Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 23, 2014


The end result you desire will reveal what must be done in the present–a standard operating procedure–to reach that specific result.

When someone ask me to help them with a life decision such as; college, work, relationship, I ask them where they want to be in 5-10 years. Then we work backwards from there. We then develop a SOP, standard operating procedure. This will become their process. I pass this on to you. Start with your destination in mind. Reverse thinking. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Ask yourself, where do you want to live, what clothes, what do you drive, where do you work. All of these questions will put together the puzzle of your destiny. The answers will help you design your process. There is a plan designed for your life. Look to your gift/talent to learn the plan. God has a specific purpose for you. Make sure you ask the right questions. Be honest with your answers. Be flexible with your plan. But stick with your process everyday. Do you know your SOP?

March 21, 2014

Your Daily Process

To be consistent over time, you must be able to describe your routines as a process.

Your life is made up of small daily routines. Who you are and become will be determined by these routines. Your routines collectively make up your process. Your life is basically a sum of your routines; your process. If you want to to be successful you have to repeat your process each and every day. Consistency is the key here. You have to have a process that is simple enough that you can repeat it without giving it much thought. Your process will determine the level of success you will have. Develop your daily routines today. Make sure your process is positive and productive. Never day a take off from your process. There are somethings that you need to do everyday.  Never take your process for granted. It will make a difference in your life. As a member of several National Championship teams I have experienced the benefits of a well thought out but yet simple to repeat personal process. What is your daily process?


November 24, 2013

Living Your Process

Believe and trust the process. Get rid of any and all self-doubts.

Learning to walk in your destiny is a process. The first step is to get a vision, a clear picture that you can see. The next step is to trust  — to believe in faith that it will happen. Then finally, you take a step of faith and live out what God has promised no matter what your circumstances or people around you have to say. First you dream it, than you believe it, and then you live it. Every dream I’ve ever had has followed this same pattern. We see in history that even great men and women walked through this process. They had to overcome doubts, they struggled on their journey, but they held on to what they knew wast their destiny and purpose in life. Today, if you are having a hard time believing what God has promised will come to pass, understand that you are in a process. Don’t empower doubt with your words. Instead, keep declaring that He who promised is faithful! Keep the vision in front of you knowing that it is for an appointed time. Dream it and believe it because it won’t be long until you are living the blessed life God has prepared for you. Are you keeping your destiny dream alive today?


September 13, 2013

Be Smart

Be patient after failure, and be smart. Tweak your process, but drastic measures are rarely necessary.

Having a process that you use in life will not guarantee that you don’t experience failure. As long as you are making a difference, working toward your destiny, and climbing your personal mountain you will go through the valley of failure. When you experience failure that is a good time to make some changes in your process. Usually small changes are all that are necessary. Sometimes we want to make all kinds of major, drastic changes that we will never be able to maintain. I understand that there will be times when major changes are needed. However, when you take a good honest look at your life and your process; chances are you will see that only a few small adjustments are needed. I have had major failures in my life and changes were made. However, small incremental changes have made a major difference. You are making a difference in your world. Don’t let failure knock you out of the game permanently. Don’t let those who try to tell you that you are not good enough stop you. Keep getting back up, dust yourself off, tweak your process and get back in the game. Do you need to make some small changes in your life today?


August 5, 2013


So what keeps me focused on the important stuff? My belief in my process and in my system.

What do you believe in that you are able to do day after day? What keeps you focused on the important tasks that you need to accomplish each day? I recommend, no matter your age, that you develop a process, a system that you are able to repeat day in and day out. We talk about focusing on your process quite a bit here at the University of Alabama. Each person has their own unique process that connects into the whole system. We have team goals but each person has individual goals that will enable the team to reach its goals.  The point is, you too, should have a personal process.  Stay focused on your process and never stop working it. There are times when we have to tweak our process, sometimes even day to day, but we never loose sight of the process. Keep it simple and easy to work  each day. Don’t complicate your process to the point you get lost and bogged down and don’t even remember what you were supposed to be doing. The process starts here with me; should be your mantra. Do you have a process?


