Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 21, 2014

Take Responsibility Today

If you did it, own it. If you said it, stand by it. Not just the mistakes, but all your decisions and choices.

Taking responsibility for all your actions is a must for a Champion. Whether positive or negative own your stuff. We usually talk about taking responsibility for your actions in the negative aspect. However, I want to encourage you to take responsibility for the positive stuff that you do too. Stand by all that you do. By doing this you will be more careful in all that you say and do. We all have done and said things that we aren’t proud of and some we are proud of. The common denominator is that we are the one that did it or said it. As a Champion you have to be transparent. So be careful what you say, what you do, and where you go. People are watching you and listening to you. As a Champion you are in more of the spotlight than you may like. You may not be on the National News but if you’re not careful you just may be. When I see you on the news I want to see you lifting a Championship trophy. Are you responsible for your actions today?

March 23, 2014

Past, Present, and Future

A major part of being a champion is taking ownership of your past, commanding your present, and taking charge of your future.

If you are going to be a champion in whatever field you are in today, you will have to take responsibility for your life. Own your past, whether it is good or bad. Take ownership. Call a thing a thing and own it. If you past is not good, it doesn’t have to define you, but you do have to own up to it. Learn from your past no matter what it looks like. If you don’t learn from the mistakes then you will make them again. Learn from the good past and use the principles to move forward. Being a champion means commanding your present. Be in command of your choices and decisions. Use wise counsel when making decisions, no matter how small or large. You are the sum total of the decisions you have made up to this point in your life.  Being in command of your present will move you forward and closer to your destiny each day. Take charge of your future. By using your past and present you will be in position to take charge of your future. If you aren’t in charge of your future someone else will be. Don’t let others determine the outcome of your life. Take responsibility today for where you are heading. To be a champion you will have to use your past, present, and future in a positive way. No more whining, blaming, fault finding, or being a victim. Today is your day to take the reins of your life. Are you taking responsibility for your life today?


October 9, 2013

No More Excuses

Accept responsibility, and people will recognize your maturity and calm in difficult situations.

Don’t you just hate it when people make excuses for their failures? So do I. But do you know what I hate even more? Finding myself making excuses for my failures! I have a policy that I try to live by: No excuses. Here are some thoughts on a “No Excuses” policy. People will respect you. When you say that there are no excuses, that you blew it, and that you take full responsibility to make the situation right, people will be astounded (since very few people make no excuses) and they will come to a greater respect of you. You will find yourself taking greater responsibility. When you know that your policy is to have no excuses, there will be less room for error because you will be doing everything that you can to make sure the job gets done! You will become the “go to” person. When someone wants something done, they will turn to you because they know that they can count on you to perform. And they know they won’t get any excuses! This will improve your level of success, and that is exactly what you are aiming for, right?


August 31, 2013

You must be responsible for your own performance to be successful.

You must feel a responsibility to work hard to contribute your best. Seems like today that no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. However, if you want to make a difference, you want to be successful then you must take full responsibility for your performance. You can’t look to someone else to be responsible for your life. You must be the one! Take on the job of being responsible for you. Answer for what you do and don’t do. Be willing to accept the blame when needed. At the same time, when you take the blame and give the credit you will see a marked improvement in your performance. You are here to be a difference maker. You have the gift/talent to be someone special. There is greatness inside of you. Today is the day to take responsibility and be that person. Be that person that stands for what is right and defends those that are defenseless. Be the person that does what is right no matter. You have what it takes. You can be who were created to be. Are you taking responsibility today for your performance?


May 9, 2013

Taking Responsibility

You must take responsibility for helping yourself. You’re solely responsible for where you are in life right now and where you are going.

So many people today run from anything that’s hard. They run from their problems. They run from responsibility. They run from people they don’t like. They run from the past. They run from anything that makes them uncomfortable. Instead of facing the issues and dealing with them, they just take the easy way out and go down the path of least resistance. But if you’re going to live in victory, you have to learn how to face your challenges head on. The good news is that you don’t have to do it in your own strength! God has equipped you with His supernatural power to overcome every obstacle. Make the decision today to stand strong and face the challenges in your life. Be bold and dare to conquer! Are you taking responsibility for where you are in your life today?


