Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: October 2010

October 1, 2010

Folk Skills

10 01 10 Friday

I had the opportunity yesterday to visit with some coaches around south Alabama and ended up getting to have lunch with an old friend.  He is one of these guys that knows everybody in the world.  He said some things that really hit home with me.

One thing he said was to the effect that he had made his life’s goal to meet folk and get to know them.  Not for what they could do for him, but because life is about relationships.  When we establish relationships, is it for us for them? If someone can’t help us do we take the time to invest in them? I have to work on that one.  He talked about folk in such a good way, even when what he had to say was bad.  He wasn’t condemning them, but he was concerned about them.  When we get news about someone do we hurt for them or just want to talk about them? Is it concern or just gossip?  I have to work on that too.  I guess it comes down to being unselfish.  Life is about relationships, but not for we can get out of them but for what we can offer to others.  Being a friend, a listener, an encourager.  I really felt convicted about my people skills.  I have to work on them now.  I have to live out what I write.  So it’s time I start walking this out too.  If I have not been the friend that I should be to you then I apologize.  I will break off selfishness.  I choose to serve others and be a friend; starting with at home!

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