Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2010

September 12, 2010

Confidence Dreams

09 12 10 Sunday

We can only go as far and as high as we can see ourselves going.  Our confidence level will determine our destiny level in many ways.  Believing in the God gift inside you will enable your confidence level to be at its highest.

As our confidence level increases our insecurity level decreases.  The only way to make it in this world today is to have confidence in your ability.  There is a gift inside us; every one of us, that God has placed there for a reason.  When we doubt our gift then we doubt God, it’s simple but it can be very difficult. When we listen to others that put us down, reminding us of all our past failures, then we don’t stand a chance.  We have to recognize the greatest inside of us, see the gift, know the destiny that is alive in your spirit.  Don’t let the gift inside of you go unused.  Don’t let it die.  Have the confidence to step out in the arena you were destined.  Don’t let those that have allowed fear and unbelief to rob them to stop you.  Speak life to your gift and talent.  Talk to your dream and let your dream talk to you.  Get a hold of those dreams, the ones you had when you were like 12 or 13 years old, the one that you would think about all the time.  Remember the dream that God placed in you as a small child. It’s time we stood up to the doubt, fear, and unbelief around us.  Know who you are in God and what your destiny consists of today. Today is the day of change in our lives! Today we take the step toward our destiny!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 11, 2010

We will never rise any higher or go any farther than we see ourselves going. Have the confidence that you fulfill your destiny.

September 11, 2010

Working on a Building

09 11-10 Saturday

I am writing about confidence in my book project; Playbook of Champions.  After doing some research on confidence; I am seeing that there are a lot of folk that do not have confidence in themselves; I can even see myself in this group.

There is little doubt that a lack of confidence comes from having a lot of insecurity.  I wrote the other day that building confidence destroys insecurity. For many folk not having confidence comes from others have told us during our childhood and even into our adult lives.  Overcoming a lack of confidence though really can’t be turned around by with others tell us.  It does help to have someone telling you that you can do it, you are good enough, you have what it takes, but I am seeing it really takes much more.  The much more is on our part.  We have to buy into and believe that have the stuff. I know in my part I try to help folk build their self confidence.  I believe in restoration and reconciliation for anyone that is willing to change and will walk it out.  I believe that we can rebuild our confidence and walk in the strength of our confidence.  It is a process but a process that you and I can accomplish.  If you are lacking in confidence then you are reading the right writing.  Together we can build confidence!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 10, 2010

Pork chop, pork chop, greasy greasy. Aggies gonna beat Neal easy easy. Pork chop, pork chop… Go Aggies!!!

September 10, 2010

My goal is to see you reach your goal. My destiny is to see you reach your destiny. This for my part is done through offering hope, restoration, reconciliation and love.

September 10, 2010

Thought Control

09 10 10 Friday

What goes on in our mind is incredible.  There are thoughts coming and going all the time.  If you are like me there are many nights that it is impossible to sleep because of the activity in our mind.

There was a time when I was haunted by the thoughts in my mind, but I have found out that it does not have to be this way.  There are some folk that want to give you a piece of their mind, but I want to give you a peace of mind.  There is nothing like having a peace of mind; even in the middle of chaos. It is possible to have this peace.  It is up to you and me though if we do have it.  When we allow our mind to control us, then we are more than likely in for trouble.  When we take control of our thoughts and have a peace that passes all understanding; then we can rest.  You will follow your thoughts, so we have to be careful what we allow in our mind.  Be careful of the thoughts that we allow to take residence in our mind.  This can be extremely difficult at first, but once you recognize the fact that we do have the power to control our thoughts it does get easier.  The Bible gives us a list of things to think on and they are all positive, up lifting, building, destiny filled things.  When negativity starts to come at your mind, raise a standard against it.  Only let the good inner your mind.  Together we can do this.  Speak positive things to yourself and others.  You are so awesome! There is greatest inside you! I appreciate you very much!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 9, 2010

When we build confidence in ourself we are at the same time destroying insecurity in ourself.

September 9, 2010

Got in my back, bicep, shoulder workout, with a little cardio for fat reduction. Promoted Playbook of Champions at Sipsey Valley, Hillcrest & Brookwood. Now actually doing some writing on the book..

September 9, 2010

Being caught in a mental trap is no place for a person of destiny and we are folk of destiny.

September 9, 2010

Caught in a Trap

09 09 10 Thursday

Elvis sang: “We’re caught in a trap can’t get out,” there is so much truth in that for many folk.  We get caught up in the traps of the world; most of them set for our mind.

This time of year brings back many memories to me.  Memories that are not very complimentary of my past, but speak volumes about the changes I have been able to make in my due to Jesus, family, and friends; I include you in there too.  However, the trap in my mind is; look at all you did, look at all the pain you have caused.  What I should be focused on is look at how far you have come, look at all the changes you have made, look at the wrongs you have made right.  This is a trap that many of us fall into and find it hard to get out.  Mental traps are so easy to get caught up in.  I realize I am in the trap, but it seems like I am helpless against it.  The mind is a powerful tool and can do awesome things or devastating things.  There has to be a renewing of our mind every day of our lives.  Realize quickly when you are in a mental trap don’t sink deeper into it.  I am fighting this one right there with you; if you have fallen into a mental trap too.  Recognizing we are in the trap is vital.  Being in the trap and not knowing it or denying it is a very dangerous place to be.  Renew your mind today.  You are so awesome. Look where you have come from and where you are heading toward.  Get your mind clean and fill it with good stuff.

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

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