Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 20, 2014


Courage is the difference between dreaming of the life you want and living the life of your dreams.

When you step up to the person who were created to be; it will take courage. If you have already taken this step; then you know exactly what I am talking about. You will be told you can’t do it, you’re crazy for trying, what are you doing and so on. I have been told more than once that I will never make it as a Sports Psychologist. Well I am doing quite well! Now, don’t let the negative folk stop you. Matter of fact you should get them out of hearing distance. There are some people that you can only love from a long way off. All negative people are in that group. When you step up to be a Champion, it will take all the courage you can muster. Negative people will not add to your courage tank. Champions are positive and are courageous. There is no one else on the planet that can do what you were put here to do; just like you can do it. That alone takes courage. Knowing that you are going to be the target of non-champions takes courage. However, you have the courage. You have the goods. You are a Champion. You are relentless. Go do what you do and let the rest go. Be that Champion you have dreamed about being. Are you showing courage today?

December 12, 2013

Have Courage

A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage.

In life, many of the challenges we face are simply distractions from the enemy to keep us from pursuing our destiny. Maybe someone in the office isn’t as friendly to you as you’d like. Maybe you have a neighbor who always parks in front of your house and blocks your mailbox. Those things may be frustrating, but they have little significance when you look at the big picture of eternity. You can’t allow the little things to cause strife in your life. In scripture, just before David fought the giant Goliath, his brother Iliab tried to confront him. But David knew that arguing with Iliab wasn’t even worth his time and strength. He knew his real battle was with Goliath, and he didn’t want to be distracted. He simply “turned away” from Iliab and kept his focus on what he was called to do.Let’s follow the example of David and keep our eyes on what’s most important in life. Instead of being led away by frustrations, let’s focus on the big picture. Know when to turn away from strife and receive the mark of honor the Lord has for you. Are you focusing on the important stuff?


November 14, 2013

Moving Forward

Your success is having the courage and tenacity to get past bad breaks, bad decisions, wrong moves.

Every person has had negative things spoken over them in the past. Maybe someone told you that you don’t have what it takes or that you’re not going to be successful. It’s almost like they cursed your future. But the good news is that the blessing of God is greater than any curse. If you’ll get rid of those negative strongholds and choose to believe what God says about you in His Word, you will begin to see a turning point in your life. Today, I speak blessings over you — that you are strong and courageous. You are full of talent, creativity, and wisdom. You can accomplish your God-given dreams. You walk in divine health. You have favor with every person you meet. Everything you touch is going to succeed. Those seeds of greatness on the inside of you are growing stronger and stronger. That hidden treasure is about to show itself and you’re going to come in to new seasons, You are who God says you are. You have what God says you have. I declare you can do everything God says you can do. Are ready to move forward in your life today?


July 29, 2013

The Wizard of Oz

Courage is what makes you get off the canvas and fight; it is what pushes you to do your best at whatever you are committed to doing.

Courage is something we have all heard a lot about. My first lesson on courage came from the Wizard of Oz; you remember the cowardly lion. He desired to have courage when in fact he had courage all the time. He just didn’t realize it. You have courage. That is why you are still here. Courage is what has kept you going from day to day. Courage is what has busting it everyday to be the best you can be. Courage is what has enabled you to stand up to the criticism, the lies, the betrayal, the hurts, the pain, the abandonment. If it weren’t for your courage you would have checked out a long time ago. You do have the courage to get back again, again and again. You have the courage of a hundred lions. You got this! I salute your courage today! Are you using your courage today to do your best?


April 6, 2013


Life has many intersections, opportunities to go up or down. At these intersections we make choices. Major decisions….

One major decision to make when you get to one of these intersections is; never give up; do something. Too many times, too many people give up. Just at the most important time in their life; they stop. Never give up. Not sure what to do at the intersection? Do something. Don’t ever give up. I believe in you. I know that you can do what you were created to do. You have what it takes. You can do it. Don’t let fear stop you, don’t let indecision paralyze you. Do something. You only got one shot at this thing, so make it count. Afraid you are going to make a mistake? Yeah, you will, but it’s okay. Make a mistake, many another mistake, but all the time learning from every failure and success. Learning what to do and what not to do. You are at an intersection today, make a decision and do something. I am counting on you. I know you got this. Now go to it! Are you ready to go?


