Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: January 2012

January 11, 2012

Watch Out

I have noticed that people who aren’t fulfilling their destiny will try to discourage you from fulfilling yours. They may not do it intentionally, but they’ll tell you what you can’t do and how things won’t work out. They’re quick to remind you of all your impossibilities. Your relatives, co-workers and friends may try to talk you out of your dream, but that’s because God didn’t put that promise in them; He put it in you. You have to remember that other people don’t determine your destiny; God does. He holds your destiny in the palm of His hand. If you will keep believing, God will not only bring it to pass, but He will do more than you can ask or think.

Don’t let someone else’s unbelief keep you from believing. Don’t let other people talk you out of your dreams. It’s time to get into agreement with God. He says you are well able. He says you are equipped. He says you are qualified. He says you are anointed, called and appointed to fulfill every dream and desire He’s placed in your heart!

January 10, 2012

Race Time

It’s easy to be tempted to go through life competing with everyone around us. When we see someone who’s more talented, better looking or has more gifts, instead of running our race and being comfortable with who we are, oftentimes we feel inferior and think, “I’ve got to catch up to them.” The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle. There will always be someone ahead of us. But, it’s a very freeing thing when you realize, “I’m not competing with you. I don’t have to have as big a house as my neighbor to feel good about myself. I don’t have to keep up with my co-worker. I don’t have to be a certain size. No, I understand that I’m not in competition with my friend, my neighbor or my co-worker. Instead, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.” That’s an attitude God can work with. When you focus on being who God made you to be, that’s when you’ll rise up higher and position yourself for every spiritual blessing He has in store for you!

January 9, 2012

The Eyes Have It

This year and from now we need to see people through eyes of love, forgiveness, hope, understanding, patience, hope, encouragement. 

People are quick to pass judgement on others without taking the time to look at where they are in life.  If we took the time to see the situation from the other person’s point of view, we would not be so judgmental.  We have to realize that others are going through tough day too.  We judge ourselves by our intentions but judge others by their actions.  Give others the benefit of the doubt when they act out.  There is probably something going on in their world that is causing them to act that way.  When we start seeing people through eyes of love, forgiveness, hope, understanding, patience, hope and encouragement, we will make a difference in their life.  It goes back to treating others even better than we want to be treated.  Don’t be so quick to pass judgement on others, but rather take the time to be a positive force in their life today.

January 8, 2012


What are you devoted to in your life? Being devoted to something is simply being loyal by giving of your time, affection and resources. Many people today are devoted to certain restaurants, television programs and even their cell phones! There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but we have to examine our own hearts and see if we are being devoted to the people God has placed in our lives. Are we honoring others above ourselves? The world’s system says to “look out for number one—yourself,” but God’s system says “look out for others, and I will look out for you.”

As you examine your own heart and life, ask the Lord to show you ways that you can honor others. One way is by simply being faithful to your word. Be a person of integrity and honor. As you live your life devoted to one another and honoring others, you are actually honoring God. He will repay you for your kindness and reward you in this life and in eternity!

January 7, 2012

You Are the Difference

Don’t give up; don’t quit.  We are one week into the new year and already many people have already thrown in the towel.

You may not have been as consistent as you would like in the past years; even in the past week.  However, that does not mean you should give up on your goals and especially not on yourself.  You can make a difference in the world today.  Look around and you will see hurting, discouraged, hopeless, unloved people walking around acting if all was fine. You can make a major difference in right where you are today.  You don’t have to be on TV, radio, the newspaper, or any major platform.  Just take the time to notice the people that you interact with each day.  There are thousands of people that just need a little inspiration, encouragement, motivation, and love injected into their life.  Show the love that inside of you, show the grace, the mercy, the hope that you contain.  No matter how it looks in your life you still have the gift that you were born with and it’s still valuable.  Today is the day to make a difference.  

January 6, 2012

No Settling

Everyone has God-given dreams and desires. We all have goals we want to accomplish and situations we are believing will be turned around. Sometimes it seems to take longer than we originally thought. Sometimes, things don’t work out the way we planned, and it’s easy to lose enthusiasm. If we’re not careful, we’ll get discouraged and end up just settling where we are. But God doesn’t want us to settle, He wants to take us higher. But many times, people miss out on God’s best simply because they give up too soon. They don’t realize how close they are to their victory.

Don’t let that be you today. Don’t give up just because things seem hard. You’ve invested so much, and you never know, just a few more days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, another few months of staying in faith, and you could see that situation turn around. Remember, God is on your side! Keep standing and keep believing because you are closer than you think to fulfilling every desire He’s placed inside of you!

January 5, 2012

Describe Yourself

If you had to describe yourself to someone today; what words would you use to tell about who you really are?

Would your words be positive or negative, building up or tearing down, uplifting or pulling down, encouraging or discouraging?  What picture would you paint with the words you use to describe who you are? You have been created in the image of God. You might feel like it right this minute, but that does take away from the truth.  You have a gift inside of you. You have purpose all in you.  You may have done things that are not pretty, but that does not make you ugly.  You are beautiful in God’s eyes. You are the apple of His eye.  He created you full of destiny and purpose.  You have value, you are not useless. You have a place here right now.  Check those words again that you would use to describe who you are.  Make sure they line up with the truth about you.  

January 4, 2012

Remember to Forgive

Remember when…? That’s a question we hear a lot this time of year. Reminiscing with family and friends, we browse through Christmases gone by, enjoying the memories until inevitably, we stumble across the memories we would rather forget.
Suddenly, the pain comes rushing back. The sting of a parent’s criticism, the broken promise of a friend, the rejections, the disappointments, the heartaches…
What should we do with memories like that? Do we have to drag them along, like so much baggage, from year to year? No. We can leave them behind. In fact, we must leave them behind. And there’s only one way to do it–through forgiveness.  Nothing else really needs to be said.  Make 2012 a year of forgiveness.  Don’t hold back, forgive everyone that has ever offended, hurt, disappointed and abandoned you.  2012 is definitely the year of forgiveness.

January 3, 2012

2012 Challenge

Many are still recovering from Christmas and New Year’s. It is time for many to start getting back into their regular day-to-day patterns.  I challenge you today to make this year your greatest ever.

We get somewhat of a fresh start; if only on the calendar, every 365 days.  Make the best of this year like never before.   There will be challenges that will try to stop you from reaching your goals in ’12.  But when the storms of life and the winds are blowing against you remember this; eagles don’t soar with the wind, but they turn into the wind, into the storm to enable them to fly over it.  Use the storms, the winds of life to push you upward toward your God-given destiny.  There is nothing that can stop you; unless you allow it.  You have greatness inside of you today.  Don’t let this year pass by without making a difference.

January 2, 2012

Whole Year Changes

We are being slammed with New Year resolutions.  The problem with resolutions is that we usually don’t keep them for more than a couple of weeks.  This year why not make Whole Year changes.

We make resolutions, wishes, to lose weight, save money, work on relationships and so on.  The thing is we don’t follow up on them.  The gym I workout at is packed for about six weeks; then it’s back to the usuals each day.  The same is true in many different areas where we try to make resolutions. This year let’s make changes.  I have made up my mind to change in a couple of areas.  Don’t try to do a major overhaul of your life all at one time.  This will overwhelm you quick.  Take a couple of major areas and break them down to make the changes.  In doing this, you will see success and be encouraged to keep the change going from now on.  I am excited about the changes you are undertaking.  It may help to find someone to hold you accountable in your change area.  Make sure this person will support you and tell you the truth.  Accountability is crucial in all areas of our life.  You can do it; I know you can! Be blessed and God’s favor all over you and your life.  

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