Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: March 2013

March 12, 2013

Focus Changes Blog/Podcast

Often it takes a bad experience for us to face the changes we need to make in our lives.

Click here for podcast

I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job where they weren’t fulfilled. But you have to realize, nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad have deposited something on the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today. When the enemy brings hardship into your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for your advantage. You may think you’ve hit a dead end, but if you’ll stay in faith, you will see God begin to open up a new route. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move you forward toward your God-given destiny. Today, don’t focus on what’s happened in your past, focus on what God will do in your future. He wants to restore your soul and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new route for your future. Are you focusing on the changes to make in your life today?


March 11, 2013

Difficult Storms

Facing difficulties is inevitable. Learning from them is optional.

We all have opportunities to get upset and live stressed out. The storms of life come to every person. No matter how good a person you are, you’re going to have some “rain” in your life. When these storms come, a lot people use their faith to try to control their circumstances. But I’ve found it’s better to use my faith to control myself in the midst of my circumstances. I know that if I can just remain stable in the storms of life and stay in peace, that’s what allows God to act on my behalf. God never said that we wouldn’t have difficulties, but He did promise we could have peace in the midst of the storms. When you face adversities, one of the most powerful things you can do is simply stay calm. When you are at peace, you are displaying your faith in God. By your actions you’re saying, “God, I know You’re still in charge. I know You’re bigger than this problem.” So keep peace in the midst of your storms today. Trust that He is working behind the scenes. Keep your heart open to Him because soon He will deliver you. Are you dealing with difficult storms today?


March 10, 2013

Adding Value

We become valuable to others by adding value to others.

When you see someone who is struggling, a co-worker who is discouraged, a friend who is not up to par, how do you respond? Our words can be what keeps a person going; our compliments can put a spring back into their step. Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go. Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they’re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let’s be people who lift up others and restore them. Who can you encourage today?


March 9, 2013

Showing Compassion

Remember that you show compassion to others not because of who they are but because of who you are.

When you look out for yourself at all costs there is no room for compassion. There are many that will tell you to not help others, because they don’t deserve it. However, you don’t play by the world’s rules. You show compassion to others and it has nothing to do with them. It has all to do with you. You are a person of compassion. You show compassion because of who you are. No one has to deserve your compassion. No one has to earn your compassion. Be willing to show compassion to all. There has been and will be a time in your life when you are going to want compassion. There is also a good chance you have not earned it. When you freely give something, you then are entitled to freely receive. Karma is a good thing, when you deal out good things. Take the time today to show not just someone, but several someone’s compassion. You will never regret it. Who are you showing compassion to today?


March 8, 2013

Kindness and Respect

Treat every person with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you.

Spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how long you’ve been a Christian, how much you know, or how often you go to church. Spiritual maturity is measured by the way you treat other people. It’s measured by the love you allow to operate through you. First Corinthians 13 tells us about the characteristics of love. One characteristic is that it is not rude. That means, when we are walking in love, we treat other people with courtesy and respect. Are you courteous to other people? Are you kind to the person at the checkout counter that may be moving too slowly for you? Are you gentle when you are driving down the highway and someone cuts you off? Are you patient with your family and coworkers? These are all ways we show love. The Bible also tells us that love is patient. It is kind. It does not envy; it is not proud. It is not rude. Love is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love never fails. Notice that these characteristics don’t have anything to do with feelings. That’s because love is a choice. You can choose to walk in love toward people even when you don’t feel like it. Today, make the choice to do what is right. Choose today to show kindness and be courteous to others. Look for ways to cultivate the greatest thing in your life — love! As you do, you’ll move forward into the life of blessing God has in store for you! Are you treating people withe kindness and respect today?


March 7, 2013

Focused on the Journey

Life is much more about embracing the journey and much less about reaching the destination. We’re learning to appreciate and live in the now.

No matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve done, realize today that your destiny supersedes your mistakes. When God designed the plan for your life, it wasn’t dependent on you being perfect, never making a mistake, or never taking a wrong turn. No, God knew we would all make mistakes. He knows how to get you back on track no matter where you are in life. Just like there are many routes on a map, God has a plan to help you reach your destination. He has detours, shortcuts and bypasses. He has already calculated the entire route for your life. If you’re feeling like you’ve blown it, if you feel like you are too old, too far gone or too off track, know that nothing you’ve done, no mistake that you’ve made — or ever will make — is a surprise to God. He’s already got it figured out. He’s arranged a comeback for every setback! He has grace for every weakness. He has mercy for every failure. Receive it today and move forward with boldness into the destiny He has for you! Are you letting your detours stop you from staying focused on your journey?


March 6, 2013

Pruning Season

I have always encouraged people to recognize times of being “between opportunities.” It is pruning season.

In life, we all go through a pruning process. God will prune our lives so that we can be fruitful. To “prune” means something is cut away, something is removed. In other words, maybe a good friend that you counted on moved to another city. Maybe a business shut down that you were connected to, or a relationship went a different direction. God knows what you need in your life in order to grow and flourish. Sometimes when things happen that we don’t understand, we have to just trust that He is working behind the scenes preparing you for increase, preparing you to go to another level. Don’t put a question mark where God has placed a period. When you’re going through transition, don’t get bitter. Don’t get down and think it’s the end. Don’t start thinking that you’re a failure. Have the attitude, “God, I let this go knowing that it was only temporary, and what You have in my future will be greater than what I’m letting go of.” If you will accept the change and stay in faith, God will open new doors. He will bring new opportunities, new friendships, and take you to another level of your destiny. Are you embracing the pruning season in your life?


March 5, 2013

Created for Success Blog/Podcast

God chose you before you were ever born to be successful.

Click here to listen to podcast

Before the worlds were ever formed you were chosen. He didn’t create you to be average. He didn’t create you to barely get by. No, He created you to excel! Not only has He chosen you, but He has equipped you with everything you need to live His abundant life. He has deposited seeds of greatness inside every person. But in order to tap into those seeds of greatness, you have to believe this and act on it. Too many people today are going around with low self-esteem, feeling inferior like they don’t have what it takes. They are living a lie. And as long as we have a poor self-image, we’re not going to experience God’s best. In order to be all that God has called us to be, we have to see ourselves as chosen, valuable and victorious. Today, meditate on this truth. Let it sink down deep into your heart. Let it build confidence and security in you. As you understand your value, you’ll rise up higher and higher into the life of victory He has prepared for you. What is it you believe about yourself today?


March 4, 2013

Proper Perspective

Confidence, enthusiasm, and boldness overtake negative emotions as you become clear about what you are moving toward.

Perspective is the key. Having the right perspective is a result of confidence, enthusiasm and boldness. These attributes don’t change any situation, any circumstance, or issue. What does change is the way we see it, the way we evaluate it, and process it. When you have the right perspective, no matter what is going on in your life, then all will be clear. You can see so much more and so much clearly when you have the positive perspective. Insecurities will cloud your perspective and cause everything to be distorted. Look at everything through the truth perspective. Don’t let facts get in the way of the truth. Everything is not going to be fair, nice, sweet and right, but how it affects you is all in your perspective. Be confident, enthusiastic, and bold today as you move toward your destiny. Make sure you have the right perspective. How is your perspective today?


March 3, 2013

Moving Out

Look forward. Discouragement, resentment, guilt, and depression are emotions connected with looking at the past–what you are coming from.

Where have you pitched your tent today? In other words, what are you expecting to happen in your life this year? What kind of attitude do you have? If your thoughts are stuck and you’re focusing on what’s wrong or what’s not working, then it’s time to dig up your tent stakes! It’s time to pack up your belongings and move out of the land of discouragement. It’s time to move out of the “Not-going-to-happen.” It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation! Every time you catch a negative thought and choose to dwell on God’s promises, it’s like you are packing your bags. Every time you declare God’s faithfulness, you are taking a step in the right direction. The Bible says that those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame. As you turn your focus toward your process, you are pitching your tent in the Land of Hope — a land where His peace, blessing and victory are all staying. Where are you living today?


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