the days of your life. Are you enjoying your life today?

October 16, 2012

Success Today

Success comes from the peace of mind of knowing you did your very best to help others.

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There are a lot of people who are successful in this world. They’ve accomplished their goals in the public eye. But being successful isn’t just about what you make happen for yourself, it’s about what you make happen for others. It’s when you realize, “God has blessed me not to just sit on my throne and let everybody see my accomplishments; God has blessed me to be a blessing to others. God has helped me to win so I can help somebody else win.” In other words, it’s when you realize, “God helped me overcome this addiction, now I’m going to go find somebody and help them overcome.” Or, “God has blessed me with a happy family. I’m going to go find a family that’s struggling and help them get back on track.” That’s what being successful is really all about. Look for ways to help others succeed. Reach back and give freely of the talents and abilities you’ve been given. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and live in the fullness of the blessing God has prepared for you. Is there someone in your life today that you can help succeed?

October 13, 2012

Helping Others Succeed

Excellent people are motivated by a desire to succeed not a fear of failure.They have a healthy self-image. They have a can do attitude.

There are a lot of people who are successful in this world. They’ve accomplished their goals in the public eye. But being successful isn’t just about what you make happen for yourself, it’s about what you make happen for others. It’s when you realize, “God has blessed me not to just sit on my throne and let everybody see my accomplishments; God has blessed me to be a blessing to others. God has helped me to win so I can help somebody else win.” In other words, it’s when you realize, “God helped me overcome this addiction, now I’m going to go find somebody and help them overcome.” “God has blessed me with a happy family. I’m going to go find a family that’s struggling and help them get back on track.” That’s what being successful is really all about. Today, look for ways to help others succeed. Reach back and give freely of the talents and abilities you’ve been given. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and live in the fullness of the blessing God has prepared for you! Are you ready to help others be successful?

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