Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: March 2011

March 21, 2011

Love is a Bridge

How are you doing in that one relationship that is on your mind lately? Do you feel a division or separation with that person? Today is the day we make a difference in our relationships.

We were designed and created to be in relationships.  Good, healthy, strong and pure relationships.  You may be a position today where you’re in a relationship with your spouse, child, parent, co-worker, or a close friend seems to be beyond repair.  There seems to be no way the relationship can be make whole again.  No matter what has happened it is not too late.  I understand there are some relationships that may not need to be right now, but that doesn’t mean it will never be right.  The key to turning it all around is love.  Love that forgives and forgets. Love that is patient. Love that doesn’t keep score.  Even if you have been devastated in the past; unconditional love will heal that hurt.  It will be your protection from future hurts.  Unconditional love instead of walls is a much better protector of your heart.  It takes work, no doubt, but love will make it smoother than we ever thought it would be.  Let love be the mender of broken relationships. Take a step of faith today and let love build the bridge. 

March 20, 2011

Backbone not Wishbone

I believe most of us want to live our destiny.  We want to fulfill our purpose here.  We want to have a better life.  We desire to do better than we are right now.

If we are going to go to the next level; make changes, walk our destinies, do our purpose, have a better life, and so on; we have to take our life to the next level. We want, desire, and wish for these things, but so much of the time we aren’t doing the stuff necessary to get there.  It takes more than wishbone, it takes backbone to make it.  It takes courage to take a stand to be a person of destiny.  It’s easy to talk about what we want to do, but it takes perseverance and self-discipline to do it.  I talk to folk all the time that want to, but very few are doing.  I know you have dreams and desires for your life.  I also know that you can achieve greatness in your life, significance in your life. There is so much destiny in you; it would be such a loss to not walk it out.  You can do it, I have no doubt. There is nothing that can stop you; except you.  I can see you doing some awesome stuff in your life. Don’t count yourself out before you even try.  We are in this thing together, so you are not alone. You have support all around you. So let’s do this thing right.

March 19, 2011

Hick Ups

Roadblocks, speed tables, obstacles, and hick ups.  There always seems to be something that is getting in the way; preventing us from reaching our destiny, full filling our purpose.  

I don’t know about you, but there seems to be stuff always trying to stop my family and me from living our destiny.  Does this mean we stop, give in, give up and quit? Nope, we have to keep going forward.  There are times when; yeah, I want to just quit and go be a greater at Wal-Mart.  There are days when I wonder if I am doing anything that I am supposed to be doing.  That just tells me that I am right where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing.  Make sure that you look to God for your direction.  He will place the right folk in your life to help guide you, but you have to in tune with Him first.  If you are doubting yourself, take time to listen.  If you are wondering if you are in the right place; doing the right thing, you have to listen.  If there is peace in your life, that is a great indicator that you are right.  If there is confusion and frustration in your life, then that too is a good indicator you need to change.  Peace and joy never means life will be easy, but it will be easier.  The thing is, never doubt that you have a purpose and destiny, just because life is going against you.  Make sure you in the place; doing the right thing, then those hard times won’t be so hard.  When we have peace, even in the middle of the storm, we know that everything is going to be alright.  

March 18, 2011

Who's the Boss

What can be better than having love in your life? A big bank account without love won’t help you sleep at night. Having all you ever wanted but without love will leave you empty.

There are several things we could ask for in life that would make us happy, but without love as the foundation, the cornerstone; then we would still not be happy.  I am telling you the truth, I never realized the wholeness of love like I have here lately.  It affects every aspect of our life in a major way.  If I have everything but not love I am still lacking.  I may be the only one that is just getting some understanding on how love works.  Love really does affect every thing in our life.  We can’t have walls up if we have love operating in our life.  We can’t have unforgiveness if we have love as our guide.  We can’t have revenge in our heart if we have love running our life.  Love either wants to be our final say so or not at all.  It’s like having fresh water and salt water in the same place; you can’t the salt will affect it all.  So if you desire to love as your guide then all else has to go.  Pride has to go.  Having our way all the time has to go.  Man oh man I have to make so many changes, but love makes it possible and desirable.  Let love be the boss.

March 17, 2011

Love Whips Pain

How is it that love can remove pain from you life? I think that if we have unconditional love, that means that we love ourselves and others.  So we are secure in who we are and who others are too.  Love whips pain every time.

Love will take the pain of rejection away.  Rejection is one thing that really gets me.  I have been looking at how unconditional love can take away the pain of rejection.  You know that pain down deep in your belly that doesn’t seem like it will ever leave.  Unconditional love will take that pain away.  How does it do this? I have no idea, but I know that it does.  Can you imagine what it would be like to walk in that kind of love, that kind of security; sounds awesome.  That is the life that I desire.  To know that my God loves me enough to give me that kind of love.  The love that gives you the strength, peace, joy, hope, forgiveness to live your destiny.  I desire this love; that guards your heart and mind against all attacks.  This love that stands the test of time.  This love that allows people to get close to you.  This love that keeps you.  I remember the old folk used to say, “I have been kept.” I know now they meant by this love. It is available for us today!

