Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 28, 2022

Your Mindset

Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction.

They’ve programmed their minds to worry. They’ve programmed their minds to complain. They’ve programmed their minds to see the negative. But just as we can train our minds to focus on the negative, we can also reprogram our minds to focus on the positive. It all depends on what we meditate on. When we meditate on the truth we reprogram our minds. When we meditate on the truth, we are developing a right mindset. When we choose to be grateful and focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong, we are choosing a positive attitude. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to discipline yourself to focus on the right things. You have to make a conscious effort to spend time developing a truth based mindset every single day until a habit is formed. What is your mind set today?

December 15, 2021

Mind Training

Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction.

They’ve programmed their minds to worry. They’ve programmed their minds to complain. They’ve programmed their minds to see the negative. But just as we can train our minds to focus on the negative, we can also reprogram our minds to focus on the positive. It all depends on what we meditate on. When we meditate on the truth we reprogram our minds. When we meditate on the truth, we are developing a right mindset. When we choose to be grateful and focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong, we are choosing a positive attitude. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to discipline yourself to focus on the right things. You have to make a conscious effort to spend time developing a truth based mindset every single day until a habit is formed. What is your mind set today?

December 14, 2021

Your Program

Our minds work a lot like a computer. The way we program our thinking will determine how our lives are going to function.

You can have the most expensive, powerful computer you can find, but if you load the wrong software, it’s not going to perform at its best. In the same way, many people are not living a victorious life not because there is something wrong with them, but because of what has been programmed in their thinking. They start believing the lies, “I’m not talented. I don’t have a good personality. I’ve made too many mistakes. I’ve reached my limits.” Just like a virus can slow down a perfectly good computer, our wrong thinking can keep us from our destiny. If you’re going to live in victory, you’ve got to know how to hit the delete button. When that thought comes that says, “You’re just average. You’re ordinary.” Hit delete and say, “I’m a masterpiece. I’m one of a kind.” When you hear, “You’ve seen your best days. It’s all downhill from here.” Hit delete and say, “My future will be brighter than my past.” If you will start hitting the delete button on those negative thoughts, your life will go to a new level, and you’ll experience the destiny you were created for. What programming do you have today?

November 2, 2021

Let It All Hang Out

How do you recognize a person that is hurting on the inside? How do you know if the person sitting next to you right now is going through a really tough situation? Chances are if you around folk today that most of them are hurting in some way.  There is a chance, too, that it could be you.

It can be hard sometimes to know if someone is going through a valley type situation because we hide it so well.  We don’t want other to know that we don’t have it all together.  We try to keep it a secret and make others think that we are tough.  If we tell someone about our hurts, disappointments and fears then they may think less of us.  Trust me, when we tell them is not when they find out about it.  Most times those that know us already know when we are hurting and they too know fears.  Truthfully though, does it really matter if they didn’t know? What if we were to open ourselves up and expose our inner most parts? Is getting all the mess out worse than dealing with them and living with them every day? For me I thought it was better to keep it all in, but I have realized that it is much better to get it out.  It is true that you have to be careful who you open up to, but find that person. Talk to your spouse, your parents, a teacher, a coach, a pastor. Find that one person you can talk to and be safe.

January 24, 2021

The Mind’s Eye

When you think about your future, what do you see in your mind’s eye?

Maybe at one time you were excited about your life — you had big goals and big dreams, but you went through some disappointments or life didn’t turn out the way you planned and now you’ve just settled where you are. Understand, just because you had some disappointments and setbacks or because somebody treated you unfairly. You haven’t been written you off just because you made some poor decisions. No matter what’s happened in your past, the plan for your good remains. There is still has a bright future in store for you. If you will get your hopes back and get your vision in line with the truth, then the rest of your life will be the best of your life! Keep standing, keep believing and get a vision for your future. Are you ready for an amazing life?

January 19, 2021

Mind Trains

Being a Champion is being feared and respected for your mental strength and toughness, not just your physical abilities.

The higher you go in whatever you do, the less the physical talent has to do with you staying there. At the highest levels everyone is talented. However, the major difference comes in the form of mental toughness. Whoever has prepared mentally has the edge, the advantage. Mental conditioning is a must if you are going to be a Champion. People take it for granted how important their mental training is. It is not an add-on or an extra. It is part of the process. A huge part of the process. If you aren’t working on your mental game today, then I encourage you to start. Don’t come up short in your destiny because you didn’t prepare mentally. Train your mind to be unstoppable. When your body is wanting to quit, your mind says we are just getting started. Be relentless mentally and you will be unstoppable physically. Your mind is what will enable you to be a Champion or keep you from being one. Are you training your mind today?

January 3, 2021

A Good Word

Some people are discouraged because they don’t know how to encourage themselves.

Don’t spend your life waiting for someone else to pick you up, encourage you and get you going. Be a self encourager. Learn to speak words of encouragement to yourself. Each day when you wake up, start the day by speaking positive, encouraging words to yourself. No one has to hear it, but you need to. You hear every word you say. You “hear” every thought you have too. Use your words and thoughts to help you in your daily life. As we get this new year started, let’s start it off right. Begin the new year by encouraging yourself. You will then see it spread to others. When you are encouraged you will be an example others will follow. Change your perspective and attitude about yourself, your family, your friends and see your complete life change for the better. Be a self encourager today. Are you speaking words of encouragement to yourself every day?


April 28, 2018

Your Mindset

Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction.

They’ve programmed their minds to worry. They’ve programmed their minds to complain. They’ve programmed their minds to see the negative. But just as we can train our minds to focus on the negative, we can also reprogram our minds to focus on the positive. It all depends on what we meditate on. When we meditate on the truth we reprogram our minds. When we meditate on the truth, we are developing a right mindset. When we choose to be grateful and focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong, we are choosing a positive attitude. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to discipline yourself to focus on the right things. You have to make a conscious effort to spend time developing a truth based mindset every single day until a habit is formed. What is your mind set today?

March 31, 2018

Moving Forward

What are you looking at today?

Not in the natural, but with your minds eye. In other words, what is in the forefront of your mind? Are you constantly thinking about your problems or things that have happened in your past? In the natural, you will move in the direction that your eyes are looking. Mentally it works the same way. Whatever you focus your mind on, you will move toward. That’s why you need to look straight ahead. If you are constantly thinking about your past, wondering “what if,” then you will stay right where you are. But if you choose to release the past through forgiveness, then you can focus on what is ahead of you. Forget the past, good and bad, and fix your gaze straight ahead so you can move forward into the life you were created for. Are you ready to move forward today?

February 13, 2018

Neck Up

No matter what you want for yourself, your ultimate power source will come from the neck up, not the neck down.

Our thinking will determine if we change the way we act on the outside. On the other hand, when we just go through the motions without changing the way we think, there will be no lasting change. If you have been wanting and desiring to make changes in your life; start with your thought life. Our thought life will determine if we fail or succeed. We have to get our mind right, and then the body will follow. Change does take mental discipline; which a lot of folk today don’t seem to have, but you do. You have the potential to be a Champion. You have a sharp, strong, good mind that is disciplined. Make up your mind to make up your mind. Today you will take authority of your thought process and thought life. Today is your day to begin making the changes to take you to your destiny. Ready to control your mindset today?

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