Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 3, 2011


Do you need direction in your life today? Not only is God the Way to life in eternity, but He is the way to everything you need in this life here on earth. Do you need to know the way out of debt? Look to the Father. Do you need to know the way to having better relationships…the way to overcome an addiction…to live in peace and joy? When you know Jesus, you know the Way!

No matter what you are facing today, no matter what challenges or obstacles are in your life, He will make a way for you even when you don’t see how. God loves you so much that He wants to strengthen and empower you to live in total victory. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth — to show you the way to live an abundant life! Open your heart today and receive all that God has given you through Jesus. His is the way, and He made a way for you to live in victory in every area of your life!

October 26, 2011

Getting Clean

What hidden fear are you dealing with today? What issue, addiction, problem, or sin is keeping you from reaching your destiny? It’s time we get free from that bondage!

Is there something stopping you from walking in your destiny? Today is your day! The weight of your secret will hold you down as long as you hold on to it.  I am not saying that you have to tell everyone your business, but it is time to get rid of the secret.  Keeping your secret secret is much harder than getting it out and rid of it.   You can’t take secret issues, fears, addictions, or sins on your destiny walk.  It takes courage to deal with our issues, but a person of destiny has courage.  Experience the freedom that comes with getting clean from all your baggage.  You will be so glad you did!

October 13, 2011

Fly Like an Eagle

There are times when we are facing impossible circumstances that we will rise up like an eagle and soar above the storm. There will also be times when we have strap it on, buckle it up and fight the good fight of faith.

We all are faced with difficult days in life.  Sometimes we are able to handle them as if we were just flying above them without a care in the world.  Then there are those days when we are in the trenches and we have to fight our way out.  Either way we win! We are fighting the good fight of faith.  Any fight that is a good fight is one that we come out the winner.  Don’t expect to go through life without any problems. At the same time, don’t go through life expecting to have to battle everyday. There will be those times when we are above the battle going on.  Just know that no matter the case; you are not alone, you don’t have to fight by yourself, and best of all you will come out of this better than when you went into it.  

October 12, 2011

Good News

We all go through disappointments and face unfair situations.  The mistake many people make is that they get stuck where they are. They become bitter and negative, and in the end give up on their dreams.  

But here is the good news. Disappointment is not the final chapter in life.  God never ends in a negative.  He will finish what He started in an awesome, positive way. If you will keep moving forward with your life, God promises that He will bring you to a wonderful finish.  Not a defeated finish, a bankrupt finish, a betrayal finish, a barely-get-by finish.  God has a victorious finish in your future.  Instead of a setback, that disappointment, that betrayal working against you, God will turn it around and cause it to work for you. For every setback, God has already lined up a comeback; for every injustice, vindication, for every disappointment, restoration and new beginnings.  Stay in faith, God will bring you through the worst of time

October 10, 2011

Been There

I want to encourage people, offer hope, love, purpose to those that are hurting. I have been discouraged, without hope, love or purpose.

I have been in a place in life where I had no hope, I was hurting, feeling unloved and with no purpose for my life.  I don’t ever want to go to that place again and I don’t want you there either.  If you realize today that you are there, then good news is here; you don’t have to stay another day.  You can get up and get out today.    For most of us it is simply changing our mindset; our perspective.  In some cases it does mean a physical move, but even in that case there will be a change of mindset and perspective.  Today is your day for a change. Be encouraged right now! You are loved, you have hope, and a very specific purpose and destiny.  Don’t go another minute believing that you are not wanted or needed.  You do have a destiny!

September 10, 2011


Courage comes from trusting God. It can’t be mentally drummed up. It comes from believing what God says regardless of what the circumstances look like. Courage comes from faith!
Where does discouragement come from? From fear and unbelief. It comes when you listen to the devil’s lies about what God is not going to do for you.  You and I must shake off discouragement and rise up with courage! We must quit looking at our own abilities and failures and limitations and start looking to God. If you’ve been discouraged lately, stop listening to Satan’s lies.  Whenever someone tells you God is not going to deliver you, just tell them, “He’s already delivered me in the Name of Jesus.” 

August 18, 2011

Peace in Your Storm

Do you have a true peace about your life? Is your conscience clean and clear? When the difficult times come in life; are you still calm and peaceful? 

There are going to be difficult times in life. It’s not a matter of if we encounter them, but when will we encounter them. When we do run into the storms of life there is peace available for us.  We can remain calm and still even during the worse of storms.  Like the eye of the hurricane; there is a peaceful and calm place for us today.  God’s peace will keep you encouraged, full of hope, and full of life during the worst days of your life.  You may be in the storm today; financially, mentally, physically, but instead of being devastated, know there is a peaceful place designed just for you.  God has you in the palm of His hand.  There is peace and rest there for you today.  We get strength, confidence and courage from this place.  God is looking out for you today! Go in peace!

May 4, 2011

Don't You Give Up

Giving up is more about who you are than where you are. Everyone faces difficulty when working toward a dream. And if someone fails, he can make excuses for what went wrong, how the unexpected happened, how someone let him down, how circumstances worked against him.

But the reality is that the external things do not stop people. Those who achieve their dreams don’t have an easier path than those who do not. They just have a different internal attitude about the journey. The great artist Leonardo da Vinci once declared, “Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed on a star does not change his mind.” The one who achieves the dream sees the journey differently. Don’t give up, never, never, never give up. 

April 20, 2011

Total Darkness

Experienced total darkness the other day.  Melissa and I went to Desoto Caverns with and Gloria’s class.  While in the caverns; the lights were turned out to show us what complete darkness was light.

We were in the absolute darkness for only a few seconds, but there was still an eeriness to it.  It got me to thinking, that so many people are walking around in darkness.  There was a time when I was one of these people.  What about you; are you in darkness today? Does it seem like nothing makes sense anymore? No matter what you do or where you turn nothing ever seems to work out right. People you thought were your friends turn out to be anything but… Your job, your family, your friends, your bank account, are all darkness to you.  If not you, maybe someone you are close to is experiencing this darkness.  Having been there myself at one time; it is not a nice place.  OK, if this is you I been talking to; then take heart today. You are not alone.  There is light coming. Your best days are still ahead of you.  Make today the greatest day ever and tomorrow; tomorrow is going to even be better.  Be encouraged!

April 19, 2011

Take Heart

It takes courage to be a person of destiny.  Courage in its simplest terms deals with the issues of the heart.  Having courage isn’t the absence of fear, but rather, doing what needs to be done in the presence of fear.

Folk that are controlled by fear aren’t using courage.  Fear, I have found out, is not just be scared, but it is a mindset.  Fear can come in all sorts of forms, but it starts in the mind.  Courage, as we said, is an issue of the heart. So fear is a mind issue and courage is a heart issue.  How do we have courage? By being secure in our destiny and purpose.  Knowing that we have a role to play in this life.  Knowing that failure is not the end of all ends, but a measuring stick of our courage.  Adversity will expose our fear or our courage.  We have opportunities everyday to demonstrate our courage or fear.  Which one is determining our actions; our fears or our courage? It will be one or the other.  So, if you consider your a person of destiny; I do for you and for me, you will be a person of courage.  Take heart! Be courageous today. Look into your heart and find that courage and build on it. 

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