Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: April 2011

April 10, 2011

Offense Will Come

No matter we do in life; offense will come.  It seems like today though folk get offended so much easier.  I believe it’s because of our low self esteem and so man insecurities.

We get offended so easy these days.  Someone can say or do the least little thing and we get hurt by it.  This in a large part is due to us having insecurities and a terrible self image of ourselves.  Then how we act when we get offended is unreal. We either shut down and half nothing to do with that person or we go off on them.  Why not attempt to make things right? Why not just let them know in a polite, loving way what was done and how we feel? It’s time we start mending relationships and not tearing them apart.  It’s time we come together and stop breaking camp.  When we drop our pride and start humbling ourselves we will see much better results. We may still get offended but it won’t have anything to stick to.  Another area I have to work on is not being hurt when someone cuts me out of their life. If I have offended you in any way I am deeply sorry, but I won’t hold on to it any longer.  If you have chosen to cut me out and not talk to me; then that’s the way it will be.  There is no more I can do but to apologize and attempt to mend things.  No more being help hostage by offense.  Take the high road and do the right thing today. Do your part to love and make things right with folk in your life.  Forgive those that have offended you and let that offense go.  Don’t give the enemy of offense anything to stick to in your life.  Be free of offense today!

April 9, 2011

Watch Your Mouth

There are days, most days probably, that I need to have my mouth washed out with soap.  Not for cussing, but for just saying the wrong thing, the wrong way, at the wrong time.

Sometimes I have shot my mouth off before I realize what I have said.  Then it just gets worse and worse.  90% of the time I really didn’t mean any harm by what I said, but the damage is still done.  Once we have released words into the atmosphere; there is no getting them back.  The damage we do with our hurtful words takes a lot to heal.  I have read that it takes 10 good comments to equal just 1 negative comment.  I really am working on my words and the tone that I use when I talk.  It is my desire to speak healing, encouraging, hope filled words.  I apologize if at any time my words have hurt you.  I am very sorry if I ever said anything harmful to you.  With you to help hold me accountable I know I can do this.  Also, with the help of my awesome wife and wonderful daughter I will eliminate the negative stuff that has been coming out my mouth.  I hope that you will join with me today in making our words helpful not harmful. 

April 8, 2011


I have done my best not to preach at you while writing each day.  I didn’t want to come across as trying to just share my point of view of the issues.  However, I have really been convicted to share more of about Jesus in my writing.

I have been chastised for not being more spiritual in my writing.  Religious people want me to be more condemning.  They want me to show less grace, mercy and love.  I should hammer folk because they have issues in their life.  Hey, that ain’t going to happen.  There was a time when I had no mercy or grace, but those days are long gone.  Yeah, I want you to live for Jesus, but you have to make that decision.  I don’t condemn you or judge you for anything.  I will never try to shove Jesus down your throat, but I will offer His love, forgiveness, mercy, grace and hope to you.  I know that some won’t like that, but I have to do what I feel in my spirit I must do.  I will write what the Holy Spirit inspires me to write.  Trust me, you don’t want to hear my opinion.  Thank you for being so understanding.  I love each one of you and I do believe you have an awesome destiny and purpose.  God has a great plan for your life, but so does the devil.  I want to encourage you to choose God’s plan and not the enemy’s plan.  Make today the greatest day of your life! 

April 7, 2011

Don't Believe a Lie

Do you ever doubt yourself? Do you wonder if you have the right stuff? Do you ever think about if you are good enough? Yeah, I do.

If we dwell on these thoughts too long we will start to believe a lie.  The lie being we aren’t good enough, no one will ever love us, we are useless and so on.  I will be the first to admit that these thoughts still come at me.  However, we have to know the truth.  We have to know that we do have what it takes, we are good enough, and we are loved.  Listen, you would not have been born and you would not be alive today you weren’t full of destiny and purpose.  You may not be where you need to be today, but I believe you are well on your way.  Together we will live our destiny.  Get your thought life lined up with the truth.  You are awesome, you are able, you are wonderful.  There is a plan for your life and it is a great plan.  You were created for significance.  You were put here on earth for a reason.  Today is your day! Let’s do this! You can do it! Yes, you can!

April 6, 2011

Learning the Truth

God is for us; not against us.  I have seen Him do too much in my own life to believe that He is mad at us and against us.  I am sure I have disappointed Him many times, but He still loves us.

For all I know you may not even believe in God, but He does He believe in you.  For years, I was taught that God was a mad, old man that was just waiting for me to mess up so He could bust my chops.  I gave Him many opportunities to bust my chops! I developed a mindset that no matter what I do, God is mad at me and I will never meet His expectations of me.  No matter what I did; it was never good enough for God; was what I was taught.  I was always told all the things I could not do.  Never told of what I could do with my life.  Never told of destiny and purpose. I was never told that despite my faults, mistakes, wrong choices that He loved me.  Know that God loves you! He has His eye on you, not in a condemning way, but in a loving way.  You are the apple of His eye.  He cherishes you. He has a great plan for your life, not to bust you up, but to lift you up.  It is time we get the truth of the matter. What does God think about us? How does He feel about us? What sort of plan does He have for our life? I think many of us will be surprised when we see the whole truth.  God does loves us and has great things in store for us.  Make the decision today to find and live in the truth.  

