Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2014

May 11, 2014

Showing Some Love

I’ve heard it said that you can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.

Love isn’t just about our words or thoughts; it’s about our actions. Love is about reaching out and meeting the needs of others. Sometimes meeting someone’s needs is as simple as a smile or sharing a word of encouragement. There are many ways to show the love of God. Can you pay for someone’s gas or groceries? Do you see a need in someone’s life that you can meet? God wants to bless you today so that you can be a blessing to others. He wants to work through you to show His love and compassion. Today and every day, look for ways to put your love into action. The Bible says that it’s His kindness that leads people to repentance. He wants to show His kindness in the earth through you. Step out and sow good seeds of love by meeting the needs of others. God promises that those seeds will produce an abundant harvest in your life in return. Are you showing the love today?

May 10, 2014

Past is Past

It has been said, “Don’t let your past stop your destiny.”

In other words, don’t let the way somebody treated you, or what they did or didn’t give you keep you from pressing forward and becoming all that you were created to be.  The people who raised you may have had addictions, but that doesn’t have to be your future. You can be the one to break that negative cycle. Your parents may have had anger issues or never amounted to much, but you don’t have to keep letting that curse be passed from generation to generation. You can be the one to say, “No more. This is a new day! I may have had an unfair past, but I’m not going to have an unfair future. I know God put a blessing on me before anybody could put a curse, and I’m not going to let my heredity stop my destiny.” Are you ready to get past your past and into your destiny?


May 9, 2014

Paying Attention

In order to live the life of a champion you have to be very selective about what you give your time and attention to.

You have to recognize which thoughts to ignore, which comments to ignore, and sometimes, which people to ignore. Every “battle” that comes across your path is not a battle that you’re supposed to fight. Many battles are simply distractions to try to lure you off course. If that battle is not between you and your God-given destiny, it’s a battle you should ignore. Many people get thrown off course because they are always trying to straighten everyone else out or win their approval. But if that’s your focus, you are wasting valuable time and energy that you should be using to pursue your dreams. Turn away from that distraction! You don’t need the approval of everyone around you! It’s very freeing when you realize you don’t have to fight every battle. You don’t have to straighten people out. You don’t have to pay somebody back. Instead, focus on what matters, focus on what is important so you can live in peace and happiness every day of your life. Are you giving attention to the right things and people today?


May 8, 2014

No More Offense

To see ourselves positively, we tend to put others down so that we can feel good in comparison.

When we are insecure and don’t know the truth about ourselves we will do what is necessary to make up the difference. In many cases, to make ourselves feel good we put others down. We try to bring others down to make us feel better. The answer is to find the truth, not facts, or what others have said about us. Often times, someone will offend us, because we don’t know the truth.  When this happens we will put them down to self-medicate our hurts. People are so easily offended today. We all so concerned about what others think, but we don’t have any idea of what really matters. No one has given us the truth, so now we all say the truth hurts. So does a shot when you are sick, but it helps in the healing process. Instead of being offended by what others say, let’s learn the truth about who we are. Those that know the truth are much less likely to be offended. Are you easily offended today?


May 7, 2014

Thinking on Higher Things

Are you ready to live a more fulfilling, successful, purpose-filled life?

Then I want to teach you the importance of having a positive mindset and learn how to stay in control of your mind. You have to set your mind on higher things and keep it set. The higher things are the positive things. You see, you control the doorway of your mind. Yet many times, people live on autopilot, letting their thoughts just roam free. But if you want to become all you were created to be, you have to choose the right thoughts. It’s easy to let your mind go toward to negative. There is negativity all around you everyday. The key is to find the positive in every bad situation. This is what separates the champions from those that complain. Champions will find the positive and focus on it. I’m not saying that you ignore the negative, but you have to have the positive mindset and perspective. Take the high road by thinking on the higher things. Be a champion with a champion mindset. Are you thinking on positive things today?


May 6, 2014

DNA of a Champion

It’s easy to go through life thinking that we’re average; we’re ordinary.

