Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 3, 2010

What's In Your Wallet

12 03 10 Friday

There is a commercial that asks,”What is in your wallet?” As we move into day three of our destiny quest into 2011; I want to ask a question.  “What is in your heart”?  That is the next step to an awesome New Year.

We can be doing all the right things but if our heart, our motives, and our agendas aren’t right then we are still wrong.  For some just doing the right thing some of the time is enough.  For others, doing the right thing if it serves them good is enough.  For the rest, doing the right thing, the right way, and for the right reason is the only way.  The third group is the group of destiny folk.  Check your motives, agendas, and reasons.  Make sure they are pure and wholesome.  I can speak from personal experience that I have done the right thing but for the wrong, selfish reasons and it always crashed in on me.  Wrong motives and agendas will always lead to disaster in some form or fashion.  Trust me on this one, I know.  I ask everyday, “God check my heart and make sure that its right and all that I am doing is for the right reason and show me the right way.”  Selfishness still tries to step in and do its part, but I am learning.

I am so expectant about your destiny, purpose and future going into 2011.  I feel like a little boy at Christmas! I know there is going to be some awesome things happen to you in the near future.  I can’t wait to hear about them! Prepare for the best!


October 28, 2010

Did You Just Pass…

10 28 10 Thursday

We are so quick to pass judgement on folk.  I know that I am so guilty of this same thing.  We doubt folks ability and willingness to change, but we want others to give us another chance.  If you deserve another chance; then don’t other folk too?

We all have made wrong choices and mistakes in life; there is no exception to this law of humanity.  However, it is how we deal with our own stuff and how we evaluate or judge other folks stuff that can get confusing at times.  Why is it get judge ourselves by our intentions but we judge others by their actions? I am not saying that we excuse other folk, but where is the gift of mercy and grace today? Where is the forgiveness and love when it comes to others? I know that I have strained the mercy, grace, forgiveness and love coming from others. This has taught me to show more of the same to others.  No wonder we have insecurities and deal with self-image issues like we do today.  I have heard my wife say and I totally agree with her; “I want to be told by God I had too much mercy towards others.”  That is becoming my mantra today.  Don’t be so fast to pass judgment on others actions.  There is more than likely a very good reason.  Even if there isn’t, love them back to health.  Kicking folk out isn’t going to work any longer.


October 25, 2010

The Pattern

10 25 10 Monday

I have decided to start work on the Daily Destiny Devotional book.  I have two years worth of blogs to look through, about 300 pages of stuff to read through and categorize.  Help!!!

What do we do when we don’t know what to do? How do we act when we don’t know how to act? What do we say when we don’t know what to say?

I seem to faced with this everyday; so I am thinking some of you are too.  I don’t always make the right call, but I am definitely learning to right thing to do and say.  If I will respond in love then I am going to do right.  I we drop our motive and agenda when dealing with folk then we will do the right thing.  Love has to be the filter and the pattern that we use when determine our plan of action.  One major lesson I am learning; love and selfishness can’t exist in the same person.  So either selfishness or love; which one do you desire the most?  Be careful how you answer, because I would always have said love, but respond with selfishness.  However, by making myself accountable to you right here; I can say love.  Dying the self is hard to do, but it can be done.  Choose love as your pattern and filter today!


October 14, 2010

All Wrapped Up

10 14 10 Thursday

There is a lot to be said about a person who operates in grace, mercy, forgiveness, humility and wraps them all in love.  That is a person who is living their destiny.

The type of person that I just described is a jewel.  They are definitely hard to find and they are very rare.  That is what makes them so precious.  They are extremely valuable.  We can spend all of our life looking for that kind of person.  Believe it or not; that person is you.  We all have the capability to be just that type of person and even more.  Deep down that treasure is buried in us.  It is those few who bring mine that gift and bring it out and give it away every day that is so rare.  You have a precious, costly, valuable treasure right on the inside of you.  It gets covered up and smudged up by hurts, disappointments.  These often come out in the form of selfishness.  When we are able to break though the rock of selfishness and deal with the issues that have caused that us to be like that; then we can see the awesome gift that is in us.  I know there have been times I have seen that gift in me; yeah even me.  Even with all our faults and mistakes we have made; the gift is still there. It will never leave you.  I see this incredible gift in my wife everyday and I see it reflected in me.  I know that if I am be a person of destiny then I have to break down those walls that have been built up over the years.  I know that I am not alone in this.  I hope that this helps in some way.  You are awesome and I know that you can be a person of destiny.


October 10, 2010

Obstacle Course

10 11 10 Sunday

I love talking about destiny, the fact that we all have a destiny, and that we can fulfill our destiny.  I do, however, know that there will be obstacles along the way.

I do know that you can over come any obstacle that presents itself in your life. Keep the main thing the main thing.  The main thing, though, is to maintain peace in your life.  Do whatever it takes to keep peace.  There will be times when we face things that don’t seem right.  We will face things that are not by our doing.  We will face things that are not fair.  Life seems to always find a way to be unfair.  So what do we do when there is a mountain between us and our destiny?  What do we do when we find that we have no peace in our lives?  Both are great questions.  For me, and it may be different for you, but I have to keep in the forefront of my mind; that things will happen and they will test us.  By passing the test we learn and grow.  When I fail a test I know also know that I will get the retake it.  There is peace in knowing that you are doing your best and that things will work out for those that do not give up.  We have to do what is right.  Not giving up is contingent on the fact that you are doing the right thing. Never quit trying, but there are times when we have to change directions because we have been going the wrong way.  So find peace, in knowing that you are doing the right thing and that you are not giving up.  Together we will reach our destiny.


