Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2010

September 20, 2010


09 20 10 Monday

My wife, daughter and I have started doing some yoga and tai chai.  I kept hearing a word at the beginning and end of a yoga session; namaste.  I had no clue to what it meant.  A friend of mine spoke to me yesterday and the word used was; namaste.  I now know what it means.  In the most basic of terms; the spirit in me recognizes and acknowledges the spirit in you.

Namaste has became one of my favorite words. I am thinking now that when I say ‘namaste’ I am saying to you; “the destiny in me recognizes and affirms the destiny in you.” There are so many things that I would use for destiny.  The goodness in me recognizes the goodness in you.  The forgiveness in me affirms the forgiveness in you.  The hope in me reaches out to the hope in you.  The restoration in me is encouraged by the restoration in you. The reconciliation in me believes in the reconciliation in you. The healing in me reaches out to the healing in you. The love in me is one with the love in you. There are so many more things I want to say but time prevents.  There is so much in each of you that I see, recognize, affirm, acknowledge and encourage.  You have the goods, you have what it takes, you can do it, you can live your destiny to the fullest.  I believe in you so much! When I think of you I just say, ‘Namaste.’

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 19, 2010

Labels on a Box

09 19 10 Sunday

Why do we put labels on folk? We then are placing them in a box; where there seems to be no way out.  Even if it is a good label and a good box; is it really ‘good’? From what I see and hear it is not a good thing.

I suppose we all have been on both sides of this thing.  I know I have labeled folk, thereby, boxing them up.  While at the same time I have been labeled; so I was in a box in other’s minds.  I have been labeled many things, some true and some not true.  If we label someone it’s like we put them in a box in our mind and set the box on a shelf and that’s it.  We never go back to them.  What if the person changes and is no longer what we have labeled them? This is where labeling folk gets all messed up.  Just because we think they are one way or another does not mean they will always be that way. Have you not gone through changes? Have you not grown and matured? So if you have, what about others? Instead of labels how about lets give folk identity.  A positive affirming identity.  One that they can be proud of and use to grow themselves.  Labels only stunt our growth, but identity is the catalyst that propels us toward our destiny.  I will no longer be put in a box nor will I attempt to put others in a box.  If we truly love folk we will stop with the labels.  See folk the way they can be and will be, not where they are right now.  They are in a growing stage, maturing stage.  They may not look so good right now, but just remember how we looked a little while back.  If you have been labeled with a bad label there is restoration and reconciliation available for you.  Replace your label with a true, healing, uplifting, and positive identity today!!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 18, 2010

Opportunity of a Lifetime

09 18 10 Saturday

The things that fear and doubt make us do are just crazy.  The things that belief and confidence make us do are just crazy.  These characteristics are polar opposites but they lead us to some crazy things.

When I have been lead by fear and doubt I have missed out on some awesome opportunities.  However, when I was lead by belief and confidence I was able to step out into some awesome opportunities.  Which of these are you allowing to dictate your moves? From what I am seeing more and more of we are letting fear and doubt control us.  We may have one time acted in belief and confidence and it didn’t work out right.  Well, then we set the standard. I will never let that happen again.  It isn’t long then before there is nothing happening at all.  When an opportunity comes our way, if we are in fear and doubt mode, then we let it go, we will even run from it. The opposite is true when we are living in belief and confidence, we run toward opportunities.  Remember, the opportunity of a lifetime must be grasp during the lifetime of the opportunity.  God is sending folk your way, job opportunities your way, relationship opportunities your way, and destiny opportunities your way.  Which glasses are you looking at them through? Which filters are you evaluating them through? What paradigms do you use?  We either look at opportunities through doubt and fear or belief and confidence.  The choice is yours today.   Choose belief and confidence.  By the way, the belief and confidence that I am referring to is not in the opportunity, but in yourself.  I believe and have confidence in you! There is awesome gifts and talents in you! Today is your day of decision!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 17, 2010

You are becoming a man when you realize your problems are your own.You don’t blame them on your parents, school, friends or your coaches. You realize that you control your own destiny. You believe that things or people make you unhappy,but this is not true.You make yourself unhappy.The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect forms.–Quote from Playbook of Champions; Aggie.

