Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 15, 2011

I Got the Joy

Have you experienced something that has taken your joy and enthusiasm for your future? Today is the day to get it back! God has you here on purpose, for a purpose. It’s time to get excited about your future and learn to enjoy each and every day.

If you don’t make the conscious effort to keep your joy, not only will the enemy rob you of the joy that belongs to you, but he’ll rob your family and friends of the gift that you have to give them. When you have joy, you can use that joy to influence the people around you for good. Joy is strength, and when you have joy, you can offer strength to the people God has placed in your life. Today, draw the line in the sand and decide, “I’m not going to live another day negative, discouraged, sour and grumpy. I’m going to put a smile on my face. I’m going to live my life happy.” Choose to keep your heart open and let your faith in Him fill you with inexpressible and glorious joy!

September 28, 2011

Show Your Smile

When people see you, what kind of message are they getting? Are you happy, friendly, good-natured? Or, are you stressed, grumpy, sour and discouraged? Do others want what you have?  

Most of the time people are not listening to what we say; they are watching how we carry ourselves. Many people may not hear our words, but they are reading our lives.  Our joy is not supposed to be hidden; it’s supposed to be seen.  A simple way to display your joy is through smiling. Even through difficulties and unfair situations, decide to display your joy by faith and smile. Don’t wait to feel the joy in order to smile; you may wait forever.  Instead, put your faith out there and smile.  If you will make the decision to brighten up and put on a cheerful smile, you will feel the joy kick in.  You will not only be healthier, but you will get better breaks and see increase and promotion as you demonstrate joy in your life.  

September 24, 2011

You So Funny

When was the last time you had a good laugh? While laughter may seem like the last thing on your mind and priority list, it’s something we should make a vital part of our day to day life.

God created the gift of laughter to benefit our lives in so many ways. When we’re discouraged, uptight, or stressed, a simple smile or laugh can change a mood instantly.  Not only does it relieve stress, rejuvenate us from the pressures of life and make us feel better, it is medically proven to release healing throughout our body.  Laughter also helps bring down the relational walls in our lives and helps us connect with others better.  Today take time to laugh.  God desires that we live a full life of joy.  Decide to be good natured and fun to be around.  Look for the humor in life.  Laugh today! It will change your life and those around you.  

February 25, 2011

Truth be Known

02 25 11 Friday

I am more interested in knowing the truth; more than I am the facts or what I see.    When dealing with rejection, unforgiveness, betrayal, or what ever issue; I have to know the truth about myself or I will fall victim to the facts.

The way we can stay out of traps is to know the truth.  It has been said, the truth will set you free.  It is also true that the truth will keep you free.  What is the truth about you? About me? What truth’s do we need to keep in the forefront of our mind? The number one truth for me and maybe for you too is: I am loved and I am lovable.  Also, I have to know that I am forgiven.  No matter how ragged my past may be; I know that I have been forgiven.  I have to know that I do have purpose.  These are just three of the truth’s that I have to know about me.  You may have others, but these probably resinate with you too.  You are loved, forgiven and have purpose.  It’s one thing to know this as fact, but get in down deep as unshakeable, unmovable, and unchangeable truth.  This will keep us from being down, depressed and messed up.  Get these truth’s down inside and never let them go.  Truth is truth no matter what the facts say or what the circumstances look like.  We can stand on truth at all times. Truth will never let us down.


February 24, 2011

Line in the Sand

02 24 11 Thursday

Today I take a stand against all the mental attacks. I have had enough, not just for my sake, but for those of you that have been under mental attack too.  I have made my stand, a line in the sand.

There comes a time when we have to say; ‘enough is enough,’ and not take it any longer. The enemy of our mind is a bully, but we are stronger.  Together we will stand strong.  What he does is get us all in our own little situation; isolated from everyone else.  Gets us to thinking that nobody else ever goes through this, nobody feels the way you do, and so on.  That’s a lie! We are together in this destiny walk and we won’t leave anyone behind.  You are not alone and you don’t have to fight your battles alone. We won’t be isolated and abandoned.  You are not by yourself. I totally understand what it’s like to have stuff fill your mind that is trying to defeat you. I know how hard it can be to get it out.  So I stand with you today and everyday. Today we win!! Together we win!!


February 23, 2011

In the Trenches

02 23 11 Wednesday

I am one of those that can hear 99 good things, but the 1 negative or just no response is the one that stays with me.  I know that may sound crazy, but that’s me.

