Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 1, 2012

Truth Test

There is one thing that will stand every test that life can throw against it. That one thing is truth.  Truth is true no matter what. Nothing will ever change that truth.

Often times people put too much faith in facts.  The doctor’s report is fact. The bank statement is fact. What others say about you often is only fact.  When we do this we allow facts to direct our lives, not the truth.  The truth can be harder to digest than facts.  Many people can’t handle the truth.  For me and in my life, the foundational truth that I stand on is that “Jesus loves me.”  Everything that comes into my life has to go through the filter of truth that Jesus loves me.  Someone says, “You’re no good,” “You’re not good enough,” “You’re worthless,” I put it through the Jesus loves me truth filter.  See, when we know the truth and stand on it no matter what the facts say about us, we will be secure.  There is stability in the truth.  Truth will never fail you.  The key to it all is learning the truth.  Don’t let facts get in the way of the truth.  

February 19, 2012

Good as Gold

The Golden Rule tells us to ‘treat others like we want to be treated.’ Bringing it home then I must; ‘talk to others like I want to be talked to,’ ‘think about others like I want to be thought about,’ ‘help others like I want to be helped,’ ‘respect others like I want to be respected.’

We all know the Golden Rule; every major religion has it in their core beliefs.  Maybe because we are so familiar with the Golden Rule we tend to pass it over too quickly.  When we apply it to every area of our life there is no way we can treat others wrong. When we talk to, treat, respect, and love others like we want to be; would we still be acting the way we are today.  It takes a strong, secure, and humble person to live their live according to this principle.  Make it a point today to enact the Golden Rule in every aspect of your life. You will see remarkable changes immediately.  

October 19, 2011

Life -Giving Words

Everywhere we go, there are people in need of life-giving words.  They are lonely and hurting; they’ve been through disappointments and suffered heartaches and pain.

God has given us something to offer these people–our words.  With our words, we can bring healing. With our words, we can lift other out of depression. We can help set people free from the strongholds that are keeping them back.  When you go through the day speaking encouragement, telling people what they can become or giving compliments, you are offering them hope and healing.  Your kind words are like pouring warm oil on wounds. You may not know all that is happening, but God can take one compliment, one encouraging word, and use that to begin the healing process and set another person on a brand new course.  Be on the lookout for someone you can bless with your words.  Tell people the truth about how awesome they are.  Be free with your compliments because you’re carrying life-giving words.  Who knows you could even be the spark that pushes others into their destiny.  When you develop this habit of blessing people with your words, God will always bless you because when you help others come up higher, God will make sure you too come up higher.  

August 11, 2011

Power of Your Words

Criticizing yourself is just as wrong as being critical of other people. Speak positive words over your life and the lives of others.

I don’t think we fully understand the power of our words.  The Bible is full of verses about the power of the spoken word.  Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  That is why critical words are so deadly; whether we speak them toward ourselves or others.  There is an old saying, “If you don’t have something good to say about someone, then don’t say anything at all.” There is a lot of truth in that.  Today make it a point to begin speaking positive, encouraging, life filled, hope filled, and love filled words towards yourself and others.  Be a breath of fresh air when you speak; and I don’t just mean your breath, but the power of your words.  Your words of encouragement and hope may make the difference in someone’s life today.  Take every advantage to speak hope, love and life to everyone you talk to today! Your words do make a difference!

August 10, 2011

Your Finest Hour

Difficult times in life are tough; financial struggles, sickness, or troubled relationships. Discouragement can set in quickly if we aren’t careful. Lift up your head today and be filled with hope.

There always seems to be something going on in our life that can discourage us.  We have to make the decision not to be discouraged.  Know that this season will pass soon.  We have the power within to stand strong and not give up.  Be filled with hope today.  I speak encouragement to you right now! Stand on the truth about you and your life, not the facts.  Despite with the doctor says, the bank says, the school says, or the job says; you are a person of destiny and purpose.  Your greatest days are right in front of you.  The situation you are going through right this moment will be your signature.  You have what it takes to turn this into your breakthrough.  You will walk with others and encourage them; when they are going through a similar season in life.  Choose today to be the victor and not the victim.  This is your finest hour!

August 6, 2011

Truth About Your Destiny

People don’t determine your destiny; God does. Don’t get caught up in the negativity around you. Instead, trust God and charge forward to His great destiny for you!

From the economy to your personal life; there is so much negativity around you.  We can easily get caught in the negative thinking and lose sight of our destiny.  By only listening to the facts we can lose sight of the truth.  Facts can look so truthful but truth is truth no matter what.  God is truth and He has set before us great destiny.  Get focused on the truth about your life today.  Know that God is for us not against us.  He has a plan for you and it’s based on truth not fact.  Be positive about your life.  No more negative mindsets.  You do have a purpose and destiny that is so awesome!

June 23, 2011

No Doubt

Release all doubt in yourself. You have a gift that was put in you before you were born. You are more than able, because of your Creator. 

There are times when we doubt our ability, our gift, our usefulness in life.  When those times come, don’t let them stay.  Know today, that you have awesomeness inside you.  You were created with a purpose and that has not changed.  No matter what you are hearing or feeling; you are useful, you are needed, you do have reason for being here today.  When you feel down and out about yourself; take note that it is not the truth.  Your past doesn’t disqualify you from life.  It actually qualifies you.  Make a difference today and evict those depressed feelings today!

June 19, 2011

Rise Above

Have you ever said: I wish I had never been born. Today is the day you were created for; never again doubt your reason for being.

Most people have been through some really tough times.  Horrible things may have been done to you; causing you wish you had never been born.  You were created to overcome and you have a purpose.  We have to rise above what has happened to us; by what we have in us.  We all have those moments of discouragement and doubt, but by knowing the truth; we will be better not bitter.   The pain we have gone through must be dealt with in the right way so that it doesn’t cripple us emotionally.  Know the truth; you do have purpose, value, talent, and a destiny.  

May 28, 2011

Love and Relationship

If you don’t have relationship with others; then others won’t trust or believe what you say.  The same is true if we don’t believe that God loves us, we won’t believe His Word for us.  

It is a basic truth in all of us; in that we won’t have faith in someone if we don’t believe they love us.  We all want to be loved, even the toughest acting person around, we all want to be loved.  If those around us don’t feel love from us, then they won’t believe anything positive and encouraging that we say to them.  Know that God does love you; He is love.  You can believe His Word toward you.  The real question comes when we look at each other.  Do we believe others and do others believe our words? Check your love and relationship levels.  My actions and words haven’t always demonstrated love and relationship, however, I am working diligently on changing that each day.  I only say the truth and what I really believe to you and others.  Let’s encourage each other and those around us.  Lift others up today with your love and relationship filled words.  

May 27, 2011

Planting Words

We have heard, ‘what goes around comes around,’ ‘we will reap what we sow,’ and other sayings similar to these.  So what we plant will grow.  What kinda seeds are you planting in others today?

Let’s take a look at the type of words, which are our seeds, that we are sowing into other folks lives today.  Are we sowing encouraging words or negative words. Are we planting seeds of life or death? Are we uplifting others with our words or do we tear folk down with our words? Do we speak words of fact or words of truth?  Are we helping or hurting others with our words.  We are doing one or the other, which is it today? Listen to your words and check them today. Make sure you are planting good, positive, uplifting, healthy, and truthful words today.  They will come back to visit you in harvest time.   

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