Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 8, 2011

Time to Get Back Up

02 08 11 Tuesday

“It’s time to get back up,” was something my pastor said Sunday.  I agree totally with this statement.  Let’s add just a little to it.

“It’s time to get back up and help someone else up too.” If you are down and out, it’s time to get back up today. If life has been knocking you down, stomping on you, jumping up and down on you, putting you in the chicken wing; then it’s time to get back up.  Today is your day to get back up and while you’re at it; help someone else up too.  There is strength in partnership; especially when we are getting back up.  Those that want to stay down are not good partners.  The primary thing today though is while getting back up; look around at others that have been knocked down and help them back on their feet.  There is nothing that can keep you down unless you allow it too.  It’s not what happens to us, but what happens in us that makes the difference.  Today is your day to get back up and help someone in the process.


February 7, 2011

The Blessing

02 07 11 Monday

Wherever we go we are blessed.  Wherever we go we walk in the favor of God.  This is my prayer for you today and forever.  God does want the best for us. Do we really believe and expect it?

The blessing was and still is a very important thing.  We have attempted to water it down to just something we say when we eat or somebody sneezes.  The blessing is much more than a clique.  The blessing is more than a money issue too. The blessing is whatever you need it to be at this very moment.  The blessing can be a hug, a smile, a note, or a check for a thousand dollars.  The blessing comes in many different forms.  I have prayed this for me and my family; that everywhere we go the blessing goes before us, with us, and follows us.  My desire is for you to be blessed by my writing.  I want to see folk healed in every way through my writing.  In order for that to happen, I know that I have to walking in the blessing.  I know that I have to be writing what the Holy Spirit instructs me to write.  I don’t always get it right; I know I miss it sometimes, but my heart is right and good.  So, be blessed today and everyday. Walk in the blessings of God. Remember, Jesus does love us and does want the best for us.

February 3, 2011

It's Time to Take a Stand

02 03 11 Thursday

There comes a time in our live when we have to make a stand.  We have to make a stand for what is right.  Today it’s time to take our stand.

We have to make our stand against average, against giving up, against status quo.  It is time that we stand for destiny, for purpose, for identity.  We have to make a stand that we will not stay the same.  We are going to grow.  We are going to be exactly what we were created to be.  As we walk the path of our destiny, we will see those that gave up and settled for average or worse.  We will see those that decided it was too hard and gave up.  Never give up, don’t ever give up.  No matter what the situations you face; keep on moving.  It is not time to set down, but it is time to make our stand.  It is time to do what we have been created to do.  Life is too short and too long to live our lives in regret of what could have been.  There is greatness inside of you.  It is time to expose that greatness.  It will be manifested differently in each of us, but today is your day.  Be confident in who you are and your destiny.  God has a plan for your life.  It is time to stand and take your place in life.  You are valuable, you do count, you have a purpose.  No more fear.  Today is going to be your greatest day and tomorrow looks even better. You can do it! I believe in you and am pulling for you!


January 31, 2011

Roadmap to Your Destiny

01 31 11 Monday

I am putting together a program, Roadmap to Your Destiny.  It is a year long program that will help you discover and live your destiny.  I am keeping the number of partners to 15 so that we can do this right.

If you are serious about wanting to discover and live your destiny then this may just be what you have been looking for.  There is no cost for this program but you will be required to do your part.  If you really want to see personal growth, change, improvement and changes in your life then this is for you.  We will work on different areas of your life; relationships, your walk with God, your physical well being, your mental state and other areas.

Roadmap to Your Destiny will take you to the next level, but only if you are willing to commit to walking it out and then actually walking it out.  You will have weekly emails, podcasts, Ebook, conference calls, and other awesome materials to see to it you have every advantage possible.

If you are interested then let me know by emailing me at [email protected] and we will take it from there.  Thank you and here’s to discovering and living your destiny.


January 28, 2011

Righteous Dude

01 28 11 Friday

I have a friend that in high school, everything was “righteous dude.”  It’s time that we got right; get in the right place, doing the right thing, the right way, in the right time and for the right reason.

Now is the time for us to get in our place.  There is a place for you spirit, soul, and body.  Your place is in your destiny.  Are you in the right place today? If you are frustrated, aggravated and even bored with your life; that is an indication that you are not in your right place.  It may mean that you have to move physically, but more than not it means it’s mental and spiritually that you need to get right.  There is a destiny place for you, but you have to go to it.  There are folk that we called destiny agents that will guide you to your place.  The major obstacle will be change.  You will have to be willing to make some changes, but think about it, you already have made some changes.  Why stop now? Get in your place today! Your destiny is ready and waiting for you.  How do I know I am in my place? You will have a peace and a joy that you can explain.  Even in the middle of your worse day there is peace and joy present.  If on your best day; you don’t have peace and joy, then you aren’t in the your right place. Find your place today and live your destiny to the fullest!


January 27, 2011

Destiny Winds

01 27 11 Thursday

This year, I really believe, is going to be a year of destiny for many people. Many of you have been facing some difficult situations. Remember, major problems lead to great victories.

