Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 21, 2012

Change Embracer

When you live the change you want to see and don’t grow tired from it, then follow through. Then inspiration will manifest itself.

Rather than waiting for and trying to make others change; be the change you want to see. The one thing that remains constant in the world is change. I don’t know anyone who really likes change, but when you live a lifestyle of change then it does become much easier. Not easy but definitely easier. Learn to embrace change and not dread it. Be the change you want to see. Once you become accustomed to change and being the change then you will get the inspiration you need to continue. Its not as difficult as it sounds. Living a change type of lifestyle is exciting. Just know that change is going to happen whether you like it or not, but it’s much better if you like it. Be a change embracer and see your life change for the better. Are you seeing some changes coming you need to embrace?


December 16, 2012

Great Encouragement

There is no better way to begin to express your own greatness than by offering encouragement to others and yourself to be your best.

Encouragement isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing out the best in others. When you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better, too! Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people God’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends. Look for ways to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bring out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up, too. Keep encouraging others today. Is there someone you should encourage today?


December 12, 2012

Words of Encouragment

Words of encouragement can affect another person’s belief system and provide a needed boost for them to succeed.

When you see someone who is struggling, a teammate who is discouraged, a friend who is not doing so good, how do you respond? Your words can be what keeps a person going; your words can put a spring back into their step. Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go. Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they’re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let’s be people who lift up others and restore them. Are you speaking words of encouragement?

December 9, 2012

Putting It All Together

Your process reminds you of your purpose. Being on purpose is no more complicated than reminding yourself of what your vision is all about.

Your process, your purpose, and your vision are each tied to the other. Your process is specifically yours, and it is tied to your purpose. Therefore, your process will remind you each day of your purpose. Your process will take you in different directions during your day, but it holds true to your purpose. These two are interwoven into your vision. Your vision is what your process and purpose are taking you toward. At times people seem to make process, purpose, and vision more complicated and complex than they really are. It’s really not that hard to understand. Look at it in backwards form. What is your vision? What will you do to reach your vision? What plan do you have to do this? That is your vision, purpose, and process. Take the time to see your vision, be intentional about you purpose and develop your process today. Do you have a process to get you to your vision?


December 6, 2012

Focus Small

Your process must focus on you: taking responsibility, control what you can in yourself, stay on purpose, and not act on feelings.

Your process is your responsibility. No one can work your process plan but you. Focus on what you are supposed to do in life. Don’t be distracted by things that aren’t for you to do. There will always be stuff you can do, but is it your place to do it? Stay on task, fulfilling your destiny and purpose in life. There are things you can control and a whole lot of things you can’t. Don’t let the stuff you have no control over mess with your mind.  Never allow your emotions to make process decisions for you. Never make major decisions when emotionally high or low. Stick to the process. Stay with your plan. Your purpose and life are too important to get off track and wonder around aimlessly. You can do this. You can focus on what you should, for as long as you should. You only get one shot at getting life right, so make it count. Aim small; miss small. Are you focused on your process today?


December 5, 2012

Process Evaluation

A process is a concrete series of thoughts, words, images, prayer, you use to mentally and physically drive yourself back to your core, foundational picture.

Everyone has some form of a process operating in their life. The difference is the quality of the process, the foundational principles of their process and how well they work their process. If you have a negative, low self-esteem, self-degrading, failure based process then you will have a difficult time in your life. Nothing will ever seem to go right for you. You will always come out on the bad end of relationships, business deals, and life in general. However, if you have a positive, God-centered, faith based, hope filled, and unconditional love based process; then nothing nor no one will be able to stop you from reaching your destiny. Also, while you are reaching your destiny, you will be making a positive difference in the lives of others. Before 2013 arrives, do a process quality check. Are you where you had hoped you would be in your life at this point? If not, then your process may need tweaking. Make sure you are speaking truth filled words, your prayers are sound and your mental images of yourself are positive. Then work your process, it won’t do it by itself. Get ready for the greatest year of your life. Is your process what it should be?


December 4, 2012

Focus on Your X

The normal conduct of life challenges your focus. You need a system of keeping your eye on the ball. Stay focused on the X on the ball.

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When I talk to football players, wide receivers in particular, I talk to them about focus. Not just go catch the ball. It’s one thing to tell someone what to do, but it’s another to tell them how to do it. Anyways, when talking to these players about focus, I tell them; “See the ball; catch the ball. Focus on the X and nothing else.” The ‘X’ of the football is where the stitching on each end of the ball comes together. It forms a small X. If they will focus on that, then they have a much better chance of catching the ball. The same goes for you and me in our lives. We have to stay focused on the task at hand. Concentrate on the small things. See a little; see a lot. See a lot; see a little. When you focus on what you are supposed to do and not on the things you have no control over; then you will succeed. There are many, many distractions in your everyday life, so trying to focus on too much is impossible. Keep it small and simple. Focus is attainable for all. Are you focusing on your ‘X’ today?


December 2, 2012

Passion for Greatness

The ability for greatness lives in all of us, and your passion is the trail that will lead you there.

You were born with greatness inside of you. It has to be developed however, and many people never do. How do you develop your greatness will be determined by your passion. You have something that you are passionate about in your life. Something that you love doing, something that you’re great at, and would do even if you had to pay to do it. You have to use your passion to develop the greatness that you were born with. Take time to determine what exactly it is you’re passion is today. What is your one thing? Then make a daily personal growth plan to develop your greatness. This is what you were created to do. This is why you are here. Don’t take it granted another day. You have an awesome purpose for your life. Your destiny depends on you developing your passion into greatness. Do you know what your passion is? Are you developing your passion into greatness?

November 28, 2012

Becoming Better

Every day we should wake up and commit yourself to becoming a better person.

You have to make becoming a better person a daily process. It has to be a major part of your process. When you work your process in this manner, you will find that you will become a better person. You will be a better friend, spouse, parent, son or daughter. You will be a better companion. All because you start each day committing to becoming a better person. When we put others first we are on our way. By giving others the benefit of the doubt we are becoming better. Not that you are better than anyone else. But you are bettering yourself. When you choose not to say anything out of anger or spite when someone is mean to you. Being a better person doesn’t mean you let others run over you, but you simply step out of the way as they go crazily by. You see when people are not nice to you, it isn’t because of you, but it is something in them. Maybe they haven’t committed to being a better person each morning. Being a better person will enable you to keep your peace when those around you have lost theirs. Today, your process should include becoming a better person. Is this part of your process?

November 26, 2012

Insecurity Thoughts

Insecurity is an ugly thing, it makes people hate other people they don’t even know.

When you have unresolved insecurity in your life, you will dislike others that are secure. Insecurity will make you jealous of others. If this wasn’t bad enough, this is even in regards to people you don’t even know. Insecurity will rob you of relationships and potential friendships. You can’t be friends with people when insecurity is controlling your life. Insecurity will make you look at others will a negative perspective. You will always think the worst of others when you have insecurity. You will not be able to look at others for what they really are, for what they offer. Insecurity will cloud your thinking. This is just one of the reasons that insecurity is so terrible. There is no joy, peace, or rest in someone that has insecurity ruling their life.  All the more reason to get insecurity out of your life today. Look at how you think about others, even those you don’t know. Are your decisions being determined by the insecurities in your life? Then make today the last day they control you.  Have you thought negative about someone because of insecurity?


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