April 5, 2011

Our Purpose

There is no greater legacy than to help someone else win. Today, look for ways to use your influence. Help others rise up higher. Sow good seeds because they will come back to you. When you help others win, God will make sure you are surrounded by people who will help you win in return.

There is no greater legacy than helping others win.  When we put aside our personal agenda to help another person live their destiny; it will come back to us in greater proportion.  All through the Bible, God talks about loving others, caring for others, being a friend to others, and so on.  This is a mission for all of us.  Often times we get so caught up in our own world that we don’t see the whole picture.  It is not until we start giving of our self that we will see the results of the blessing.  I don’t know anyone that doesn’t want to live in the blessings of God, but we have to do our part.  Our part is to life in our destiny and our destiny is all about others.  Use what you have been given; your gift and talent to serve those around you.  The results will be far beyond your wildest dreams. It goes against the world mindset; to give first and then receive.  To set aside our agenda or better yet; make our agenda to serve.  Beyond servant minded and you will see you destiny unfold right before your eyes.  Today is your day to break out of old mindsets and begin to see your destiny.  

April 4, 2011

A Walk of Faith

I want to remind you that; Yes, God does love you and has a great plan for your life. You have not been forgotten about or abandoned.  You still have much to accomplish in your life.

I don’t think I am alone when I feel like I am wasting my time doing what I do.  There are times when I too want to give up; that; ‘what’s the use,’ attitude tries to jump up inside me.  There are times when we feel abandoned and like there is no more purpose in us.  This is not true though.  It may look like it, but that does not make it true.  There are days when we have to walk in faith because nothing else is true.  I have found that for me and my family; we walk by faith everyday.  There are no days off from faith.  We have to trust in the fact that we have a purpose and a plan for our lives.  God has not forgotten us, nor is He finished with us.  Shake off the blues and get your eyes on the plan.  Make whatever corrections you need to make in your life and see the clouds disappear.  As long as there is breath in your body there is also purpose.  You are needed and wanted.  You are cared about and prayed for every day.  Today has the potential to be your greatest day ever and remember; tomorrow looks even better. Decide today to walk in faith and know you do have a destiny and purpose in life.

April 3, 2011

Looking Up to See Down

Sometimes we may in a position where we have to look up to be able to see down. That is the time we need to look up, get up and go up. No matter how bad our life may seem to be; we are going to succeed.

Hey, we all are going to face difficulties in life; that’s a no brainer.  It is how we deal with these situations that will determine the quality of our life and how far we go in our destiny.  Get around people and listen to folk that have overcome adversity in their life.  Read and listen to books of inspirational people.  In my case and my family; we make the Bible final authority in our life.  You have to have something to stand on, something to believe that won’t let you down.  When the storms come, and they will come, we have to have a firm and stable foundation to stand on or we won’t make it through.  Too many people are getting messed up by the storms.  When we have our life based on a firm foundation we won’t give up.  Besides, we have come to far to give up now.  We been through too much to quit at this point.  Today is your day of victory.  Today is your day to overcome.  Take the limits off your life.  Today is your day to start walking in your blessing and destiny.  

April 2, 2011

Corrective Lens

The challenges we face in life will determine the champions in life.  There are many that see challenges as a reason to give up and others see them as a way to go up. Which are you?

Some people see their addictions as a reason to quit and throw in the towel.  Some see their spouse not loving them the way they should as a reason to walk away. Some people see their weaknesses as an excuse to not try anymore.  The challenges we face in life are not to stop us from living our destiny, but they are there to strengthen us.  Those that stay the course will be champions.  It is all in how we see the challenges of life.  What is your perspective of your life challenges? It may be that you just have to change your angle of view.  When we see our challenges for what they really are; then we will use them to our advantage and not let them cause us to give up.  Nobody said life would be easy, but when we see life from the right perspective it does get a lot easier.  Make the decision today to get your perspective corrected and become a champion.  Decide today to live your destiny and to never, never give up.  You are an awesome person. 

April 1, 2011

Indecent Exposure

When we bring attention to other folks faults, issues & insecurities; we are only bringing attention to our own.  It is our own mess that makes us try to bring attention to other people’s mess. 

I have seen that as long as others can keep the spotlight on us and expose our weaknesses; then that enables them to stay in dark; their weak areas hidden.  I have come to the conclusion that it is okay with me if folk want to point out my issues and such.  I now know that it is better to be transparent.  A major characteristic of integrity is to be transparent.  I don’t want to have any more secrets in my life.  When we take this stance then we become more secure in who we are and we don’t have a need to expose others.  Not that we try to cover up other folk’s issues.  We don’t make excuses for ourselves or others, but we come to terms with our past mistakes.  We in turn, encourage others to work through their issues, insecurities, and faults.  We do strengthen them and stand with them.  Rather than pointing out their weaknesses we point out their strengths.  This is the position I have decided to take in my life.  I encourage you to do the same.  Let’s protect one another and strengthen one another. 

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