Maybe you’ve felt like the storms of life have been beating against you, pushing you back. I believe this year that the winds are changing direction, and now they are going to start pushing you toward your destiny. Your destiny season is coming. It’s not time to give up or quit. It’s not time to let up. It’s time to move forward. It’s time to rise up! Don’t grow weary while doing good. Keep doing good and don’t lose heart because it’s your time, and it’s your destiny season! By faith begin to confess, “2011 is my year of destiny! I’m going up to a new level. I’m letting go of what didn’t work out. I’m putting on a new attitude and enlarging my vision. I’m going to go into this year with a new fire and greater expectancy. I’m pressing forward to step into my season!” This is your day! This is your year! I am so excited for you and what is happening in your life right this minute! Good times!

January 25, 2011

Hip Hop Don't Stop

01 25 11 Tuesday

The other day my daughter, who is 7, came to me almost in tears, because she was having trouble with a Hip Hop dance routine she was trying to learn.  She told me she couldn’t do it and was going to give up.  Wonder how I reacted to that?

I am amazed at her young age how we start developing a give up mentality.  We feel like we aren’t good enough.  She doesn’t hear that at home, school, or church.  It is the nature that is in us at birth.  The older we get the more developed we become in that mindset.  We have to work at and train our mind to change.  Never give up! You are good enough and then some! You were created with purpose, destiny, and greatness in you!  How is it we let this go at a young age? The enemy of your life will plan negative seeds in your mind.  Don’t settle for average in your life.  Don’t let others tell you negative lies about yourself.  Train your self in the truth.  What does God say about you? He created you, you aren’t perfect, but the truth is what God says about you. The truth will always override the facts.

Well, about ten minutes after she and I talked, she came running back in the room telling me how she had gotten the routine down pat.  The truth was she could do it and failure was just part of the process.  What is the truth about you?


January 24, 2011

Love Check

01 24 11 Monday

Without fuel your car won’t operate. Without electricity your lights won’t work. Without love your life won’t be worth living.  Love without agenda is a major key to destiny.

Love is a major key to not only destiny but to life.  If we don’t have love in us then we short circuit everything going on in and around us.  We are separated from our destiny when we are not operating in love.  From time to time it is a good idea to go and read the Love Chapter in the Bible.  Where it says love; put your name in place of the word love. If what you are reading then doesn’t line up with your life; then changes need to be made.  I can see so many areas where I really need to operate in love. Just about the time I think I got it covered there is another area of my life that is revealed to me that I am not operating in love.  When we have love as our guide we won’t go the wrong way.  When we let love be the determining factor in our decisions we won’t regret our choices.  Let love be the final word in your life!


January 22, 2011

Even when…

01 22 11 Saturday

I was reading the other day and came across something that really has me thinking.  It was about the love that God has for us and how wonderful that love is.  Folk all time ask, if God is so loving why did this or that happen.

I honestly don’t know.  Sometimes we blame God for stuff that He had nothing to do with though.  If we never included Him in our plan or in what we were doing or even in our life. Then how can we blame Him for what goes on in our life? Again, I don’t know or even pretend to know all the why’s of life.  I am still trying get understanding about God loving me.  It should be simple, but for some reason I guess I am making it more difficult than it is.  He loves us enough to correct and discipline us.  He loves us enough to let us make our own decisions.  All that is well and good, but the thing that gets me is this; He loved me even when I turned my back on Him.  He loved me even when I was doing everything I could to hurt those that I said I loved.  He loves us even when…  To me that says it all.  When I didn’t deserve it the most; He loved me the most.  Not that I deserve it now, but He says I do; so I do.  Please don’t think that I am super spiritual, Christian.  I am just like you in that I make mistakes and make wrong choices.  I fall and I miss it, but now I know that God isn’t mad or punishing me.  He loves me so He corrects me and loves on me. That makes giving up not an option. His love will keep me getting me up every time I mess up.  God does love us so!


January 21, 2011

Correcting Love

01 21 11 Friday

Guilt and shame are not ways that God corrects us.  If that is what you feel then dump that and receive the correction God offers; His love.

I asked God to show me His love and the next thing I know He is correcting me and showing me things in my life that needed changing.  However, I realized that the guilt and shame that used to accompany correction was not present.  Then I realized that His love comes through correction and discipline.  Not the beat down, beat up, cut up and punishment I was so used to.  I had lived for so long outside the protection of His love that I just thought it was a way a life to have one disaster after another and feel so bad, so down, depressed and no good for anything.  I felt anything but loved.  No more! I am beginning to experience His love in a way I haven’t before; not at home, church, or anywhere else.  Not to say it wasn’t there and available, because it was, I just didn’t have my heart tuned in.  I had allowed Satan to tear me up for so long and call it Jesus.  He is a liar and the father of lies.  I see the truth of my life and it isn’t in condemnation and punishment.  Rather it is in the correction and discipline of a loving God.

I hope that this helps you in some way.  I could keep going but I really don’t like just talking about me, but today was different.  This has totally engulfed me and know there is yet more to come.  What are you feeling in your life today? Is it a loving God or a lying devil?


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