Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: November 2011

November 10, 2011

All Alone

You are better off alone than being surrounded by the wrong people. Be careful who is speaking into your life.

It is true that we need people in our life.  However, how those people affect us is very important too.  When you have the wrong people in your life; you will find they do more harm than good.  If the people in your life are not speaking life to you then you need to get away from them.  Hang out with the people that speak truth and life.  Those people that are hurting and negative will talk hurt and negative to you too.  It is impossible to stay completely away from these people, but don’t allow them to speak into your life.  It is better to be by yourself than to be surrounded by the wrong people.  

November 9, 2011

Your Day

A situation might seem difficult, but remember today that nothing can stand against our God. No disappointment. No setback. No injustice. No person. No hatred. No jealousy.

There is nothing in this world that can stop you from fulfilling your destiny. Nothing except yourself.  There is no situation, no matter how difficult that can stop you.  We may be slowed down for a time, but we never stop.  I know that some of you have been through some really bad situations in your life, you may be in one right now. Just know that nothing can stop you; nothing! Every plan of the enemy to trip you up and stop you will not succeed; unless you allow it to.  Don’t give up on your life.  Don’t quit living your destiny.  Don’t lose hope in your purpose.  This is your day for success.  You can be the person that you were created to be in life.  

November 8, 2011

Peace Today

Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, be frustrated or get offended. Maybe you had plans that didn’t work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour, and it ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences, but even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction. I heard somebody say, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.”

We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope and expecting God’s favor. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. Remember, we were created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule or upset because your child wouldn’t eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, you’re are giving away your power. Instead, make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you can live in peace and enjoy the day as a blessing God prepared for you!

November 7, 2011

I Think I Can

When your “I think I can” becomes “I know I can” you will soon be saying “I knew I could.”.

Believing in ourselves, in our abilities, in our talent/gift, in our destiny can be tough at times.  When we are able to get our mindset right, the physical aspect will follow suit.  Rarely, if ever, are our doubts in our abilities a physical reason.  Our doubts are mental.  We have to change that failure, doubt-filled paradigm to a success, belief-filled paradigm.  You have the ability to accomplish your destiny.  Everything you need is inside of you right now.  We just have to learn to believe in ourselves.  For some that is not an issue, but for many it is a mountain.  Start speaking to your mountain today! Learn to speak the truth about your life, not the facts.  Facts change from day to day, but truth will always stand. When we get our mindset right, then we will go from; “I think”, to “I know,” to “I knew.”  Start changing what you listen to and what you say about yourself.  Say only the truth! 

November 6, 2011

Battle Time

You have to be very selective about what you give your time and attention to in order to live the life of victory God has promised. You have to recognize which thoughts to ignore, which comments to ignore, and sometimes, which people to ignore. Every “battle” that comes across your path is not a battle that you’re supposed to fight. Many battles are simply distractions to try to lure you off course. If that battle is not between you and your God-given destiny, it’s a battle you should ignore.

Many people get thrown off course because they are always trying to straighten everyone else out or win their approval. If that’s your focus, you are wasting valuable time and energy that you should be using to pursue your dreams. Turn away from that distraction! You don’t need the approval of everyone around you; you only need God’s approval! It’s very freeing when you realize you don’t have to fight every battle. You don’t have to straighten people out. You don’t have to pay somebody back. Instead, focus on what matters; focus on God and His Word so you will live in peace and happiness every day of your life!

November 5, 2011

Getting Even

How do you know if you have forgiven that person? You have forgiven them when you have the opportunity to get even with them and you don’t take it.

Have you ever wondered if you have really forgiven someone? One true test is when the chance comes to get even with them, you don’t.  You choose to bless them rather than hurt them.  You go against what the world says you should do, you take the high road; the path less traveled.  The saying, “I don’t get mad, I get even,” does not flow with forgiveness.  We step aside and allow the negative, hard, hurt feelings to pass by us.  Forgiveness isn’t easy or everyone would do it, right. Take an inventory of your relationships; look at the forgiveness areas.  All relationships require forgiveness; if they are to last.  Make sure that you are looking to get even, but you are looking to be a blessing to them.  Yes, you can forgive completely.  Don’t let your pride talk you out of total and complete forgiveness. Start today!  

November 4, 2011

Packed Up

Just like we pack our bags for a trip, making sure to leave nothing out, God has packed our bags for our destiny.  He has left nothing out. 

God has anointed you and equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.  You have the right gifts, the right talents, the right personality.  Everything about you is right.  He has anointed you to fulfill your destiny.  That means because of his strength and power in your life, you can do all things though Him and be successful in life.  Sometimes there are gifts and talents inside of us that are not easily recognized.  Maybe they don’t come as natural and easy as our other gifts.  But, they are still on the inside in seed form placed by God.  They may be in the form of a desire, a dream, or a hope for the future.  Those seeds are developed by believing God has equipped us and anointed us.  They are developed by stepping out and stretching.  They are also developed through perseverance.  When situations become tough, life tries to push you down, and people try to talk you out of your dreams, you have to push through in God’s strength knowing that you have what it takes.  When you understand your value and worth and realize you were created by God, that you are lacking nothing, that’s when you will get a new perspective for your journey and God-given assignment.  That’s when you’ll being to step out in faith and see God do amazing things in your life.  

November 3, 2011


Do you need direction in your life today? Not only is God the Way to life in eternity, but He is the way to everything you need in this life here on earth. Do you need to know the way out of debt? Look to the Father. Do you need to know the way to having better relationships…the way to overcome an addiction…to live in peace and joy? When you know Jesus, you know the Way!

No matter what you are facing today, no matter what challenges or obstacles are in your life, He will make a way for you even when you don’t see how. God loves you so much that He wants to strengthen and empower you to live in total victory. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth — to show you the way to live an abundant life! Open your heart today and receive all that God has given you through Jesus. His is the way, and He made a way for you to live in victory in every area of your life!

November 2, 2011

All Broke Up

I used to think that I could inspire others by my having it all together & all that. Now I know that my inspiring/motivating others will come from my brokeness, restoration, and reconciliation. I am proof God does restore one to their destiny and purpose.

Everybody likes to hear about people who are successful. However, everybody loves to hear about a person’s failures and how they overcome them.  When I realized that that my failures and mistakes didn’t disqualify me from inspiring others, but it qualified me.  The same is for you too.  Your past does not negate you from reaching your destiny.  We all have made mistakes and have things in our past that we wish weren’t there.  Well, they are always going to be there.  It is the overcoming our past and using it to push us up and forward that counts.  If your past is not pushing you up and forward, but holding you down and back, then you have to make peace with your past.  If there are areas of your past that are still haunting you, then today is your day to confront and make peace with it.  Take the negative power away from your past.  Make the negative a positive.  Today is your greatest day and tomorrow looks even better.  

November 1, 2011

Pay It Forward

Just when I thought I couldn’t go any farther, had nothing left in me, no hope; God stepped in and changed my life. His grace, mercy, love & forgiveness took over my life. Now I pay it forward!

If you are a point in your life where you don’t think you can take another step or make it another day; believe it or not, you are in a good spot.  Starting here and beginning today we will never come back here, but move toward our destiny.  When we come to the end of ourselves that is when God can has full access to our situation.  By allowing Him to come in and do what He wants to do in us, we will be much better off.  When this happens in our life, we then should pay it forward.  Show grace, mercy, love and forgiveness to those in your life that need it.  When we receive the blessing, we must be a blessing.  Often times, to receive the blessing we must first be a blessing.  Either way, always pay it forward. 

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