September 17, 2010

Appointment with Disappointment

09 17 10 Friday

I don’t know about you, but I have to work really hard in not allowing disappoint to turn into failure.  The times that I have been disappointed or disappointed others does not equate me as being a failure.

I have been the one doing the disappointing and the one being disappointed more times that I want to count and remember.  If you keep your hopes up and your expectations high disappointments are going to happen.  For me though, I have to really stay on my guard that I don’t let disappoint lead into a failure mentality.  Which can quickly turn into a depressed state of mind.  It can happen so fast too.  One minute I am cadillacing along and the next thing I find myself dealing with depressive thoughts.  When I start root tracking the depressive feelings more times than not they lead through the valley of failure right into a disappointment of one kind or another.  Once we start catching these thought processes we can prevent them from messing us up.  For me it would be understanding the disappointment, whichever way it may go, and immediately make a conscious choice not to let it lead to a failure mindset and then to the depressive thoughts.  Might be easier said than done, but it can and will be done.  I hope that this as spoken to you in some way.  It helps me a lot to write it out and get it out of my system.  Thank you for your time and your comments.  I appreciate and love each and every one of you! You are the best!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 16, 2010

Just finished Section 7: Confidence in the Playbook of Champions. Bears are heading into the 2nd round of the state playoffs. Final section will be Integrity.

September 16, 2010

Reality is reality no matter how we perceive it. There are two realities; the true one & the one we perceive. Lining up the two is our responsibility.

September 16, 2010

Mess Up Leads To Success

09 16 10 Thursday

I have gotten a lot of response from the Monday blog; Yeah I Did.  It is good to know that I am not alone.  At the same time; there are a lot of messed up folk reading this stuff. HA! I consider myself one that group and a good looking group we all are. It is amazing what can come from just being real and opening your self up to others.

I can write much more about my mess ups in life than my successes in life.  However, every time I have messed up; I got back up which in turn is a success story in itself.  We all like to hear about somebody messing up though.  That way we don’t feel so bad about our own failures.  I like to hear ‘the rest of the story’ though.  I like to hear about how the person didn’t give up, but got back up, brushed themselves off, learned from the mistake and moved on toward their destiny. That to me is a true success story.  Right now I think my mistakes, failures, screw ups and wrong choices out weight my success stories.  In some ways I am still getting back up and doing what is necessary to move in my destiny.  I still have dreams that are inside me, some are still maturing or cooking.  Some have started to take form.  Writing for one is a dream, to have a book published was a dream, now to have a book sell is a dream!  I like writing, but my dream is to make a difference in folks lives.  That is the end, the means is through writing and speaking.  The bottom line is there is hope for you and for me.  There is restoration and reconciliation available for us.  There is not one of us that has disqualified ourselves from our destiny.  The only person that can stop you is you; don’t do that.  Dream your dreams, live your destiny, keeping trying. You can do it! We can make it together!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 15, 2010

What is your dream? Have you stepped into your dream? Move past those that try to kill your dream. What is your dream; speak it into existence.

September 15, 2010

Dream Testers

09 15 10 Wednesday

Ever felt a dream die inside of you?  Ever experienced something in your life that made you think your destiny, future, or life were over? We all have at one time or another.

I want to encourage you to never let a dream die before it has been fulfilled.  If there are dead or dying dreams inside of you today; then speak live to them.  Do something that will cause them to come back to life.  All through our lives we will have dream testers.  There will be folk, circumstances and situations that will test our dreams.  These are not bad things, in fact, we need them.  We need to test the strength of our dream.  We have to determine the reality of our dream.  Now every dream tester may not appear in our life with helping us in mind, but we turn the tables on them.  Joseph said, what you meant for my harm, God meant for my good. Know that there is restoration and reconciliation available for you. So when your dream is tested know that you are just seeing how real, how strong, how sure, how good the dream really can be.  Don’t believe the lie that your dreams are dead because of your past.  As we talked about yesterday; there are things in our past that should have killed us, but yet here we are.  There have been times that I thought God Himself had given up on me, but yet here I am.  The same can be for you.  Don’t give up! Don’t bury your dream.  Don’t let your past derail your destiny.  Your past can propel you to your destiny.  Walk it out! Keep on dreaming and welcome the dream testers of this world.  Dream on baby!!!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

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