February 3, 2013

Character Checkup

Character, integrity,relationships and responsibility are the pillars that allow your gift to shine. Without these your gift is not going to be lasting.

There is a familiar quote; ‘don’t let your gift take you where your character can’t keep you.’ I have been in this position before and it’s not a good place to be. You all have an awesome gift, but without character, integrity, relationships and being responsible, you are in danger of not being able to use your gift. It would be a shame for the rest of us not to be able to see you in your gifting because of character flaws. It happens all the time, but it doesn’t have to happen to you. Take the time to do a good check of your life. Be sure you are living with integrity. Look at your relationships. Are you spending time with people that are a positive influence? What are those closest to you pouring into your life? Also, are you taking the responsibility for your growth? Are you using your gift responsibly? All these will add up to either take you higher or pull you to the bottom. Do your life inventory today and be sure all is in line. Take your gift to the highest level. Live your destiny to the fullest! Is your character in check today?


October 1, 2012

Adversity Response

Successful people take responsibility for themselves. They understand that it’s not the event but how they respond to it that’s most important.

If you desire to be successful you can’t get flustered when things bad happen in your life. You have heard before; it’s not what happens to you but how you respond that matters. You really don’t have control about what happens to you, but your attitude to it is all in your hands. Successful people handle what is handed to them. They take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. They check their emotions and are not lead by them. Emotions are awesome when used the right way. Successful people have learned to be in charge of their attitude and their emotions. They don’t blame others or circumstances for where they are in life. There are reasons why successful people are successful; and all have to do with how they respond to adversity. If you want to be successful in your life; then take responsibility for your adversity responses. Do you need to make some changes in how you respond to adversity today?


April 17, 2011

Looking Forward

Failures and disappointments. Aches and pains from the past that just won’t seem to go away. Most of us know what it’s like to suffer from them but too few of us know just what to do about them. So we limp along, hoping somehow they’ll magically stop hurting. 

But it never happens that way. In fact, the passing of time often leaves us in worse condition–not better. Because, instead of putting those painful failures behind us, we often dwell on them until they become more real to us than the promises of God. We focus on them until we become bogged down in depression, frozen in our tracks by the fear that if we go on, we’ll only fail again. I used to get caught in that trap a lot. Then one day when I was right in the middle of a bout with depression, the Lord spoke up inside me and said: “Scott, your problem is you’re forming your thoughts off the past instead of the future. Don’t do that! Unbelief looks at the past and says, “See, it can’t be done.” But faith looks at the future and says, “It can be done, and according to the promises of God, it is done!” Then putting past failures behind it forever, faith steps out and acts like the victory’s already been won. If depression has driven you into a spiritual nosedive, break out of it by getting your eyes off the past and onto your future–a future that’s been guaranteed by Jesus through the great and precious promises in His Word. So, do it! Replace thoughts of yesterday’s mistakes with scriptural promises about your future. As you do that, hope will start taking the place of depression. The spiritual aches and pains that crippled you for so long will quickly disappear. Instead of looking behind you and saying, “I can’t,” look ahead and say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

April 16, 2011

Take Responsibilty

The buck stops here. We are responsible for all of things in our past.  We can’t change the past, but we can shape our future.  It is up to us to take the initiative to do so.

We have to stop blaming others; even ourselves for where we are in life.  It is time that we take responsibility for where we are and where we are heading.  You determine your destiny, not others.  However, you can give that right to others when you let them control your mindset, thoughts, and decisions.  No more playing the blame game.  No more allowing others to determine our emotions.  We have to take the responsibility for our destiny; which is all about others.  We must love no matter what the circumstances.  When others are plotting their revenge we are plotting how to be a blessing and how to love.  We are in control of our emotions.  We will not blame others for our situation any more.  It is all a matter of how we think.  Our mindset must be one of responsibility not blaming and faultfinding.  I choose today to be responsible for my future and my destiny.  I choose to love and forgive not to blame others.  Today is our day for success!!

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