Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 30, 2013

Who Not Do

The people who find their identity in what they do, are the ones who struggle with life. The person who knows God loves them, life is good.

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Have you ever noticed that when you ask someone “Who are you?” a lot of times they’ll say, “I’m a salesman.” “I’m a teacher.” “I’m a coach.” “I’m a teacher.” Many people find their identity in what they do. The problem with this kind of thinking is that people identify themselves with their negative habits and strongholds, too. I hear people say, “I’m an alcoholic; I just can’t beat it.” No, that’s not who you are, that’s what you do. But if you keep thinking that way and talking that way, it will become so ingrained on the inside that you’ll convince yourself that it’s true, and it will keep you from rising higher. One time somebody told me, “Scott, I’m an addict.” He was embarrassed by it. He didn’t want to live that way. I told him what I’m telling you, “That’s not who you are.  It’s time to start acting like you have a destiny to fulfill.” Do you know who you are today?


April 6, 2013


Life has many intersections, opportunities to go up or down. At these intersections we make choices. Major decisions….

One major decision to make when you get to one of these intersections is; never give up; do something. Too many times, too many people give up. Just at the most important time in their life; they stop. Never give up. Not sure what to do at the intersection? Do something. Don’t ever give up. I believe in you. I know that you can do what you were created to do. You have what it takes. You can do it. Don’t let fear stop you, don’t let indecision paralyze you. Do something. You only got one shot at this thing, so make it count. Afraid you are going to make a mistake? Yeah, you will, but it’s okay. Make a mistake, many another mistake, but all the time learning from every failure and success. Learning what to do and what not to do. You are at an intersection today, make a decision and do something. I am counting on you. I know you got this. Now go to it! Are you ready to go?


April 5, 2013

Changing Labels

Throughout life, people are constantly sticking labels on you, telling you what you can and cannot become.

You have to remove the negative labels that can keep you from your destiny. People may label you as not good enough, too slow, too old, too many mistakes or wrong nationality, but God labels you strong, talented, valuable, a history maker, well able,  and more than good enough. As you remove the old labels–not believing or thinking about them anymore–the bondages that have held you back for years are going to be broken, and insecurity and inferiority are no longer going to have any effect on you. Today, begin to remove the old negative labels and replace them with the positive, correct labels. Don’t answer to the negative label name any longer, but answer to the truth, the correct and positive labels. What is your label saying?


March 26, 2013

Load Lifter Blog/Podcast

Few things are better for cultivating character and developing humility than serving others. Putting others first shows we care.

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When we live in peace and unity, it pleases God. When we love and serve others, putting their needs above our own, we are honoring Him. When we carry each other’s load, we are fulfilling the Golden Rule, which is to love others. What does it mean to carry each other’s load? There are many ways to reach out to people and help shoulder their load of life. Just by giving an encouraging word or smile, you can help lighten the load for someone. When you pray for others in their day of difficulty, you are helping to carry their problems. Maybe there are other ways to help the people around you. Maybe you can pay for someone’s groceries or give someone cash at the gas pump. Anytime you help others and reach out to those in need, scripture says you are directly lending a hand to God Himself. Today, look for ways to lighten the load for the people around you. Be a load lifter. Remember, in what you sow, you shall reap. When you help others, God promises to repay you. He’ll pour out His victory and blessing upon you all the days of your life. Are you being a load lifter today?


March 24, 2013

Treatment of Others

Here is a simple, rule of thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, now go do it for them.

The way to tell how mature you are is by the way you treat people who can’t do anything for you. We can all be kind to the boss. He may give us a promotion. We can all be friendly to the popular person at school. If they like us, everybody will be our friend. That’s easy. But if we’re going to live the way God intends, we’ve got to learn to be good to everyone. Jesus said, “When you do good to the least of these, you’re doing it unto Me.” When you go out of your way to befriend the person that everyone shuns, Jesus said, “It’s like you’re doing it unto Me.” Instead of rushing by the parking lot attendant you see at work each day, why don’t you take time to see how they’re doing? That person at the office that others ignore, why don’t you reach out to them and share the love of Jesus? We build the kingdom of God one life at a time. Show love, show His goodness, tell people about salvation through Christ. As you reach out and help others, just like a boomerang, that help will come right back to you, and you’ll move forward into the blessing and destiny He has prepared for you. Are you doing for others today?


