Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 29, 2012

Encouraging Others

Encourage someone every day. Everywhere we go, we should be depositing love and hope into people’s lives.

One of the best ways to share God’s love is by encouraging others and lifting them up. Look for opportunities to make others feel good about who they are. Write them a note, send a text or an e-mail.  Let others know how you appreciate them.  Our thoughts don’t bless others until we tell them.  Love is not love until you give it away. That’s why we should be free with our compliments. If you’ll live outward–looking for those you can bless or make feel better–then those seeds you sow will always come back to you.  As you help others rise higher, God will help you rise higher too. There is no better why to demonstrate God’s love than encourage other people. Is there anyone that you can encourage today? Are there people in your life that need to be loved?


July 28, 2012

No Shame

There is no shame in failing at something, filing bankruptcy, losing again to that addiction. Not taking responsibility and being responsible is another story.

We are all going to face situations in life where things don’t go as planned. You may have failed at a marriage, lost a business, not made it through school. These things do happen, but it’s how we respond that determines whether or not we really failed. Take responsibility for your actions, your mistakes, your bad decisions. Then do what needs to be done to make things right. Sure, some people will focus on the what, but you focus on the why. When you focus on the why then the what will change. Failure is part of life, but it does not make you a failure. Don’t make excuses, just tell the truth and learn from it. There is nothing you can do about the past, but you can learn from it. Make the decision today to make peace with your past, take charge and keep moving toward your destiny. Is there an area in your life that you need to take responsibility for?


July 24, 2012

Emotional Illness

We all have that family member that has a disorder. Remember you have family members that are looking over at you, ha! In all seriousness, why do we treat people with a physically sickness differently than someone with an emotional sickness? Like I said, we all have some sort of quirk or tic that others have to deal with, so why do we treat everyone else differently? There is no one that has it completely all together. We need to learn to accept people and their quirks. We when show acceptance then we begin establishing relationship. When we have relationships that are strong, we will see a lot of our and others emotional tics go away. Many emotional and mental problems experienced by people are there because of a lack of friendships, relationships. Not all problems are going to be solved by having a friend, but it never hurts to have good healthy, strong, encouraging friends. Is there someone you know that needs a friend to come along side them to encourage them?

July 21, 2012

Embrace Transition

Transition is a place we all go to, but never seem to enjoy being there. 

We all through transitions in our life. It seems like the past few years I have lived in transition. Going through one change after another. There are few people that enjoy going through changes. However, when we learn that change is a way of life; transition is not such a bad place. There comes a time when we have to embrace change and enjoy our time in transition. With change comes growth and with growth comes transition. A change of perspective about change will make the time spent in transition more enjoyable. Learn to anticipate changes in your life before they come. Those that avoid transition are those that never grow and mature. They blame others for all their problems and failures. This is not the attitude or practice of a destiny minded, purpose-filled person. Is there an area of your life that transition is coming? Are you ready to embrace and accept change and growth?


July 19, 2012

Be Expectant

When you go about your day, are you looking for God’s favor? Do you expect His goodness to overflow?

Many people wake up and just believe to make it through the day, but God has so much more in store for you. What He has laid out for your future is more than you can imagine! What He’s got arranged for your family is more than you’ve ever even dreamed of. I believe that if you will take hold of this truth by faith, you will see supernatural doors begin to open. You’ll see promotion like you haven’t seen before! No matter where you are in life, no matter what’s happening around you, start looking for more of God’s favor. Don’t settle for where you are. Don’t settle for just barely getting by. Believe that God is good, and He wants to do more in and through you. Remember, what you seek, you will find. So go after Him first, and He will pour out His supernatural favor upon you!

July 16, 2012

Forgetting the Past

Are you determined to forget the past? Can you remove the thoughts that hold you back?

I know many people don’t fully understand what that means. They wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me?” One definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. In other words, you have to choose to disregard your past so that it doesn’t hold you back. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as our past failures can. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your past, it’s time to forget what lies behind and make the choice to look forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Trust that He who promised is faithful — as you forget what lies behind and press forward, you’ll experience His power and blessing in a fresh, new way. Are there memories you need to let go of today? Does your past keep knocking you down?

