Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 4, 2023

Be a Helper

You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.

Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?

August 11, 2015

Be in Charge

Champions don’t have to show you who’s in charge–everyone already knows.

The person that refuses to give up, is relentless is the one that will be in charge. They may not start out in charge, but in time they will be. The people that are unstoppable always make their way to the top. Some take longer than others, but they make it and then they stay there. They don’t go around telling everyone how great they are and how that they run the show. Champions let their actions do the majority of the talking. When it’s time to talk they talk. Most of the time, though, they let what they do speak for them. Watch those that are Champions in what you do. Learn from them. A true Champion will take the time to help you on becoming the best. They know it’s not all about them, but how they can help others. Being the best at whatever you do will mean you will be the one in charge one day. So learn today how to be humble and great at the same time. Are you ready to be in charge today?

September 12, 2013

Leader in Learning

Great leaders know how to follow. They listen and learn from others.

You have been called into a leadership role. You may only be leading your own household right now, but you are a leader. You are a leader in training, but all leaders are in this position. Leaders are learners. The only way to learn is by listening to those that know more about what you are doing than you do. In my case, this isn’t hard to do. If you a leader that thinks that you know everything and no one can tell you anything, then you won’t be leading for very long. Be sure that you are humble enough to listen. This has been the downfall of many leaders. I have experienced this on more than one occasion. Don’t be a know-it-all, which is an oxymoron. No one knows it all, but rest assured there are those that know more. There are those that have been through more. Take the advice of those that have experienced the adversity and overcome it. Listen to those that have been there, done that and learned from it. Be a life long leader by being a life long learner. Are you a leader in learning today?

September 10, 2013

Lead and Follow

Leaders are people who are willing to follow when it is called for. They are courageous and steadfast in their beliefs. They do what is necessary.

A true leader knows when they are not qualified to lead. When this is the case; they are willing to follow the ones that are qualified. A true leader is one that doesn’t always have to be out front. Many leaders lead from the middle. When their time to be out front comes however, they are more than ready and prepared. Leaders stick to truth, they know the real from the fake. A real leader will do what has to be done to accomplish the mission, in a win-win manner. When you see leaders that are only looking out for themselves, watch out because they will fall soon. Don’t get hit by a falling leader. Stay with the truth, stick with what is right, maintain your moral compass. Do whatever is required of you to maintain your integrity. A true leader will see the truth and go toward it.  Just because someone is a true, real leader doesn’t make them perfect, no one has that quality. They do admit their mistakes and wrong choices and strive to make things right. A true leader will do what is necessary; even step aside and let someone else leader until their time has come. Are you willing to do what is necessary today? Am I willing to do what is necessary today?


September 5, 2013

Tough Love

I have seen teams fall apart when the going gets tough, but with tough love I see teams grow stronger.

I believe in tough love. If you are a leader, manager, coach, teacher or parent, caring about someone often requires you to challenge and push them to improve, grow and reach their full potential. Even the best athletes in the world have a coach to push them. But for tough love to work, love must come first. We must love tough to bring out the best in those we lead! If people know you care about them they will be more receptive to you pushing them. On the other hand if you put tough before love you’re more likely to face resistance. As Andy Stanley says, “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.” The old dictator tough, without love, style of leadership no longer works. Having spent time with a number of high school and college sports teams it’s clear that even athletes who seem to have it all want to know that their coach cares about them. The best coaches love their players and their players know it and play harder and are more loyal to that coach. The same is true for education and business. Research shows that test scores go up when students have a relationship with their teacher. Numerous engagement surveys show that people are more engaged at work when they know their manager / boss cares about them. So keep pushing your people to be their best. If you are parent like me, keep pushing your kids to reach their full potential. Your team needs your toughness to grow! But remember to put love first. Make relationships a priority. Your love will create the right conditions for growth to happen! Are you showing tough love today?


December 16, 2011

Not Necessary

It’s not necessary to tell a starving man he is hungry.  It’s not necessary to tell a dehydrated man he is thirsty. So why must we tell people of their faults, mistakes, issues, and sins?

People know when they are doing wrong and the wrong they have done in their life.  We all know the mistakes we have made, the sins in our life and the issues we face everyday.  Having people throw that in our face is not going to help.  Judging and condemning is not going to help.  On the other hand, offering encouragement, hope, forgiveness, a shoulder to lean on can make a difference.  Understanding where someone is, is not condoning what they are doing or agreeing with what they are doing.  Offer people a peace of mind not a piece of your mind.  We all have those areas that we need help in.  Be an encourager today. Don’t tell them all the wrong stuff in their life, give them hope and build on the right stuff.  Make a positive difference today! 

June 11, 2011

Test of Leaders

Leadership is easy when life is easy. It’s really not even necessary, but when life does show up; that’s when the true leaders will be needed & revealed.

This is true for both leaders of many people and those that just lead a few people. You may only lead yourself, but it still holds true.  If you desire to be a leader of many, you first have to be able to lead yourself.  Self-leadership can be the most difficult of all leadership positions.  To get back to our foundation statement though; your leadership level is revealed during the tough times in life.  When situations are critical and crucial; that is when you will see just how good a leader you are.  I heard someone say the other day that they would not want to be president of the United States right now because of all the problems we have.  This would be the most awesome time to be the leader of our country.  It’s those that can step up in the tough times that we remember.  So if you are going through some really tough times, this is your finest hour. Step up to the challenge today!

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