Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 12, 2024

2 Voices

All through the day, there are two voices that compete for our attention — the voice of victory and the voice of defeat.

You’ll hear a voice saying, “You’ll never be a Champion. You don’t have what it takes. You’ve reached your limit.” But if you listen carefully, you’ll hear another voice saying, “You are well able. You can do it. Your best days are still up ahead.” You are the one who gets to choose which voice has power in your life. The moment you verbalize a thought, you give it the right to happen. The negative voice may be louder, but you can override it. You can take away all of its power by simply choosing the voice of victory. What voice are you listening to today?

April 11, 2024

Present Moment

People that perform at their best when their best is needed have learned to live in the present moment and are know they are unstoppable.

Everybody is good at the beginning of the game. However, it is the ones that are relentless the entire game, especially when it’s on the line. Whatever your game is you have to be able to come through at crunch time. Whether its closing a major deal, passing that test, or whatever it is you do. Being a Champion means you are the best when the situation is the toughest. You don’t get too far ahead in thinking nor do you stay in the past. Being a Champion means you are in the now. Be where your feet are. You are unstoppable when others are stopping. Be consistent and steady. Show others that you are the best, you don’t have to tell them. Be the last one standing at the end of the day. You have what it takes to be the best today. Are you in the now and unstoppable?

April 10, 2024

Your Talk and Walk

By watching the way a person walks and listening to their talk tells you a lot about that person’s belief in getting the job done.

How a person carries himself and talks will give you a major clue as to how they will perform. A Champion walks tall and big, no matter their physical size or ability. I have seen people in wheelchairs that still “walked tall.” It can be a presence of mind is what I mean by this. Also, the way a Champion talks sets them apart. Nothing arrogant or conceded about their behavior or words, but confident. Doesn’t mean that a relentless person has it all together all the time, but you will never know any different. Being confident is a lifestyle. It doesn’t come overnight, but it does come. Being unstoppable is something that is attainable, but you have to walk the walk while talking the talk. While at the same time, those that don’t want to put in the work are trying to bring you down. Their walk and talk is all negative and what you have not succeeded at. Their talk is about where you have made mistakes and failed. Never stoop to their level. Stay tall and talk the talk of a Champion. Are you walking and talking the Champion way today?

April 9, 2024

Your End Result

If you play well and work your process, the end results will take care of themselves.

Focus on what you can do and let go of the rest. When you play one play at a time and keep it in the now; then you have an excellent chance of succeeding. You have no control of who wins and loses. You do have control of how you perform. No matter what you are doing, do what you do. Your responsibility is to do your best each play, each day, until the job is done. An unstoppable person isn’t concerned with the outcome because they know they will stay with it until they win. There is no quitting or giving up in a person that is relentless. A Champion keeps the process in their mind and keeps playing hard. When you’re faced with adversity, you keep working your process. When life is unfair and cruel you stay focused on what you do. There is no complaining, blaming and looking for a why out. You keep moving forward; doing work. Are you playing well and working your process today?

April 8, 2024

Your Mind

From a mental perspective, what is imagined is true and real.

You have to expect what you desire is going to happen. Just wanting it to isn’t enough. Believe in your mind that you will be a Champion. Know that you are unstoppable and will be the best. You see it first in your mind before you see it with your eyes. See yourself being successful. See yourself being the best at what you do. Visualize yourself being the Champion you were created you to be. If you can see it in your mind and you know it’s your destiny; then go make it happen. Practice everyday seeing yourself where you want to go and be. Start and end each day seeing with your mind. Use your mind to move yourself forward. So many people allow their mind to control their life and keep them down. Be in control of your mind today and see your life go to another level. Can you see with your mind today?

April 7, 2024

Mentally Dominate

Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately will make you unstoppable, a Champion.

Now days everyone has talent. The difference maker then is; mental dominance. The mental game is what will enable you to be the Champion you want to be. All the talent in the world will only get you so far and will only keep you for so long. Talent levels will start to decrease in time. However, the mental conditioning will make you stronger than your opponent. When others are falling by the side, you will continue going higher. Why do we neglect to train our minds? I encourage you today to begin a mental conditioning program. You will see results faster than you may even expect. There is such a demand today for excellence in every field, not just sports. Take your game, whatever it may be, to the next level. It is a must if you really want to be the Champion you were created you to be. To be unstoppable you must have mental toughness. If you truly desire the highest level of your destiny and purpose; mental dominance has to be there. Are you mentally dominant today?

April 6, 2024

Ability to Relax

The ability to relax is a skill just like being able to execute the fundamentals of your sport.

In life, oftentimes we are waiting for something; waiting for a dream to come reality, waiting to meet the right person, waiting for a problem to turn around. When things aren’t happening as fast as we would like, it’s easy to get frustrated. But you have to realize that the moment you set it in your mind, it is being formed. There is a set time for that problem to turn around, a set time for your healing, your promotion, your breakthrough. It may be tomorrow, or next week, or five years from now. But when you understand the time has already been set, it takes all the pressure off. You won’t live worried, wondering when this is ever going to happen. You’ll relax and enjoy your life knowing that the promise has already been scheduled and your answer is on the way! Are you relaxed today?

April 5, 2024


There are a lot of average people walking around who have Champion buried inside them, but are not trained or willing to do the work needed.

Being average is a choice. You were created to be a Champion. You have the seeds of greatness inside you. However, you have to do the work to grow the seeds. It takes work to be a Champion. You have to do the work and the training to bring it out. It is hard work, takes sacrifice and discipline. Don’t take the easy way out. Do what you do to be great. It is truly disappointing knowing that so many people go their grave with never bringing out the relentless Champion out. It’s not too hard. You have what it takes. You can do this. There are people around you that will be there to help you. Then in time you will be able to help those around you too. Take the time to do the work to be unstoppable. No more excuses. No more whining. Are you doing the work to be a Champion today?

April 4, 2024

Love Your Work

Some people think that loving their work means they won’t have to work hard, or that they won’t have frustrations.

No, those things are all a part of life. But ultimately, God can help you enjoy what you’re doing. When you’re in God’s will, there will be a joy inside you, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. When you’re serving in your purpose, you will be fulfilled and enjoy your life. You’ll live the best life that God intended for you — and He’ll take you places that you’ve never even dreamed of! You’ll experience the abundant life He has in store. My deepest desire for you is that you discover and follow God’s perfect will — knowing your calling, so that one day you can look back and say, “This is why God put me here.” To be your best you must be willing to be who you were created to be. Are you working hard to be a Champion. Are you unstoppable today?

April 3, 2024

Able to Focus

Being able to focus on what you want, rather than what you are trying to avoid is huge.

To be relentless you have to focus on the positive, what you want, rather than the negative, what you don’t want. You will go toward what you are focused on. So by focusing on what you want rather than what you are trying to avoid will is best. What is going on in your mind today? Are you constantly thinking about the undesired outcome? Are you thinking about the problem instead of the solution? Determine what needs to be done and then go do it. A Champion mindset is one that is always solution oriented. By staying keyed into what you do want you also eliminate worry and stress. Both of which only tear you down. There is no need to worry or to be stressed over a situation. Know that there are some things you can control and somethings you can’t. The things you can’t control you let go of. Get your mind and focus on the result that you want. Stop letting your mind go toward the undesired or negative outcome. When you do this you will see better results. You won’t be stressed out and worrying about things anymore. Have a Champion mindset today. Are you thinking about the desired outcome today?

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