“There’s nothing special about me. I’m just one of the six billion people on earth.” No, when God created you, He put a part of Himself in you. You could say that you have the DNA of a Champion. You are destined to do great things, destined to leave your mark on this generation. The truth is, there is nothing average about you; but too many times we don’t realize who we are. We focus on our weaknesses or what we don’t have. We focus on the mistakes we’ve made or the family from which we’ve come. We end up settling for mediocrity when we were created for greatness! If you’re going to break out of average, you need to remind yourself every day, “I have the DNA of God. Greatness is in my genes. I come from a bloodline of champions.” If you’ll have the attitude of a champion, you’ll live the life of a champion and boldly embrace the blessings He has in store for you. Are you ready to be the champion you were created to be?


May 5, 2014

Champion Mind

Anyone can develop a world champion state of mind.

We constantly have private conversations with ourselves, and now and then we listen in on them. These thoughts determine much of our world. A thought will pop into our head, we don’t know why or where it came from, and yet at that point it directs what we do. These entire acts are initiated almost as soon as the thoughts pop up, accidental thoughts. Eat that; buy this, say that. And so, people will sit down, and without any consciousness, clear out the food in front of them, and then wonder what it tasted like and maybe even who ate it: unconscious living. A key to living effectively is being conscious; don’t let your mind run wild like a young child in a toy store. The key is higher consciousness, being aware of the workings of your mind; think about what you are thinking about. Instead of walking around being controlled without awareness, actually start a conversation with you, even externalize the conversation, talking to yourself as if you are two people. Ask “What am I saying to myself?” “Am I saying, ‘I have to have that pizza”. “That person offended me,” “This is awful,” or even “Please hit that person with lighting” At this time, have a positive argument with yourself (“Is it really awful?”) or (“Do I have to have that pizza or do I want it?”). We have to become alert to control ourselves and to ask questions of ourselves. Healthy people ask themselves questions and they align their personal truths with facts. For example, a healthy person asks, “Did that person really offend me or in some way did I give him permission?” “Why is their opinion so important?” “Is this person’s opinion reality or just a person’s opinion?” “Why should I surrender my well-being to someone else?” What are you saying to yourself today?


May 4, 2014

Be An Example

When others look at your life, what do they see?

Does your daily life win the respect of others? As a person of destiny and purpose you are closely watched. You are called to a higher standard. The way you live your lives should be an example for others. Your daily life should win the respect of others. That simply means to always take the high road and live a life of excellence. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of gratitude. Remember, you will become like who ever you spend the most time with. Be sure to take the time to do things right, the right way, for the right reason. You are very valuable and needed. Be the example of excellence for others to follow. How do others see you today?


May 3, 2014

Sharpen Your Ax

Develop the dedication and self-discipline that you need to power through the grind it takes to succeed.

For a long time I was one that wanted to be successful, help people, and make a difference. However, I wanted to do it all in one week. Like many people I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to be at the top of my game overnight. I see this in many people today. The problem is, if you get the top overnight, you won’t stay there very long. We need to experience and wisdom that comes from the dedication and self-discipline it takes to be the best. Being the best at being you is a daily grind type of thing. It takes working daily at being the best. You have to sharpen the ax if you want to cut wood. What I mean by that is; you have to daily work on your gift. Study, reading, listening to podcast or books to learn more about what you do. Set you mind to doing what it takes to be your best and the results will come. Be dedicated to it and have the self-discipline to carry it out. You got what it takes to be a difference maker. Are you ready to sharpen your ax?


May 2, 2014

It’s Possible

Are you facing something today that seems impossible?

With man it may be, but with God, ALL things are possible. If you seem to be in an impossible situation, get “with God!” Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on our problems and try to solve them in our own strength. Remember, the battle belongs to God. He has a plan for your victory. He has a plan to give you a way out. He is making the things that seem impossible, possible. You can trust Him today. The Bible says that He has plans for your good, not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Start believing and saying today, “I am with God, and with God all things are possible!” Are your bills piling up? With God, all things are possible. Do your relationships need healing? With God, all things are possible. Is there sickness in your body? With God, all things are possible! Are you believing for the impossible today?


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