Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 13, 2012

Mental Toughness

As your mental toughness rises so does your confidence. These two feed off one another. When you know you can do it, no one can stop you.

We hear a lot about mental toughness, but rarely do we think we have it. It is something that you have to develop and work on. The upside to this work is that your confidence will rise as does your mental toughness. Anyone can develop mental toughness, and must if you want more confidence. I would hope that you would want to develop your mental toughness, because I want you to be more confident in yourself. Be able to endure the tough moments in your life and not all apart. Be able to help others when there is a situation around you. Mental toughness will enable you to just that. You will also have the confidence to step up and do what is necessary when it is necessary. Don’t let doubt and insecurity rob you of your confidence. Start today developing mental toughness. I believe you will love the benefits of doing this.

September 10, 2012

Not Disqualified

You have not been disqualified by your past. Your past is what does qualify you.

You have greatness inside of you. No matter what your past record may say. You don’t have to sit in the background because don’t feel qualified. The truth is this; your past is what qualifies you. The fact that you have overcome that addiction. The fact that you did reconcile that relationship. The point is you may have been knocked down in life, may be even multiple times, but you have always gotten back up. You didn’t let life may you bitter, but you have gotten better. You have taken responsibility for your past mistakes. You have made the changes in your life. You have not accepted defeat and failure. You are qualified to help others reach their destiny because you are walking out your destiny. Stay with it today. Don’t give up. You have what it takes to make a huge difference in the world. Have you doubted your being qualified in life?

September 7, 2012

Road Maps and Hiccups

It’s one thing to not like some things you do, but it’s not good to not like who you are.

You will do things in your life that you will not be happy about, but don’t let those isolated incidences determine who you are. Many people that say they don’t like who they are say so because they don’t like some of things they do. Never let your mistakes and bad choices define who you really are. There are so many things that you are doing right, but never take notice of. There will always be days when you do something that you are not proud of, but don’t dwell on those days. Ask forgiveness, learn from it and move on toward your destiny. Consider it a hiccup along the way, just a minor bump in the road. You will never be perfect but you can be the best you that you can be. Start today on being the person that you were created to be. Not trying to be something you are not. Not trying to make up for all the mistakes and things you don’t like that you have done. Get past that right now. This is the time that you were created to step out and into your purpose in life. Are there things in your life that you need to flush away and forget about? Are you ready to move forward toward your purpose and destiny today?

August 29, 2012

Who Am I

Ask someone how they doing and what do they say; “Fine” even when nothing is fine and everything is falling apart in their life. When you don’t have meaning in your life it is hard to enjoy your life. If you don’t know “who” you are admit it, but then take the time to find the meaning for your life. Take the time to find your purpose, your passion, your destiny. When you are trying to find the meaning to your life; it may look like nothing is ever going to happen. You may think you will never find the answer to the question; “who am I”?  Don’t be discouraged if you are struggling with this today. Everybody goes through this season at one time or another. Some people go through this season more than once in their life. Take the mask off and be real about where you are in life, the season that you are in, and what you are struggling with today. When we are honest, open and real we will have less stress and be more apt to find the answers to these life questions.  Do you know “who” you are today? Are you struggling with these life questions?

August 25, 2012

Relationship Insecurity

Insecure people will try to control their relationships to make it look like they are secure.

Have you ever had someone try to control you in a friendship? Made you think that they had it all together all the time and the fact that you didn’t made them stronger than you? We all have at some time. However, chances are the person was insecure and attempted to hide that by controlling the relationship. We all have insecurities of one kind or another. It is important that we don’t use our insecurities or let someone use theirs to control a relationship. Any relationship that is in this category will be not last and will not be healthy. Check yourself and make sure that you are not on either side of this issue. No time like today to make some changes in your friendships. If someone is trying to control you because of their insecurities it may mean you letting that person go for a period of time. If you are the one doing the controlling then release control by releasing the insecurity. Is there a relationship you are in now that is being controlled by insecurities?

August 24, 2012

The Baggage of Lies

The baggage we carry that builds strongholds in our life is based on lies. When we believe the truth; the strongholds are exposed.

