Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 24, 2012

Change Inspires Change

If you keep doing the same thing and hanging around the same crowd you’ll get the same results. Change inspires change be great today.

I often tell people if you want to get different results in your life, then you have to change something you are doing. Making small changes each day, each week, will add up to big changes. It may take changing something you are doing and/or the people you are hanging out with each day. You will take on the characteristics of the people you are with on a consistent basis. Take a good look at your daily routine. See where you can make some adjustments to it. Maybe getting up earlier and having some study time. Could be you need to make some dietary changes. The thing is, when you make a change, then you make another; it gets easier. Not easy, but easier. Change will build on change. Look at your inner circle of friends. Are those people making you better? Are they challenging you each day to be better? If not then it’s time to make a new inner circle of friends. You will either get better each day or you get worse each day; there is no staying the same. Is there something you need to change today?

November 23, 2012

Be Positive

Don’t worry about what others think, their will always be people who are negative, don’t let it bother you keep your mind right.

There will always be negative people around. No matter is going on they have a negative perspective. They have plenty of reasons as to why they are negative. Many even reject the thought that they are negative. Being a positive person, it doesn’t take long to spot the negative people. They seem to have a cloud over them all the time. It’s never sun shining on them. There is always something wrong. Nothing is ever right. You can’t let negative people affect your mindset. Don’t let their negativity affect your process. Keep your mind free and clear of their negative influence. Keep the correct perspective. Yes, bad things do happen, but it’s all in how you see them and evaluate them. Use the negative things in life to change you in a positive way. Be positive today in a negative world. Make a difference in those around you. Even those that are negative will see you are different. Be the positive perspective that we all need. Are you being a positive in a negative world today?


November 22, 2012

See Yourself

What you consistently see in your mind you will consistently find.

If you always see yourself as a goofball, a failure, a nothing; then despite all the awesome gifts you have, you will end up just like you see yourself. If you see yourself as a success, a difference maker, a champion, then no matter what obstacles you face, you will end up the way you see yourself. The way you see yourself on a consistent basis is what you will be. Even when you’re not a failure, you will find ways to fail. When you see yourself as not loved, no matter how much people love you; you will find a way to turn away their love. I have found in my own life at times that I would sabotage relationships. I didn’t think I deserved to be loved or cared about, so I would find a way to sabotage what was there. It took changing how I saw myself in my mind to change that. Now I am able to have a wonderful marriage and other friends, because I see myself as a great husband, wonderful father, and good friend. I am always working on being better at each. It all goes back to how I see myself though.  How do you see yourself on a consistent basis?

November 21, 2012

Purpose Focus

Staying focused on your vision is a must if you are going to be your best and live in your purpose zone.

What is the vision for your life? Do you have a vivid mental picture of who you are, where you are going, and who are becoming? Do you see your purpose? Why are you here? These should be routine, easy questions that you answer with little effort. Once you have the answers you stay focused on them. They are your roadmap. They give you direction. To stay on track, to be your best and to stay in your purpose zone; you have to stay focused on the answers. Keep the answers in your mind all the time. Everyday, go over your purpose and what it takes to be your best. It is a process. A process that you have to focus on each day. Getting better each step. The picture of your purpose getting clearer each day. It is unfortunate that so few people will take the time to do this. Many want to, but won’t do. Take time today to answer the questions and start focusing on the answers. Do you have a clear focus on your purpose today?

November 20, 2012

Practiced Focus

Staying focused on your vision is the fundamental first step for any successful person, including the pursuit of greatness.

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When life is coming at you in many directions, you can easily lose your focus. This is where so many people get derailed on their way to success and greatness. It takes practice to stay focused when things are going bad or when they are going really, really good. Either extreme can cause us to get off track. Every day make it a conscious effort to stay focused. Keep your goal and process in your mind, a mental picture of where it is you are wanting to go. Many people start out great, going good, but lose their focus. Games are lost, deals go wrong, friends hurt, because people lose their focus. There are few that take the time to work on their focus each day. That is the distinction between the successful, the winners, the great and all those that gave up when they lost focus. Practice today, so that when the test comes, you will not be affected by losing your focus! Are you focused today?


November 17, 2012

Healing Words

Don’t conceal your pain and hurts any longer. Get healed today of your wounds. Keeping secrets will only keep you in torment.

