Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 6, 2011


Get the strife out of your life right now! A home, marriage, business, relationship, or team can’t stand if they are divided. Get the truth and love in there today!

It has been many different ways; ‘that a house divided will fall.’  This is the case in many different types of houses.  The strife or division can be in us.  If we are not doing what we were put here to do; then there is division inside of us.  We are divided in our heart.  There is division or strife in our minds and even in our bodies.  Any time we are not lined up with our destiny and purpose then there is some division in us.  To eliminate division from your life know the truth and love today.  Without truth and love operating in our life each day, we are going to have division.   How do we get the division and strife out of our life? We put in truth and love.  Truth and love will drive out division.  When we have perfected love in us, then we won’t have strife.  Perfect love eliminates strive.  Begin replace division and strive with truth and love today.  See your home, marriage, relationships, team and business go new levels.  Today is your greatest day ever!

December 5, 2011


There are times in our life that we get all tired; tired of trying to make it financially, tired of dealing with a sickness, tired of raising a difficult child, tired of being lonely, waiting for our break to come.  

We can even be doing the right thing, the thing we love, living in the house of our dreams, raising great kids, in the best school, best job, but if we are not careful we can lose our passion and get tired.  The problem is if you allow yourself to lose focus, you will be tempted to quit, to quit growing, quit standing for that child, quit believing to get healthy, or quit pursing your goals and dreams.  That’s why you have to keep pushing forward and believing. Don’t give up when your breakthrough is right around the corner.  God promises He will renew your strength.  You will be able to do the things you were created to do.  When we stay focused and trust God we will see our situations turn around. Today is your day to get your second wind and grow.  

December 2, 2011

Building Up

With so many people in the world telling us we can’t succeed, we need to hear people telling us we can. Too often we think it’s our role to inject a dose of “reality” into someone’s life. We think it’s our job to protect people from the pain of failure and defeat. We think we must point out how bad the economy is and how horrible the job market is and how the sky is falling. We think that dreams were meant for others.

I say there are enough pessimists and “realists” in the world. The world doesn’t need more negativity and impossible thinkers. The world needs more optimists, encouragers, and inspirers. The world needs more people to speak into the hearts of others and say “I believe in you.” “Follow your passion and live your purpose.” “If you have the desire then you also have the power to make it happen.” “Keep working hard.” “You’re improving and getting better. Keep it up.” “The economy is tough but you can still grow your business.” “The job market is not great but I believe you’ll find the right job for you.” “We’ve hit a lot of obstacles but we’ll get the project finished.” “Even if you fail it will lead to something even better.” “You’re learning and growing.” I encourage you today to encourage someone during your day.

October 7, 2011

Give Me a Break

Today give someone a break, a hand up, hope, forgiveness, smile, and love. Make a person feel like they are appreciated and cared about.

So many times we see people use others to get their way, to make it their goal, to make it to the top.  Today we are going to make a change in that perception. Let’s help others make it their goal. Let’s give those around us a hand up, give them hope, and forgiveness.  I often hear people say, “Will, I ever catch a break?”  Make it happen today. Offer what you have to them; a smile, pat on the back, and appreciation.  People around you right now, just need a little encouragement, a little pick me up.  It’s great to be able to take our minds off our problems, but it is even greater to get our problems completely out of our minds.  Make a huge difference in people’s lives today.  Give a them a break, hand up, hope, forgiveness, smile and a little love. You can change someone’s life today!

October 6, 2011

Story Time

We all have a story to tell. No one wants to be left out, abandoned, unwanted or unappreciated. Take the time today to listen to someone’s story. Show them the love, the appreciation, and the love that we all desire.

The more I am involved in writing this blog, book projects, and other stuff, the more I see that it is a fact; we all have a story to tell.  Many people’s story is full about hurt, disappointment, failure, and pain.  That’s where we can offer the healing, hope, forgiveness, and love to those who’s story is not happy for now.  Take time to show those around you today that they are accepted, appreciated, and care about.  Also, know that your dreams do count, your gift does count, your life does count.  You are very much loved and appreciated today; right now!