July 12, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles

When someone tells you that you are going to do great things in your lifetime; what goes through your mind?

You may feel it strong in your heart, but then your mind starts telling all the “why nots.” You believe your mind over your heart oftentimes when it comes to your destiny. “That could never happen to me.” “I will never break this addiction.” “I am not smart enough to do anything great.” “I am in too much debt to be able to help others.” “I will never accomplish my dreams.” “I am divorced so I will never have a great relationship.” Stop believing those excuses. Don’t look at what you don’t have or what you have done, and start looking at what is possible.  All things are possible with God! Get out of the rut you are in mentally and physically. You have a God-given gift inside of you. He intends on you using in His plan for your life. You are not a waste, but you are a valuable part of this world. Stay faithful to God and He will see you through all the adversity you are facing. Get focused on His plan for your life and see all the obstacles melt away. Is there anything stopping you today? What can you do to overcome all the things that seem to be in your way to living your destiny?


July 10, 2012

Says Who Podcast/Blog

Who told you that you aren’t good enough,not smart enough, not loved, not appreciated? Says who?

Click to play podcast:


Who told you that you don’t have what it takes to succeed? Who told you that the best grades you could make in school are C’s not A’s? Who told you that you are not attractive enough to have a personal relationship or talented enough to have a great career? Who told you that your marriage will never last? Who said you will never break that addiction, just learn to live with it? Who told you there was something wrong with you? Who said everything is your fault and no one will ever forgive you? They said; is the biggest lie ever told. Be very careful who you are listening to today. Your life does depend on it. The power of your life is in your words. When people are speaking negative, curse filled, demeaning words to you; get away from them. Get around those that build you up with the truth. Sure, you have weak areas and faults, but they don’t have to define you. Make the changes you need to make, no more excuses for the way you are. You have to speak words of life, truth, encouragement to yourself. There is so much power in words. If you can believe all the negative words, then you have the ability to believe the positive words. Get up from there, you are blessed and favor is with you right now.  Begin speaking up lifting words to others. Is there someone you can speak to right now to build them up? Will you use your words today to be a life speaker to someone?

July 8, 2012

Value Your Days

Sometimes, our days can be so full and busy that we forget how precious and fragile life here on earth really is.

It can be so easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy. Maybe something doesn’t go our way, or someone says something upsetting. Even traffic can cause us to get our focus off if we let it. We have to remember that each day is a gift. If we choose to focus on what’s wrong, we’ll miss the beauty that each day has to offer. I encourage you today; don’t let the precious moments of life pass you by. Don’t wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care. Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable. You have been given time that can be invested or wasted; hours that can be used or misused. That’s why the psalmist prayed to God, “Teach us to number our days.” He was saying, “Teach us to value every moment we’ve been given.” As you keep a proper perspective, you’ll gain a heart of wisdom. You’ll draw closer to God and experience the full blessing that He has for you!

July 7, 2012

Stretch Out

Don’t settle for where you are right now; stretch yourself to go to the next level right this minute.

You may be comfortable right where you are today, but it’s not where you are supposed to be.  Often times people settle for where they are in life rather than go through the effort of stretching toward their destiny.  You may have decided that you will never loss that weight, you don’t believe you can break that addiction, or get out of debt. There will be voices that tell you that you just have to life with or manage the negative aspects of your life. Never get comfortable in your mess. Take the time to prepare yourself for your destiny. Stretch yourself in areas that you have difficulties. Make yourself uncomfortable in your comfort zone and begin moving to a higher level in your life. God has an awesome plan for your life, but you have to make the effort to life it out. Take that class even though it doesn’t look like you will get the job. Start making a plan to loss the weight even though you think your metabolism won’t let you loss the weight. Start finding ways to cut back on spending so that you can get out of debt. Make the changes necessary to get out the settled and into the stretched. Do you have an area that you have settled in that you know you need to stretch in? Are you ready to stretch it out?


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