March 23, 2013

Standing Strong Today

Are you facing a difficulty or trial that seems like it’s been lasting a long time?

Your trials are really only momentary. Compared with eternity, your troubles don’t last long at all! As you stand strong in faith during times of adversity, you are building faith and achieving success. If you are in the middle of tough times today, look to God. The Bible says that He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He is the One who writes faith on your heart and then develops it to completion on the inside of you. He is building strength in you, He is depositing joy in you, and He is empowering you to make it through. Today, be encouraged because what you are facing is only temporary. Victory is on the way, and it’s closer than you think! Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping, and keep confessing His Word because He is faithful, and He will complete what He’s started in you! Are you standing strong today?


March 19, 2013

Easy Does It Blog/Podcast

Don’t force the issue; just let it happen.

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I have a friend who has developed several top college quarterbacks who have gone on to play in the NFL. One of his favorite sayings is, “Quarterback is too hard to play hard.” In other words, when someone is doing too much or doing more than his process can handle–and thus is forcing something to happen, as opposed to letting it happen–then it never happens. You name it–marriage, parenting, teaching, stock-brokering–all are too hard to play hard. All you have to do is get your process in front of you and let it happen, not force it to happen. In other words, play easy. Truly successful people have an ease and grace about the–they make it look easy. After you declare your process, “it” should all be “easy does it.”


March 17, 2013

Keep Abiding

Character growth determines the height of your personal growth.

In life, we all have ups and downs. There are seasons that are more difficult than others, seasons of testing, trials and temptation where our character is being developed and our faith in God is being strengthened. Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward and then three steps backward. But if we’re not careful, we’ll start thinking that life is always going to be this way. Even in the strong seasons, you’ll start looking for things to go wrong. God doesn’t want us to be living life like a roller coaster. He wants to bring us to a place of stability where we remain strong in Him. Jesus said, “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain.” The word “remain” means “to be fixed, immovable, not affected by circumstances.” If you will just keep abiding in Him, just keep meditating on His Word, He’ll bring you through. He’ll make you strong, He’ll keep you stable, and you’ll keep moving forward into the life of blessing He has prepared for you. How is your character growth coming along?


March 15, 2013

Growing Season

No matter what you have gone through in life–or what you are currently going through–you have the opportunity to grow from it.

There will always be situations facing you that you don’t like. You will have the opportunity to complain, whine and make excuses about it. You will also have the opportunity to grow from it. You are heard that you grow during the tough times in your life. Take advantage of these tough times. Learn from whatever it is you are going through. It could teach you how not to go through it again. I see people, including myself, going through the same difficult seasons over and over again, because they didn’t learn and grow from it the first time. God will not put anything in your life that you can’t over come, but you will put stuff in your life that you can’t overcome. Make sure you are walking where God has instructed you to walk. Find out the plan He has designed for your life. When you are walking in God’s plan, life is much easier. It may not be easy, and that’s fine, but it is definitely easier. You can do this. You can make a difference. Your life is not a waste. Learn from where you are today. Are you learning and growing?


March 14, 2013

Victor Not a Victim

People who overcome bad experiences avoid the label of “victim” and take responsibility for moving forward.

God called Gideon a mighty man of fearless courage. Now Gideon looked around and said, “God couldn’t be talking about me. I come from the poorest family. I’m the least one in my father’s house.” Gideon saw himself as weak, defeated, and not able. But God saw him as strong, confident, and being more than a conqueror. The question is are we going to believe what God says about us, or are we going to believe what we feel, what we think, or what the circumstances look like? You may feel weak today, but God calls you strong. You may feel like a victim, but God calls you a victor. You may be afraid, but God calls you confident. You may be in debt, God calls you prosperous. You may be sick, God calls you well. You may be addicted, God calls you free. You may feel inadequate, but God calls you well able. Today, get into agreement with God. No matter what the circumstances look like, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “God, I agree with what You call me. I’m free, forgiven and full of purpose. Are you seeing yourself as a victim or victory today?


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