Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: June 2011

June 10, 2011

Experiencing His Love

God loves you so much today! He wants you to know and experience His love. When you experience something, it becomes real to you. You “own” it, so to speak. For example, let’s say you’ve never eaten chocolate before. Someone else can describe it to you. They can tell you all about the taste and texture, but until you take a bite of it, it won’t really mean anything.

In the same way, you can hear all about God’s love and how wonderful He is, but it’s not until you experience it first hand and allow His love to sink down into your heart that something happens on the inside of you. His love changes you. It builds confidence and strength in you. It empowers you to overcome temptation and to stand strong no matter what difficulty you may be facing. When you open your heart and receive His love, you will be fully persuaded that nothing can separate you from Him!

June 9, 2011

The Small Things

The world and where you are right now is a better place because you are there. make a difference today!

You may feel inadequate or not good enough, but you are mistaken.  This world needs you right where you are, right now! You were born for this exact time.  “What can I do,” you may ask.  Good question; glad you asked.  You have a gift that if not used makes this world incomplete.  Those around you need you.  You may only hear the negative voices, but I am telling you that you are indeed important and significant.  Me and my family need you; just as your family needs you.  Your friends need you, there are complete strangers that need you as well.  Your smile could change someones life.  It’s not in the big things we find our destiny but doing the small things day in and day out.  Be consistent in your actions, thoughts, and words.  You are needed and you do make a difference I promise.  

June 8, 2011

Impossible Love

Are you facing the “impossible” today? Stand tall, you are more than enough to do it. The Love in you makes the impossible very possible.

There a definitely days that seem like we are going up against impossible situations.  I want to tell you; because of the Love that resides in you; there is no situation that is impossible.  The catch, if you will, is you must have the Love residing in you.  Then you have to activate that Love.  The reason I have capitalized the word ‘Love” is because this Love is the God love, not selfish love.  This Love is a giving, caring, serving, compassionate, hope, forgiving, encouraging filled Love.  Make sure today you have this Love in you and that you are letting it lead you in all situations.  

June 7, 2011

Difference Maker

There is success, significance, greatness, & awesomeness inside of you right now! You have the goods to be a world changer & a positive difference maker!

Today you may be having some self doubts, but let me remind you that you are a person of destiny.  “What does that mean,” you ask? Good question.  You have a purpose and are very, very valuable.  We need you in this world.  You are cared about and cared for.  You have a reason for being alive right now.  There is so much inside of you that this world needs today.  One reason the world is in the shape it is in right now could very well be that you haven’t stepped into your destiny.  You could be the one that turns this thing around.  You are a world changer and a positive difference maker today.  Take your place in history today!

June 6, 2011

Winners Win

If you said, ‘today is my last day, can’t take it anymore. I can’t go on like this.’ Then know there is hope, “Yes you can do this.”  You can do more than just make it, just survive. You were created to be an overcomer, a victor, a success.

There are times we get to a point that we can’t take it any longer.  There are days when we want to give up and quit trying.  When you feel like you just can’t go on any longer; know that you can go on.  You can get back up and try again.  When we fail again that does not make us failures.  Don’t let failure make you to be a quitter.  Step back take a good, honest look at your life and make some decisions based on the truth.  There will be some changes upcoming.  We can’t keep doing the same things expecting to get different results.  Bottom line is this; you are a winner and winners; WIN.

June 5, 2011

Wait For It

God has put dreams and desires in every person’s heart. But most times, there’s a season of waiting involved. Maybe you’re waiting for a relationship to improve; waiting to get married; waiting for a promotion; or waiting to overcome an illness. Much of life is spent waiting. But there’s a right way to wait and there’s a wrong way to wait. Too often, when things don’t happen on our timetable, we get down and discouraged or anxious and fretful. That’s because we’re not waiting the right way. The fact is we’re all going to wait.  We’re not supposed to sit around discouraged; we’re supposed to be hopeful, positive and full of expectancy!

Today, no matter what you are praying for, expect things to change in your favor. Today could be the day that God turns it all around. As you wait with patience and expectancy, you’ll open the door for God to move. He’ll fight your battles, and you’ll see that abundant harvest He’s promised in every area of your life.

June 4, 2011

Doubt and Fear

I doubt my doubts and that drives the fear out of my spirit, soul and body.  Doubt leads to fear and fear too leads to doubt.  Doubt and fear are negative twins just as love and faith are positive twins.

Doubt and fear will rob you of your destiny.  We have to grow our love and faith to the point that love and faith drive out the fear and doubt from our spirit, soul, and body.  Every day we are faced with fears and doubts about our lives, about our families, about our destiny and so on.  We can’t be controlled by our fears and doubts.  For many of us we have been taught by fear and doubt; yet love and faith were just optional.  This is backwards; listen to The truth is faith and love will give you to ability to overcome doubt and fear in your life, but you have to stick with the truth no matter what the facts.  Love and faith are powerful truth twins that will change your life forever.  

June 3, 2011

Tough & Difficult Times

God won’t allow you to go through difficult times if He doesn’t have a purpose for them. He has plans to use the adversity in your life to accelerate you towards the good things He has for you.

There is a reason for everything that happens in our life.  Sometimes we never know the reason and then there are times when the reason is crystal clear.  The thought here is that we don’t go through tough and difficult situations for no reason.  There is a purpose for these times in our life.  God is testing us to show us whether or not we are ready for the next level in our destiny.  The reason for the tough times is to get us ready and move us to the top.  God has an awesome destiny planned for us and we have to be ready, prepared and seasoned.  Don’t get upset when things go wrong in your life.  Don’t curse the tough situations that come your way.  Rise above them.  Move to the next level of your destiny today!

June 2, 2011

Thoughts and Beliefs

When what is in your heart reacts with what is in your head; is it a good thing? It will be a blessing or an explosion.  A great thing would be to have your heart and your head on the same page, at the same time, and on the right thing.

When our thought life and our beliefs are in agreement and are established on truth; then awesome things are going to happen. Even with things are going on around us that are not awesome.  We have so much more authority over how we respond to life. Don’t take it for granted that what you belief and what you think don’t have a major role in how you view your life.  When what we belief in our heart, what we think in our mind become our words and actions then we are well on the way to our destiny.  Decide today to line up your thoughts, beliefs, words, actions all on in truth.  Your destiny is just ahead!

June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is our daughter, Gloria, 8th birthday.  There have been many people and things that have changed my life, but she is right at the top. 

She is teaching me everyday.  She is teaching me to forgive and keep loving.  She is teaching me how to show love and demonstrate it in the greatest ways.  She is teaching me how to care and have compassion for others.  She is teaching me to be gentle and kind.  She is teaching me to care about the hurting.  She is teaching me how to be open and honest.  She is teaching me how to be pure in my speech and heart.  She is teaching me to be myself, to be real.  There are many lessons we can learn from the innocence of a child.  To believe without reservation.  To trust without hesitation.  To know you will be there for them.  To have to faith of child is my assignment and challenge to you today! Happy Birthday Gloria Wimberly! 

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