Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: November 2013

November 10, 2013

Mistakes Made

Successful people keep moving, even when they are discouraged and have made mistakes.

When we make mistakes in life, there are two main things that we need to do. Number one, ask for forgiveness. Number two, move forward with your life. Let it go and press forward. So many people today are still beating themselves up over something they did five years ago. They’ve asked God to forgive them a thousand times, but can’t let it go. They go around living depressed, defeated and feeling unworthy. If that’s you, realize today you have been forgiven. The first time you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. Now you’ve got to receive God’s mercy and press ahead. That mistake did not change who you are to God.  You may have made mistakes today, but you are still full of purpose and have a destiny. God still has an awesome plan for your life no matter what you have done. God may not be pleased with every action, but He is pleased when you don’t give up. Are you getting past your mistakes today?


November 9, 2013

Good Counsel

Are you facing an important decision today?

God wants to give you the answer. He wants to direct your steps. Many times, He will speak to us through the people He has placed in our lives. That’s why the Bible says that safety is found in a multitude of counselors. God designed us to live in families, communities and groups. We need to be open to receiving input from the people who are close to us. That doesn’t mean you have to follow everything everyone tells you, but if you’re in a particular situation or relationship, and all the people around you are giving you the same word of caution, it might be God trying to get a message to you. Take that advice and ask God about it. Ask Him to confirm His perfect plan to your heart. Remember, wisdom comes from God and wise counsel will always be in agreement with God’s Word. He will always confirm the answer when you ask Him. Whatever you are facing today, be open to receiving wise counsel. As you do, you will be blessed and protected and walk in confidence down the path the Lord has prepared for you. Are you listening to good counsel today?


November 8, 2013

New Season

Are you ready for a new season in your life?

Sometimes, in order to move forward into the life God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the new! You may have had some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand; but let me tell you, you have come too far to stop now. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude! Instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new season for me — a season filled with victory!” Are you ready to move into your new season?


November 7, 2013

Who’s Will

Like many people today, I have big dreams and goals.

I have desires in my heart. But my prayer now is, “God, not my will, but let Your will be done.” If a door closes, it’s no big deal; I let it go. If my plans don’t work out, no big deal; I know God has something better. I’ve learned to not get so consumed by a dream that if it doesn’t happen my way, I get all bent out of shape. Maybe you’ve gone through a disappointment. You don’t understand it. You could easily be bitter, live with a chip on your shoulder, and give up on your dreams. Realize today that God is at work in your life. He is directing your steps. What you thought was a setback is going to turn out to be a setup for a comeback!  Today, shake off the self-pity. Shake off the disappointment and realize that God has you in the palm of His hand. Know that He has good plans in store for your future, better than you could ever imagine! Trust Him with your whole heart today and every day. Who’s will are you following today in your life?


November 6, 2013

Your Thoughts

Believe in yourself no matter what live looks like.

Everyone has days when they feel like life is out of control. A lot of the time when this happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “Well, Scott, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business,” or “This relationship is just too far gone.” I say, today is the day to take your life back! You take your life back by choosing to take your thoughts back. Even though we live in this natural world, we are not limited by this natural world We can tap into God’s power by making every thought line up with the Word of God. We don’t have to let circumstances control us. Instead, keep your thoughts on the truth. Today, as you take control of every thought and boldly declare what God promises over your life, you are setting yourself up for victory. Are your thoughts hurting or helping you today?


November 5, 2013


The strongest people have a well established self-confidence.

God’s desire is that we continually progress, that we reach higher heights and go to new levels in Him. It seems like as soon as we make the decision to step out in our destiny, the enemy brings in fear to try to stop us. He’ll bring thoughts like, “What if you fail? What are other people going to think? You don’t have what it takes.” He’ll do his best to use fear to try to convince us to shrink back and stay where we are. This is a spirit of fear. It plays on our emotions and holds us back. But the good news is that we have power over the spirit of fear! The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. When we receive God’s perfect love, we will have confidence about the future because we know His plans are for our good. I’ve heard it said that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Understand that fear is a lie. Don’t buy the lie. Instead, choose to believe God’s Word and receive His love so that you can overcome fear and move forward into the blessings He has prepared for you. Do you have self-confidence today?


November 4, 2013

Are You Confident

Confidence doesn’t depend on experience. It depends on how you choose to think.

I grew up playing sports, and I’ve experienced the difference it makes to have somebody in the stands pulling for you. When you know they’re watching you, you hear them calling your name, you see their hands up in the air; it does something on the inside. It causes you to jump a little higher and run a little faster. You’ve got a greater determination because you know somebody is rooting for you. Today, you have a great multitude in heaven cheering you on! They’re saying, “You can do it! You’re a winner! You are well able, strong and equipped!” No matter what difficulty you may be facing, you always have the home field advantage. You are always surrounded by the voice of victory. Let that sink down deep into your heart today. Let it build confidence in you and give you the strength you need to keep moving forward into the abundant, victorious life He has prepared for you. Are you confident today?



November 3, 2013

Got Joy

Have you experienced something that has taken your joy and enthusiasm for your future?

Today is the day to get it back! God has you here on purpose, for a purpose. It’s time to get excited about your future and learn to enjoy each and every day. If you don’t make the conscious effort to keep your joy, not only will the enemy rob you of the joy that belongs to you, but he’ll rob your family and friends of the gift that you have to give them. When you have joy, you can use that joy to influence the people around you for good. Joy is strength, and when you have joy, you can offer strength to the people God has placed in your life. Today, draw the line in the sand and decide, “I’m not going to live another day negative, discouraged, sour and grumpy. I’m going to put a smile on my face. I’m going to live my life happy.” Choose to keep your heart open and let your faith in Him fill you with inexpressible and glorious joy. Got joy?


November 2, 2013

Right Thinking

You have to take responsibility for your own thinking. What others did or did not tell you doesn’t matter now. Past is past; let’s go.

Most people’s thoughts were programmed by the people who raised them or by what somebody spoke over them. Maybe they were good people, doing the best they can, but their words are limiting you. As long as you believe what they said about you, their words are defining you. The key to breaking those limitations is to start meditating on what God says about you. A transformation will take place when you renew your mind. Reprogram your thinking with what God says about you. God says, “The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter.” All through the day say, “I’m getting better. I haven’t seen my best days. Something good is going to happen to me.” As you meditate on His Word day in and day out, you’re breaking out past the limitations set by others. People may have spoken negative things over you, but the good news is that people don’t determine your destiny. You are not who people say you are. You are who God says you are. Don’t be defined by the limits of others. Are you thinking the right way today?


November 1, 2013

Be the Server

I don’t know what your destiny is, but I know the only people that are truly happy are the ones that learn to serve others with no agenda.

When we live in peace and unity, it pleases God. When we love and serve others, putting their needs above our own, we are honoring Him. When we carry each other’s burdens, we are fulfilling the law of Christ, which is to love others. What does it mean to carry each other’s burdens? There are many ways to reach out to people and help shoulder their load of life. Just by giving an encouraging word or smile, you can help lighten the load for someone. When you pray and intercede for others in their day of difficulty, you are helping to carry their burdens. Maybe there are other ways to help the people around you. Maybe you can pay for someone’s groceries or give someone cash at the gas pump. Anytime you help others and reach out to those in need, scripture says you are directly lending a hand to God Himself. Today, look for ways to lighten the load for the people around you. Be a burden lifter. Remember, in God’s kingdom what you sow, you shall reap. When you help others, God promises to repay you. He’ll pour out His victory and blessing upon you all the days of your life. Are you serving others today?

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