October 6, 2010

Feeling the Hurting

10 06 10 Wednesday

There are so many hurting folk.  So, so many folk that are crying out inside for help on the outside.  What to do? We all are in this group to some degree.

I can’t explain how I feel about this.  For the past few days I have been really sensing the hurt in other folk.  Nothing weird really, but it’s like I feel their pain to some degree.  While sitting at a red light Monday, as the folk came by me, it was like every third one was wiping their eyes.  I know most probably had a cold or something, but what about the ones that didn’t? There are so many folk that hold in their hurts all day long and on their way home from work, school or where ever and on their way home they let out all the hurts.  The tears flow, the crying out to God for help, the wondering when will it all end or will it ever end.  Will the hurt and pain ever go away?  There are so many folk right there, right now.  I can feel their pain, their crying out.  Sounds crazy, but I think we all feel it.  Some choose to do something about it, some don’t.  I have to do something to help the hurting.  If you are hurting today, you are close to my heart. I stand with you, beside you. I support you, I believe in you and lift you up in prayer.  You are not alone!

September 30, 2010

It's Feeding Time

09 30 10 Thursday

I am thankful for the love that I have in my life.  My grandmother used to say, “I love; love.”  There is no way that love and selfishness can live in the same heart.  For you it may be some other trait besides selfishness, but for me it’s selfishness.

There is definitely a battle that goes inside of us.  There are two sides that are trying to win control of our spirit, soul and body.  Which one will win? The one that we feed the most.  We can say we want to do right all day long, but if we are feeding the wrong side; the dark side, then we will not do right.  Which side are you feeding?  I have decided to feed the good side.  The only way to defeat the dark side of selfishness in my world is through love.  By loving others and loving myself the selfishness will not be able to live.  You see, one or the other will win out in the end.  It’s up to us, no one can determine which side wins but us.  We do the feeding.  Make the choice today to feed the right side; the good side.

September 25, 2010

Pride or Peace; You're Choice

09 25 10 Saturday

One year ago this weekend really stands out in my mind.  I remember it being the weekend that Alabama and Arkansas played here in Tuscaloosa.  It was a very hot Friday.  The status of my marriage was very much up in the air too.

What the difference a year makes. I believe I will remember this weekend a year from now too.  Melissa and I are doing better than we ever have.  We enjoy one another and our daughter.  Life is good!  I have learned many lessons during the year.  One thing that really stands out to me right now is relationships and forgiveness.  I have written on forgiveness as much as any subject, but it is a very important subject.  Not just forgiveness we give others, but forgiving ourselves too.  The older I get the less negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions I have inside me the better.  For me, forgiveness, restoration and reconciliation bring peace.  I like having peace in my spirit, soul, and body.  This also brings peace into my home.  There are so many relationships that have been shattered over the years that I wish I could restore and reconcile.  My heart breaks when I thing about the way I have treated folks over the years. However, I am learning.  Their is a lesson here for us all though.  Be quick to forgive others and yourself.  Let peace be the deciding factor.  Peace is so under rated.  Pride and peace can’t reside in the same place.  You will either have one or the other.  Do whatever it takes to have peace.  Forgive quickly and completely. Restore friendships now.  Reconcile relationships today!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 24, 2010

Honor and Sacrifice

09 24 10 Friday

Wednesday night; Melissa, Gloria and I went out to Bama Air at the Tuscaloosa Regional Airport to welcome home the Honor Flight.  We were not the only ones there by any means. I had no idea what I was in for.

We waited on the tarmac for about 1 1/2 hours for the plane bringing the WWII veterans back from Washington D.C. There were a lot of folk there, both young and old waiting just as we were.  It was hot, I was tired, had to use the bathroom and so on.  I wanted to go home!  Then the plane finally landed.  It was then that it really hit me what I was getting to see and be a part of.  These men and women were heroes.  These folk had sacrificed for me.  In the prime of their lives they were taken away from their families and sent to places they probably had never heard of before.  They were willing to give their life if necessary for me.  It’s one thing to have a mindset that they sacrificed for the USA, but the mindset of they had sacrificed for me was something totally new to me.  I was in awe of the men and women as they came by us.  The looks on their faces was something I will never forget.  I was so proud of them.  The question I kept asking myself was, ‘what am I willing to sacrifice for someone else?’ “What am I willing to give up for another person I don’t even know’? I don’t mean the stuff we don’t like, but are we willing to sacrifice something we really like, such as our freedom for others? I haven’t yet wrapped my brain around all this yet, but I am getting closer.  What are you willing to give up?

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 21, 2010

Life Lessons

09 21 10 Tuesday

In yesterday’s Encouragement text I mentioned about developing the champion in you by bringing out the champion in others.  A concept that I sorta developed listening to some Dale Carnegie stuff.

When you have the ‘right’ to criticize someone, hurt, demean, tear down, not forgive or any other negative thing that does not mean that we have to go through with it.  Just because we think we have the ‘right’ to do it, does that really mean we have to do it? Is giving them a piece of our mind going to give them and us a peace of mind?  It will take a great deal of humility to be the stronger and better person.  Take the opportunity you have and make the most of it.  Use that chance to build them up, it make be done through correction, but done in the right way, correction can be an awesome thing.  When you have that upper hand, the high ground if you will, take that position to build them up.  Develop the character, the champion in you, by bringing out the character and champion in them.  You will get better results from you and from them.  Being negative is easy, anyone can do that, but finding something positive to work with and build on, that takes insight and maturity.  Be slow to speak and slow to anger; think before you act.  Don’t react as much as you respond.  We have many life lessons available everyday, we just need to take advantage and make use of them.  You guys are awesome and I know you can do this and even more.  Keep up the great work!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

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