There are so many people believing the lies of the enemy. When you believe the lies  for so long; you will build strongholds in your life. These strongholds are not healthy and will destroy your life. Anytime you establish your foundation on lies you have been told and led to believe; there will be no peace, joy, hope or love in your life. You will struggle in all of your relationships, because you don’t have the truth. However, there is good news! If this is you, you don’t have to stay this way any longer. When you recognize that you have strongholds built on lies then you can begin to tear them down. Establish your foundation on the truth, not facts, not lies. Not all facts are lies, but all lies are facts. The truth will be the truth no matter the situation you are facing. Build your life on and in the truth about you. There is no room for the lies of the enemy in your life any longer. Today, not tomorrow, but today is the day to lay hold of the truth. Learn the truth about your life. What does God say about you; not what the world says about you. No more feeling sorry for yourself, no more insecurity about yourself. What is the truth about you? What has God said about you?

August 23, 2012

Baggage of Guilt

Guilt can enter into your life so easily, you might not even notice. The baggage of guilt has major consequences.

When you allow guilt to hang around it will control your life. Guilt will rob you of your destiny if allowed to stay in your life. Everyone that is alive has a past, some not so good. You may have done some things in your past that you still are carrying the guilt. This guilt will be quiet until you begin to do something that makes a difference; then it pops up. It will remind you of what you did 30 years ago and 3 days ago. This guilt will cause you to stop doing some thing that will make a difference in someones life. Today is the day to get rid of the baggage of guilt. Go to God; ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself. Clean the record, clean your mind, clean your past. When the guilt tries to come back into your mind, don’t open the door to it. Don’t let the baggage of guilt back into your life ever again. You are forgiven, you are clean, you don’t need any guilt anymore. Today is the day to say “Goodbye” to your guilt. Are you carrying around guilt for something in your past? Are you ready today to let the guilt go?

August 15, 2012

Insecurity Breaker

Don’t let your insecurities override your acceptance and love for others.

When you have insecurities that are stronger than your love and acceptance for others; you will never be able to live the life you were created for. Understand that we all have ares of our life that are insecure, but the key is to be stronger than the insecurity. Love and accept who you are and then you will love and accept others. Insecurities will block your love and acceptance. If you feel they are better than you or not as good as you; then you will not have the capability to love and accept them. It is when unconditional love is your guide that you will have the freedom to love and accept yourself and others. No matter what insecurities have you today, you can overcome them. When you allow God’s love to operate in you, then all the insecurities will have to go. Just as you want to be loved and accepted; so does everyone else. Don’t let insecurity stop you today. Be the person you were created to be and love your life. Are there areas today in your life that are preventing you from loving and accepting others?


August 8, 2012

A Change of Perspective

Do you seem to be struggling in your day to day life? Is everything a hassle and nothing ever seems to work out like you thought it would?

To listen to some people talk about their life it sounds like an uphill climb in the mud with a heavy backpack. They talk about how nothing is going right for them. They mention all the negativity that surrounds them. Every day is a struggle that never seems to end. If this is your life description then I have great news for you. Life does not have to be this way.  Matter of fact, life was never intended to be this for you or me. This does not mean we will never have tough days but everyday doesn’t have to be a struggle. Most of the time all it takes is a change of perspective. Just looking at the situation from a different point of view.  Take time today to look at the situations you are struggling with and change your perspective of them. Your mindset can make the difference in the world. See yourself as the victor not the victim any longer. See yourself breaking that addiction. All you may need is just a little perspective change today. Is there a situation in you life that you need to change your perspective on today?


August 6, 2012

Judgement and Criticism

Be careful when you pass judgement, criticize and/or talk negative about someone. There will come a day when you will be judged and the same way you judged them, will be how you are judged.

When you judge someone for something they have done; then in time, the same parameters you used for them will be used on you. It is true, what goes around comes around. Be careful how you talk about other people. Be sure you give others the benefit of the doubt. There will be a time when you will want grace and mercy; remember, the amount you give is the amount you will receive. Don’t put yourself in the roll of judge and jury. Always, take the time to look at situations from different perspectives. Yours is not the only perspective there is to see from.  Take the time to show mercy, grace and love in all situations you face. You make the only person that speaks in favor of someone. One day it will be you that is asking for someone to speak positive of you. You will be asking for grace and mercy. Be a giver today of that grace, mercy, hope and love. Give it away in large amounts. Is there someone today you need to stand up for? Is there a person you have been critical of that you need to show grace and mercy toward?

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