Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 4, 2011

Doubt and Fear

I doubt my doubts and that drives the fear out of my spirit, soul and body.  Doubt leads to fear and fear too leads to doubt.  Doubt and fear are negative twins just as love and faith are positive twins.

Doubt and fear will rob you of your destiny.  We have to grow our love and faith to the point that love and faith drive out the fear and doubt from our spirit, soul, and body.  Every day we are faced with fears and doubts about our lives, about our families, about our destiny and so on.  We can’t be controlled by our fears and doubts.  For many of us we have been taught by fear and doubt; yet love and faith were just optional.  This is backwards; listen to The truth is faith and love will give you to ability to overcome doubt and fear in your life, but you have to stick with the truth no matter what the facts.  Love and faith are powerful truth twins that will change your life forever.  

May 26, 2011

Truthful Thinking

We see the term, ‘positive thinking,’ but I prefer the term, ‘truthful thinking.’ This is believing and knowing the truth.  Rather than just thinking of how wonderful we are; let’s think about how blessed we are.

The way we can do this is to eliminate the negative thoughts from our mind.  We can do this also by eliminating the fearful thoughts from our mind.  When the truth is the deciding factor in our thought life, we will eliminate the negativity and the fear from our life.  Fear and negative thoughts will lead to negative and fearful actions. The facts will often times mislead us and they often times change from day to day, but the truth will not let us down or betray us.  Let’s begin today to get the fear and negative thought patterns out of our lives.  Let’s begin to seek out the truth in our life.  

May 25, 2011

Fear or Faith

Removing fear from our life will make a big difference for the good.  Fear and faith can’t stay in the same mind.  We either will have fear or we will have faith in control of our mind and actions.

If we listen to the world, the news, the radio we hear so many fear based reports.  Not saying it is intentional, but the stuff they are reporting is based on the fear emotion.  What are we basing our decisions on; fear based or faith based reports? I suggest that we based our decisions on truth and faith based reports.  Remember, truth always overrides fact.  Faith is more powerful than fear, but we have to renew our mind to the truth and have faith in the truth.  Remove the fear from your life and see the changes that take place.  Stand on the truth and you will be standing long after everyone else is gone. 

May 13, 2011

Do Something

We will face days when we just don’t know what to do.  We sometimes don’t know what direction to go.  There are days when nothing seems to make sense in our life. We all face those situations.

When you don’t know what to do, just do something.  Get in motion and if you are going the wrong way you will soon find out and make the adjustments.  We have to get moving though if we are ever going to get to our destination.  Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from ever making a move in your life.  Some folk never do anything with there life because of fear of the unknown, been told they are good enough, been hurt by others, or just don’t know what to do.  Today is the day to make that decision and then do it.  Do something. Don’t let another day pass without pushing past your past and anything else that is stopping you.  Be assured we will make mistakes but we have to do something. Today is the day for action!

April 21, 2011

What Are You Full Of

To have love in our life; we have to get the unforgiveness out of our life.  To get out of debt we have to get the debt out of us.  To have a blessed life; we have to get the fear out of our life.

I think I am right when I say; we all want to have a great, wonderful life.  To live that life we have to get the stuff out of us that is preventing us from the good life.  Unforgiveness and love can’t live in the same person.  We can’t be selective of who we love and forgive.  We are to love and forgive everyone.  We can’t hold a grudge against someone, talk bad about them and think bad about them; yet expect to walk in love.  We have to be clean of all hard feelings towards others.  The same goes for debt.  We have to get the debt mindset out of us before we can walk debt free.  We will never be consistently blessed if we are walking and talking fear.  I couldn’t figure out where I was missing it in my life; now I see it.  I was trying to live in love and unforgiveness, blessing and fear, and so on.  We can’t be double minded and expect to have peace in our life.  Choose today what you want to be full of; choose love, peace, forgiveness, hope, grace and mercy.  The life we live is totally up to us.  

April 19, 2011

Take Heart

It takes courage to be a person of destiny.  Courage in its simplest terms deals with the issues of the heart.  Having courage isn’t the absence of fear, but rather, doing what needs to be done in the presence of fear.