I know all too well what keeping secrets can do to oneself. They will keep you in torment. There is only one way to get the healing you want so desperately for your pain. That is to expose it and get the attention that it needs. There are different ways to deal with emotional as well as mental pain and hurts. However, one of the them is not keeping it locked up in your heart and mind. You don’t have to or need to tell everybody about your pain but find the person that can help you. They are already in your life, God will put them with you. Someone that you can trust and that has the wisdom to help you. The longer you keep the secret of your pain locked away, the more hurt it will cause you. Sure getting it out will be painful, but only for a short time. The healing that comes from exposing it will be more than enough to overcome any discomfort you felt. Some of you have been carrying around emotional hurt and pain for years. Maybe since you were a child. Rejection, disappointment, abuse, there are all kinds of hurts. Take the first step today to your healing. Don’t carry around your pain any longer. Are you hurting today from emotional pain?

November 16, 2012

Emotional Pain

You will deal with pain one way or another. You will either self-medicate and just prolong the pain or you will openly and honestly deal with your pain.

You will have pain in your life. I don’t just mean physical pain, but emotional pain. Most times, the physical pain in easier to deal with than the emotional pain. When you have emotional, mental pain how do you deal with it? Ignoring it, is not dealing with it. Pushing it to the back of your mind is not dealing with it? When you do this, you simply make the pain last longer and get worse. It is time to be open and honest about our issues and pain. I know all too well what trying to self-medicate will do to a person. Trying to deal with emotional pain yourself will not work. Find that person in your life that God has given you to help you. There will always be someone you can trust. There will be someone you can confide in. Don’t go another day trying to act like all is okay when it’s not. Don’t try to self-medicate any longer. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness and even if it was, do it any way. Do you need help with emotional pain today?

November 15, 2012

Character and Integrity

Character will protect your talent. When you have integrity you will guard your talent.

Your talent will take you places where your character may not can keep you. This has been true in my life. I have the talent but at times in my past I didn’t have the character. Now my integrity protects my talent. Where my talent takes me my integrity will keep my character in check. No matter how talented you are, you have to have the integrity to guard it. Character does protect it, but guarding it takes it to another level. Integrity is the key to reaching your full destiny by using your talent. God has given you a specific talent to use, make sure you don’t waste that talent by not have good character and integrity. We see in pro sports all the time where great talented athletes don’t have the character or integrity to keep them on a high level. No one wants them on their team because they are not good for the chemistry of the team. You may never be making millions playing professional sports, but your character and integrity is just as important. Do you need to work on your character and integrity today?

November 14, 2012

No More Regrets

Living with regrets will stop you from living your destiny. Regrets keep you in the past.

So many people today live in guilt and condemnation over their past mistakes and wrongdoings. They have this attitude that they are too far gone or they’ve made too many mistakes. They think that if they walk into church, the roof will cave in. Friend, if that’s you, nothing could be further from the truth! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been; God’s grace is enough. Don’t live another minute in regret, condemnation, heaviness or despair. Receive God’s grace. It’s as easy as opening your heart and inviting Him to change your life. Remember, there’s nothing you could ever do that His grace can’t bring you through. So open your heart to Him and receive it today. Are you walking in regret today?

November 13, 2012

Wounded and Hurt

Your wounds have to become scars if you are going to forget the past and focus on the now, on your purpose and destiny.

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If you stay in the past, you will never reach your destiny. So many people today are trapped in the dungeon of their past. They have been wounded and yet never allowed the wound to heal. Every time you talk to them, they will eventually bring up all their past wounds and hurts. There comes a time when you have to allow wounds to heal, to scar over and them forget about them. The scars can be reminders of our past, but only allow them to be if they are healthy reminders. If you can talk about your past, show your scars in order to help someone heal; then do so. If you don’t get past the past you will stay in the past. Break free today of the past wounds and hurts. Don’t stay in the dungeon any longer. You have the key to the lock, if there is a lock, if there is even a door. You have been there so long, you didn’t realize the lock and door aren’t even there any longer. They only exist in your mind. Get free from that today. Don’t let it hold you back anymore. You are ready to be healed of that wound. You are ready to step into your destiny. Then do it today, do it now! Are you still wounded today?

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