October 5, 2011

Stand Strong

Do you ever find yourself avoiding a difficult situation? Many people today run when things get hard. They run from their problems. They run from responsibility. They run from people they don’t like. They run from the past. They run from anything that makes them uncomfortable. Instead of facing the issue and dealing with it, they look for the path of least resistance, which isn’t the path to victory. If we are going to embrace all that God has for us, we have to learn how to face our challenges head on.

God wants us to stand strong, set our faces like a flint, and fight the good fight of faith. And the good news is you don’t have to do it in your own strength! God is on your side. He’s equipped you with His supernatural power to overcome every obstacle.Today, know that God is with you. He is for you. You are equipped to overcome. Stand strong, stand in faith, knowing that you will see the salvation and deliverance of Almighty God in every area of your life!

August 5, 2011

Look Here Now

Having the right perspective in life will lead you to your destiny. Check your perspective & make sure you’re focused on the right thing.

When we get our focus off line we will miss the mark; our destiny. When our perspective is all the negative things going on in and around our life we will not have a positive influence on others.  It just takes a small adjustment in our perspective to make things line up in our destiny.  When we have a disagreement with someone; take the time to look at it from their perspective.  A minor, small change in perspective can lead to major, large change in your life.  When we think we have it bad, just look at it from someone who has it worse than you do.  Perspective is a major key in reaching your goals and destiny.  Take a look at the way you look at things today.  

August 4, 2011

The Right Perspective

It is often easy to see the best in others, but it is also important to start seeing the best in yourself.  You were, after all, created in the image of God.

Most people are there own worse critic.  We see everything that is wrong with ourselves.  It is time that we start to develop a healthy, Godly self-image.  It is time we start to see ourselves the way He sees us.  When we see ourselves as not good enough, not pretty or handsome, not smart, not talented, then we are saying that God made a mistake when He created us.  This is not true.  You were not a mistake. You do have what it takes to accomplish your destiny.  When we have the right perspective of ourselves, then others too will have the right perspective of us.  It is time we see ourselves the right way.  Today is a great day in your life!

July 13, 2011

Making Changes Today

Do you expect the best out of life or have you just settled in your mind; it will not get any better than this? Never settle for less than the best.

When we continue to have set backs in our life, we can get a mindset of ‘it will never get any better than this’.  “My best days were so long ago.  I might as well just get used to it cause nothing is ever going to change.” Mindsets and paradigms can be hard to change.  That is how the enemy to our life keeps us bound up and defeated.  When we begin to change ourselves and stop trying to change the circumstances and those around us; we will see the change we were looking for in the first place.  We all have mindset changes that we need to make today.  Begin to see yourself well, whole, complete.  See yourself coming out of debt, breaking bad habits, getting in shape.  See yourself the way you were meant to be and make that a goal in your everyday life.  Make small improvements every day and those will lead to major positive changes in your life.  Today can be your greatest day and tomorrow really can be even better.

July 10, 2011

How We See Others

In today’s culture, we don’t often hear the word esteem used very much, but, the Bible tells us to esteem and delight in one another. One definition of esteem is to hold in high regard. That means we are to honor and value one another. Even if we don’t always agree with one another, even if they don’t necessarily act honorably, we are to honor and esteem others because they are valuable in the eyes of God.

Think of it this way: if you had a costly and valuable piece of jewelry, you wouldn’t just wear it to the gym or leave it on the kitchen sink. No, you would treat it carefully. You would put it in a safe place and protect it. Well, when we see others as valuable the way God sees them, we will treat them carefully as well. We should be careful in the way we talk to others. We should look for the good in them and honor them for who God made them to be. The Bible tells us that the way we treat others is like sowing seed, and it will come back to you. Choose to esteem and delight in one another. Sow good seeds, and you will see a harvest of blessing in your own life in return!

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