December 1, 2012

Developing Your Process

Hope is wishing something would happen. Faith is believing it will happen. Courage is making it happen.

As you work your process you move from level to level, from standard to standard. Among these are hope, faith and courage. One is not better than the other, but each is vital to your process. When you start with hope, then nothing can stop you. You start seeing it happening in your mind, before it every is visible. Then hope grows into faith. Faith is the believing it will happen before you see it. Notice that two of the three are before you ever see it.  The foundation to your process is before you can see it. This is also the reason why so many people never make it. If you have to see it on the outside before you can believe it, then you won’t make it. You have to have a mental picture of your process on the inside way before you see it on the outside. Last you move to courage. Courage is having the heart to make it happen. Courage is what you grow to when you stood the test of time. The test of seeing it internally before you saw it externally.  Courage will take you the rest of the way of your process. Without courage you won’t flesh out your dream, your mental process, your vision. It takes courage then to be vision, process minded and not just results minded. Develop your hope, faith and courage today by working your process. How are you today in your process; hope, faith and courage?



December 1, 2011

No More Fear

So many people today are living with less than God’s best because they’ve allowed fear to creep in and take root in their lives. Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Fear is not from God. Scripture tells us that fear brings torment. It’s designed to paralyze us and keep us from God’s blessings.

The good news is that God is greater than fear. His power in you is greater than any power that comes against you. But in order to walk in His power, you have to close the door on the enemy. See, the enemy can’t have access to your life unless you open a door and give him access. That’s why we have to be careful about what we watch, what we listen to, what we read, and what we say. When we open ourselves to fear, we give the enemy opportunity.

If you’ve allowed fear to steal from you in any area of life, today you can be free — you can be finished with fear. Conquering the enemy starts by making the choice to close the door on fear, and instead, meditate on God’s promises. Let His truth sink down into your heart. Let Him set you free and lead you into victory as you close the door on fear!

November 29, 2011

Valley Time

Looking from the top of the mountain I have climbed I see the top of the next mountain I have to climb. I also see the valley I have to go through, but going through the valley can be a good thing, it doesn’t have to be an avalanche.

We all are going to go through tough times and good times.  When we are on the top of the mountain checking out the view; we can look over to the other mountain top that we are going to be at later. However, before we get to the next mountain top we have to go through the valley.  The valley is a time of growing and maturing.  For some the valley times are a result of an avalanche.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  We can make a decision to actually enjoy our time in the valley.  We can have peace in our valley.  Understand we are going to the valley no matter what, so take the time to learn and grow during this time.  Before you know it; you will be on the next mountain top.  Remember, the lilies grow in the valley. Let’s go!

November 25, 2011

Walk It Out

Learning to walk in the destiny God has for you is a process. The first step is to get a vision, a clear picture from God that you can see. The next step is to trust Him — to believe in faith that it will happen. Then finally, you take a step of faith and live out what God has promised no matter what your circumstances or people around you have to say.

First you dream it, than you believe it, and then you live it. Today, if you are having a hard time believing what God has promised will come to pass, understand that you are in a process. Don’t empower doubt with your words. Instead, keep declaring that He who promised is faithful! Keep the vision in front of you knowing that it is for an appointed time. Dream it and believe it because it won’t be long until you are living the blessed life God has prepared for you!

November 24, 2011

All Your LIfe

You are designed for greatness! Your enemy has tried to take you out all your life, but God! Realize and live your destiny today. Don’t ever give up! You are a winner!

All through your family history the enemy knew you were coming and has done all he could to stop you from being born.  There have been all sorts of things happen in your family that were supposed to stop you from being here today.  The fact you are reading this means he failed.  Since you have been born there have been attacks against you.  Your mind and your body have been hit from all sides; trying to get you to give up and quit.  The fact you are reading this today shows you haven’t given up.  You were designed for greatness. You have an awesome purpose and destiny in store for you.  Don’t look at where you are right now, but look where you are heading.  Where is your destiny taking you? Get your mind set on the truth not the facts.  Line your self up with the destiny and purpose God has created you to accomplish.  A lot of people have gone through a lot of stuff, you included, to see to it that you are here today. Don’t let them or yourself down. Don’t give up, don’t even think about it. Today is your day of greatness.  Your best, greatest and most awesome days are just ahead. 

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