Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 23, 2013

Standing Strong Today

Are you facing a difficulty or trial that seems like it’s been lasting a long time?

Your trials are really only momentary. Compared with eternity, your troubles don’t last long at all! As you stand strong in faith during times of adversity, you are building faith and achieving success. If you are in the middle of tough times today, look to God. The Bible says that He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He is the One who writes faith on your heart and then develops it to completion on the inside of you. He is building strength in you, He is depositing joy in you, and He is empowering you to make it through. Today, be encouraged because what you are facing is only temporary. Victory is on the way, and it’s closer than you think! Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping, and keep confessing His Word because He is faithful, and He will complete what He’s started in you! Are you standing strong today?


March 10, 2013

Adding Value

We become valuable to others by adding value to others.

When you see someone who is struggling, a co-worker who is discouraged, a friend who is not up to par, how do you respond? Our words can be what keeps a person going; our compliments can put a spring back into their step. Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go. Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they’re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let’s be people who lift up others and restore them. Who can you encourage today?


February 19, 2013

To the Next Level Blog/Podcast

One of the key characteristics of highly successful people is that they spend their time with those who are already performing at that next level.

Click to listen to podcast

To be the best you that you can be, you will need to be around those that have done the same. Surround yourself with people that are successful. You need people in your life that can bring the best out in you. You need to be with people that will stretch you, teach you, mentor you to be your very best. You will be like the inner circle of friends that you keep. So, be sure you keep a process minded group of friends. Then when you have taken your life to the next level, you in turn do it for someone else. Always pay it forward. Be that someone for another person that wants to be their best too. When you are secure in who you are, you will never have a problem helping someone else go to the next level. As you go through your day, look for ways to improve yourself. Look for ways to encourage and help others as well. Be the absolute best you that you can possibly be. Make a difference in others with your life. Are you ready to take your life to the next level?


January 30, 2013

Changing Mindsets

Circumstances don’t determine your value, your worth. If you think you’re not good enough, your world will confirm that in your mind.

I have often said, “You are more than good enough.” However, if you look at your situation, listen to what the world is saying, or what you sometimes feel about yourself, then you will believe the lie. The lie being, ‘you are not good enough.’ There are many voices today that will try to convince you that you will never amount to anything, that you are a failure, a mistake, a waste of time. This is a lie, yet if not careful, you will believe it. When we are in a situation when things are not going right, we start to slip back into those negative mindsets. Reverse the negative thoughts, you are more than good enough, you have what it takes, you are valuable, you are cared about, you are a winner. Don’t let the circumstances determine your value or worth. Know the truth about yourself. Even if its hard to believe, the truth will begin you out of that negative mindset. Be a champion today! Are you needing to change some mindsets today?


January 27, 2013

No Comparing

More can be gained by focusing on those talents and gifts you know God has given you. Focus on what you have, don’t compare yourself to others.

Are you comfortable in your own skin? In other words, do you recognize yourself as the treasure God made you; or are you constantly looking for approval and comparing yourself to a neighbor, co-worker or friend? Do you try to out-dress them or out-perform them? Are you always looking for ways to one-up them? It’s time to let all of that go. Comparison is a distraction. Comparison is a thief. It steals your time, energy, focus and joy. You aren’t here to impress anybody; you don’t have to prove anything because you are God’s special workmanship. He created you with a purpose for a purpose. You are empowered and equipped to do everything He’s called you to do. If you will choose to stay free from a spirit of competition and just run your own race, not only will you enjoy your life more, but you’ll see your gifts and talents come out to the full. You’ll see His blessing and favor in a greater way, and you’ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store. What are you focusing on today?


January 26, 2013

Hope Lives

If you lose hope, you will not be looking for solutions and will miss them even if they pass right in front of you.

There can nothing worse than a person who has lost hope. The next thing they lose is life. Death will is the next step for someone that has lost their hope. When you lose hope you give up. When you give up you naturally stop looking for solutions to situations you are facing. In particular, the situation that has caused you to lose hope. You may be facing something today that has been stealing your hope little by little. Don’t give up on hope. No matter what it looks like right now, hope is your lifeline. Stay with hope. Keep a tight grip on hope. It doesn’t matter if there doesn’t look like there is any hope. Hope is there, even when it looks like all is gone. Just because everyone may have left and turned their back on you, hope is still alive. If you have lost your hope today, then revive it. Keep your hope back. Believe in hope. Believe that your situation will improve. If not the situation, then believe you will improve. In any case, don’t lose hope. Be strong today. You are not alone. Are you needing to hope regain your hope today?


January 22, 2013

Forgive to Heal Blog/Podcast

Forgiveness has the power to heal wounds that lie far below the surface and that torment people in their deepest parts.

Click to listen to Podcast

In life, we all have unfair things that happen to us. We can choose to hold on to the hurt, become bitter and angry, and let it poison our future; or, we can choose to let it go and trust God to make it up to us. You not think that you are able to forgive because someone hurt you so badly. You might say, “Scott, you don’t know how I was raised.” “My ex-spouse caused me a lot of pain.” “This friend betrayed me.” “I just can’t let it go.” But realize, you don’t forgive for their sake; you forgive for your own sake. When you forgive, you are taking away their power to hurt you. But if you hold on to that offense and stay angry, you are only poisoning your own life and disconnecting yourself from God. Forgiveness is like a door on your heart. If you shut the door and refuse to forgive, then God cannot forgive you. But when you open the door and allow forgiveness to flow from you, then His forgiveness can flow into you. Choose to forgive and open the door to receive God’s life, peace and healing today. Are you ready to forgive today?

January 18, 2013

Push Others Higher

One of signs of greatness is wanting something better for others. It’s the willingness to take second place if it means willfully moving others higher.

It’s easy to be someone’s friend when they’ve got it all together, when they’re walking in blessing and prosperity. Anybody can believe in people after they’re successful, after they graduate, after they’re promoted, after they get their big break. But, people need our support the most before they get their breakthrough. They need us to look past their faults and failures and see their potential. Most times, people just need a little “push” of encouragement to keep them moving forward. We should always put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and see things from their perspective. You may have some good advice that could save them a lot of heartache and pain. Don’t keep it to yourself. Pick up the phone. Help them win. Maybe you excelled in a college course that they’re struggling in. Don’t sit back and think, “Too bad. They’ve got to learn it the hard way.” When you help others rise higher, you are fulfilling your mission. Today, share your love, support and encouragement. Invest life in others, see their potential. Is there someone you need to help move higher?


January 17, 2013

Encourage Others

Encourage others, inspire one another on a regular basis, and live a life of selflessness.

“Love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, encouraging others isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing out the best in others. When you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better, too! Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people He’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends. Ask the Lord to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bring out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up, too. Keep showing kindness so you can move forward into the blessing and freedom He has for you. Who can you encourage today?

January 15, 2013

Constant Kindness Blog/Podcast

The rewards of kindness are self-generating and unstoppable. The joy, peace, and happiness that flow from it creates in you an awesome life.

Click to listen to Podcast

No matter what may be happening in the world around you, you can always find something to show kindness for. Kindness is a powerful force that opens the door to God’s blessing. Showing constant kindness proves your faith in God because not only do you thank Him for what He has done in the past, you thank Him for what He will do in the future. It’s that kind of faith that pleases God. Constant kindness also shows humility because when we are kind, we magnify God instead of magnifying our problems. It gives us proper perspective and opens the door for God’s grace, favor and unconditional love. Are you showing kindness today? If you are missing the joy, peace, and happiness in your life that you are searching for; it could be from a lack of kindness. Constant kindness will make a difference. Are you showing kindness today?


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