Folk that are controlled by fear aren’t using courage.  Fear, I have found out, is not just be scared, but it is a mindset.  Fear can come in all sorts of forms, but it starts in the mind.  Courage, as we said, is an issue of the heart. So fear is a mind issue and courage is a heart issue.  How do we have courage? By being secure in our destiny and purpose.  Knowing that we have a role to play in this life.  Knowing that failure is not the end of all ends, but a measuring stick of our courage.  Adversity will expose our fear or our courage.  We have opportunities everyday to demonstrate our courage or fear.  Which one is determining our actions; our fears or our courage? It will be one or the other.  So, if you consider your a person of destiny; I do for you and for me, you will be a person of courage.  Take heart! Be courageous today. Look into your heart and find that courage and build on it. 

March 17, 2011

Love Whips Pain

How is it that love can remove pain from you life? I think that if we have unconditional love, that means that we love ourselves and others.  So we are secure in who we are and who others are too.  Love whips pain every time.

Love will take the pain of rejection away.  Rejection is one thing that really gets me.  I have been looking at how unconditional love can take away the pain of rejection.  You know that pain down deep in your belly that doesn’t seem like it will ever leave.  Unconditional love will take that pain away.  How does it do this? I have no idea, but I know that it does.  Can you imagine what it would be like to walk in that kind of love, that kind of security; sounds awesome.  That is the life that I desire.  To know that my God loves me enough to give me that kind of love.  The love that gives you the strength, peace, joy, hope, forgiveness to live your destiny.  I desire this love; that guards your heart and mind against all attacks.  This love that stands the test of time.  This love that allows people to get close to you.  This love that keeps you.  I remember the old folk used to say, “I have been kept.” I know now they meant by this love. It is available for us today!

March 8, 2011

I Doubt It

For the past week I have dealt with doubt and some of the fear we talked about earlier.  I don’t doubt in what I am to do, but I doubt if it will make a difference or will I ever see the fruit of it.

I love doing what I do each day.  I know that I can write, coach, and encourage others.  I know that I am learning and will get better at what I do; just as you are getting better at what you do.  The thing that gets all over me sometimes is; am I doing it right, does what I do make a difference, will I ever see this come to fruition? It’s not about getting credit, glory or stuff like that, but to know that you are making other’s lives better.  It is to know that you are making a positive difference in other’s lives.  I don’t think I really have a fear, but more of doubt.  The two maybe inner-changeable; I’m really not sure.  I believe I have gotten closer to the point, that it really doesn’t matter if I know or not.  I will continue to do what I have been created to do.  I hope that you do the same.  Be sure to encourage those close to you.  Always find something positive to brag on someone.  Help others defeat their insecurities.  Be a difference maker in the lives of the folk you come in contact with each day.  

February 24, 2011

Line in the Sand

02 24 11 Thursday

Today I take a stand against all the mental attacks. I have had enough, not just for my sake, but for those of you that have been under mental attack too.  I have made my stand, a line in the sand.

There comes a time when we have to say; ‘enough is enough,’ and not take it any longer. The enemy of our mind is a bully, but we are stronger.  Together we will stand strong.  What he does is get us all in our own little situation; isolated from everyone else.  Gets us to thinking that nobody else ever goes through this, nobody feels the way you do, and so on.  That’s a lie! We are together in this destiny walk and we won’t leave anyone behind.  You are not alone and you don’t have to fight your battles alone. We won’t be isolated and abandoned.  You are not by yourself. I totally understand what it’s like to have stuff fill your mind that is trying to defeat you. I know how hard it can be to get it out.  So I stand with you today and everyday. Today we win!! Together we win!!


February 21, 2011

Standing in the Gap

02 21 11 Monday

I really hate those days when I get something in my mind and I can’t seem to shake it loose.  It just gets in there and won’t let me go.  However, I know that I have to take control of my mind, renew it, and keep renewing it.

You may never have those moments or days, but from time to time I still have them. It is like a dark cloud following me.  My mind can torment me like nothing else in the world.  The thing is, I know it when it happens, but it is almost like I am helpless.  I know better and I know that I don’t have to allow my mind to do me this way, but it can be a strong bugger to fight.  If you know what I am talking about then I also want you to know that I am fighting for you.  I stand with you against any attack on your mind.  I firmly believe that we will soon be free of these attacks.  Not that the attacks on our mind won’t come, but we will be so mentally strong and built up together that they won’t phase us.  It may sound like a long shot and even crazy, but I believe we can do it.  Some of you may already be there, but those that aren’t; I stand in the gap for you.  I believe very strongly about this and very strongly believe in you.  I pray for my LYD partners everyday! So you are being lifted up and prayed for each day of your life. Together we stand!!


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