July 17, 2013

Dedicated and Loyal

Commitment is your dedication to your purpose. It is unwavering display of loyalty to the process.

To be a person of destiny you must be committed to your purpose. In living out your purpose you will have a process to work. You must stay with your process no matter what the cost. Your purpose and process and tied together. Neither is more important than the other, but both are vital to your destiny. God has given you a purpose and has a plan for your life. The plan is your purpose and process. He knew before you were born what you were going to do in life. Your life is a masterpiece waiting to be completed. Each day you live is another day closer to finishing your masterpiece. Don’t give up on your purpose and don’t ever stop working your process. Even when it looks and feels like nothing is happening in your life; keeping going. Don’t ever give up; finish the masterpiece that is your life. You do have what it takes and you are good enough to make a difference. Make today a hallmark day in your life by making a difference in someone else’s life. Stay dedicated to your purpose and loyal to your process. Are you dedicated and loyal today?


May 10, 2013


Change is not part if life; change IS life. If you accept change, and take advantage of it, you will develop your process.

In life, we all go through a pruning process. God will prune our lives so that we can bear much fruit. To “prune” means something is cut away, something is removed. In other words, maybe a good friend that you counted on moved to another city. Maybe a business shut down that you were connected to, or a relationship went a different direction. God knows what you need in your life in order to grow and flourish. Sometimes when things happen that we don’t understand, we have to just trust that He is working behind the scenes preparing you for increase, preparing you to go to another level. Don’t put a question mark where God has placed a period. When you’re going through transition, don’t get bitter. Don’t get down and think it’s the end. Don’t start thinking that you’re a failure. Have the attitude, “God, I let this go knowing that it was only temporary provision, and what You have in my future will be greater than what I’m letting go of.” If you will accept the change, God will open new doors. He will bring new opportunities, new friendships, and take you to another level. Are you accepting the changes in your life today?


May 8, 2013

Don't Ever Give Up

When you get discouraged, feel like giving up, especially when you are working so hard, but nothing is working; keep working your process.

Are you believing God for something that seems to be taking a long time? In the natural, you may have every reason to give up on what God has placed in your heart. At times, you may be tempted to get discouraged, but remember, God knows exactly where you are. He knows the desires He’s placed within you. He knows even the hidden dreams — what the Bible calls the secret petitions of your heart. Those are the things that you haven’t told anyone about. Maybe you thought they would never work out, or you’ve buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. But God still has a way to bring them to pass. Be encouraged today because God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t settle for mediocrity because God knows what’s in you, and His plan is to finish the work He began in you. Does this describe you today?


April 9, 2013

Belief in Your Process

The single greatest difference between process, growing people and those who aren’t is the belief that they can learn, grow, and change.

Too often, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way over and over every day. But if we are going to live at our absolute best, we should constantly be growing and sharpening our skills. We should strive to learn and grow every single day because when you stop learning, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. What are you doing to stretch yourself? What are you doing to improve your skills? Don’t get trapped into thinking that “good enough” is good enough. You were created for more than just average. Today is a new day, and there are new heights for you to climb. Pursue what you love and keep developing that area of your life. Take a class or find a mentor that will help you live skillfully. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and higher. You will stand before leaders and rulers, and you’ll live the blessed life God has in store for you. Are you learning, growing and changing?


March 3, 2013

Moving Out

Look forward. Discouragement, resentment, guilt, and depression are emotions connected with looking at the past–what you are coming from.

Where have you pitched your tent today? In other words, what are you expecting to happen in your life this year? What kind of attitude do you have? If your thoughts are stuck and you’re focusing on what’s wrong or what’s not working, then it’s time to dig up your tent stakes! It’s time to pack up your belongings and move out of the land of discouragement. It’s time to move out of the “Not-going-to-happen.” It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation! Every time you catch a negative thought and choose to dwell on God’s promises, it’s like you are packing your bags. Every time you declare God’s faithfulness, you are taking a step in the right direction. The Bible says that those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame. As you turn your focus toward your process, you are pitching your tent in the Land of Hope — a land where His peace, blessing and victory are all staying. Where are you living today?


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