March 16, 2011

Love; the Action Verb

To stay with the love theme, I would like to go into what love can do in our lives.  Love is powerful as we have mentioned.  It can change people like nothing else can do.  Fear can make us do crazy things, but love can enable us to do wonderful things.

Fear of what others will do to us can cause us to build walls and cut folk without hesitation.  Love, though, will empower us to tear down our walls and help others do the same.  Love will continue to believe in a person when everyone else has given up on them; including that person.  I have over looked the force of love for years.  I have written that love is a verb not just a noun, but I am seeing now that love is an action verb.  Love is not just calm, laid back, and quiet.  Love is cheering us on, encouraging us, lifting us up and strengthening us.  When we are weak, beat down, beat up, tore up, and alone; we have to fill our love tank.  To be without love in the world today is to be _______.  You have to fill in the blank there.  For me it is to be depressed, unvalidated, feeling alone and pitiful.  Love is lifting me to new heights.  From these new heights I have a much better vantage point than I ever have before in my life.  What has love done in your life? Are you allowing love to determine your thoughts and actions? 

March 15, 2011

It Is What It Is

I have so much to learn when it comes to love.  I have discovered that love isn’t just that warm and fuzzy feeling, not the flush when kissed, not the longing when missing someone.  It is so much more.

The love I am talking about is still the unconditional love.  This love comes from God, it is God.  This is the love that can overcome all situations and circumstances in our lives.  This love comforts when we don’t understand what happened.  This is the love that comes in when no one can be found.  This is the love that enables us to keep living our destiny when nothing seems to be right in our life.  When people leave us; this is the love that sustains us.  This love brings folk into our life that we need and that need us.  This love is the force that overcomes depression, hopelessness, unforgiveness disappointments.   It is stronger than the strongest steel.  At the same time, it is soft as it needs to be.  It is whatever we need it to be, whenever we need it to be.  God did say, ‘I Am that I Am.” That explains it all; He is love.  I have so much more to learn about this love and I am excited about learning and experiencing it every day; all day.

March 14, 2011

Time to Forget

“I might forgive them, but I will never forget it.” How many times have we heard this statement? How many times have we said this statement?

A lot of the time when we have said this; we never intended on forgiving the person.  We may say we do, but we never do.  The same goes in our own life, we don’t forget the stuff in our past and still hold it against ourselves.  I know I have been guilty of this at times.  It is about time we do some forgetting.  We are allowing this remembering to rob of us and prevent us from forgiving.  It has also kept us from living our destiny.  We are held down by all those unforgiving memories.  Some of the things we are holding on to happened over 50 years ago, for some. It is time we let stuff go.  “I just can’t forget what they said to me,” “There is no way I can forget what they did to me.”  Again statements we hear and have said.  I have forgotten my name at times; don’t tell me we can’t forget.  We remember what we want to remember.  So why would we hang on to painful stuff, stuff that is only hurting us again and again?  We even protect these memories with walls of excuses.    I choose today to forget the harmful memories and to remember the helpful memories.  In doing this, we will be letting go of the poison that has kept us mentally and emotionally sick for years.  

March 13, 2011

Sea of Voices

Just another voice in a sea of voices.  That’s what I feel like sometimes.  Ever thought you were just one of many folk saying something but yet no hears you? That is my life at times. 

We are flooded with emails, texts, voice mails, pop ups, commercials of all sorts.  How do we decide what is real and what is just trying to take advantage of us?  I go back and read my own stuff and wonder do those that read this really believe for a second that I care about them as an individual.  It is easy to think that folk care about us as a group, but what about me, just me. Do people really care about me? I have to answer that each day.  I answer from both sides of the question. Do folk care about me and do I care about you.  The day that I say no to either one is the day that I need to stop what I am doing.  If I don’t care about you then I will stop living my destiny.  My destiny is about you.  To encourage you, to inspire you to live your destiny.  I still have to work on my people skills around those I don’t know. I have a long ways to go, but I will do it.  So the question to ask yourself is “do I care about others”? The response from me to you is, “Yes, I do care about you.” There are no strings, agendas, or motives attached.  So know that you aren’t alone and you are prayer for everyday. 

March 12, 2011

Confused About Love

I am amazed at times how my life goes.  I know you probably feel the same about your life too.  

For most of my life I only loved people to get what I wanted.  My relationships were based on what I could get from that person.  It wasn’t like I thought about that, but it turned out to be the case now that I look back.  There are times that people knew this was the case, but they didn’t seem to mind. I guess they were getting what they wanted from me in return.  Many times what I did and how I treated people was just wrong, but I continued to do so.  Now, I have made dramatic changes in my heart and mind.  I love folk for who they are and who they can become.  I see what they can be and hopefully will be.  The thing is, now I get treated worse than I ever did when I was acting wrong.  It’s like people are confused because I have no agenda or motive for myself.  I am don’t think I am being done wrong or having pity party, but it has been somewhat confusing.  I think I am getting a handle on it now.  Unconditional love is so rare that folk don’t know what to do with it.  They don’t know how to handle it.  I just bet you know exactly what I am talking about.  Many of you are going through this same thing right now. It almost like people are more comfortable being used with agenda filled love rather than to be loved unconditionally.  What’s the solution? What’s the answer? Keep on loving unconditionally.  If people reject you it’s ok, keep on anyways.  

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