It may be just me, but I still battle some insecurities.  Mainly a rejection or disapproval mindset.  It’s no where near what it used to be, but at times it can jump on me and stay there.  I mentioned the other day about mental battles, we are entering day 3 of this current struggle.  From the outside looking in; I see no reason that I should be in a mental battle.  From the inside looking out; all I can see is the mental attack going on in my mind.  I really hope you don’t have these types of days, but if you do, I completely understand where you are.  The truth of the matter is; I am not rejected, but I am accepted, I am not disapproved, but I am approved.  I know most of it comes because I know my destiny is to encourage others. Since that goes against the grain and our enemy hates that; he is going to attack us.  To combat the attack; I want to encourage you to be strong in your mind.  I am telling you that you are an awesome person.  I see the gifting in you and the talent in you.  You have an incredible destiny and purpose for your life.  I approve of you and accept you just as you are right now, because I know what lies ahead for you.  What lies ahead? Greatness, awesomeness, and wonderful things.  A life full of peace, hope, joy, purpose and love.  I give you a standing ovation. I am so excited and expectant about what is going to take place in your life.  Your best day is yet to come. I believe in you and your destiny.


February 22, 2011

Hangin' in There or Standing Strong

02 22 11 Tuesday

When was the last time you said or heard; “I can’t live like this another day,” “I can’t go on like this,” “When is my life going to get better,” or something like that? We all have been in this place at some time.

There are many folk right there, right now.  If you aren’t then be an encourager to those around you who are. If you are right in the middle of this place right now, be encouraged.  You are not alone and I don’t just mean there are others hurting with you, but there are folk standing with you to help.  There is a voice of encouragement of hope calling out to you.  Lift your head and your heart to the voice of love, compassion, understanding, hope, and encouragement.  You don’t have to stay in this place. Today can be your day to come out.  When, when, when can be today! The choice is ours; we can hang in there or we can stand.  Standing strong is so much better than just managing to hang on.  We will stand together, you are being offered a hand up today! Let’s do this!


February 20, 2011

People are Hurting

02 20 11 Sunday

There are hurting folk everywhere.  Chances are you are in this group or have been at sometime.  What to do?

I talk to folk everyday that are hurting for one reason or another.  Maybe you are in this group today.  Some have had a train wreck at some point in their life and can’t seem to recover.  There are others that have made a mistake that lead to another that lead to another and so on.  There is pain in their voice.  Their heart is breaking.  What to do?  Some can’t see any way out, no answers, no clue to what to do.  You may not be in this group, but I have been, I have even caused some folk to be in this group during my life.  I understand that you are hurting today.  I know that there seems to be no one with you and there seems to be no one that cares.  Well, I am here to tell that there is someone with you and there are folk that do care about you.  Your life may seem out of control, but don’t give up, help is on the way.  When we come to the realization that we are messed up; then we can start to make the changes necessary to turn things around.  Today is your day to start making a change.  It’s time to walk out of the place your in and move into the peace and joy of life that you are wanting so bad.  Know that I pray for you everyday.  I stand with my partners and believe for your best day everyday.  I am on your side and God is on our side too.  I might not be too much, but God…  Today is your day!


February 18, 2011

Doing the Right Thing

02 18 11 Friday

There is something to be said about restoring and reconciling relationships.  This is a great day to renew a broken and destroyed friendship.  Take the path less traveled today.

We all have relationships or friendships that have been hurt during our lifetime.  I know I have messed up many of my friendships.  There are some that I really believe in time will be restored. I am doing my best to try to make things right.  We need to take the time to make an effort to rebuild the relationships in our life.  You may have to apologize or just let the other person go off on us.  Take the side of humility and do what the right thing.  I know in my mind that all the relationships I have broken will not be reconciled, but in my heart I don’t know that yet.  I will still do what is right and try to make it right.  When we realize that nothing is as important as people and people make friendships; then we will see the importance of reconciliation.  Forgiveness, humility, grace, mercy all wrapped up in love will allow it to happen.  Without those qualities we will just go through life continuing to leave a wake of destruction behind us.  Go the extra mile again today and restore a broken friendship.  In the end, you both will be glad you did.


February 10, 2011

Feelings; We All Got'em

02 10 11 Thursday

We all have an innate desire to be loved, appreciated, acceptable, & wanted. Even the toughest of the tough…  My status from a couple of days ago.  There is a lot of truth in that statement.

I have seen myself and many others do some outlandish stuff to fulfill that void for love, appreciation and acceptance.  If we go too long with those feelings met we can find ourselves in some bad situations.  Make sure you fill that void in your life the right way.  Also, be sure that you help others in those areas in the right way.  The world has one view of how to handle it.  Our Creator has another.  The world’s way will only lead to more and more frustration because it can only mimic the real thing.  The real thing being Jesus, not religion or ritual.  We have all seen; it’s not religion it’s about relationship.  Let’s be sure we have the proper relationships. I am guilty in my past of not having the proper relationships.  Not a good to place to be.  It will cost you everything if you don’t make the necessary changes in your relationships.  To be loved, appreciated, accepted and wanted; we all do have those desires.  We were created with them. Let others know they are loved, appreciated, accepted and wanted. That is how we will receive; by our giving.

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