Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 16, 2010

Health Care Plan

12 16 10 Thursday

I hear so often; “I just can’t forgive them for what they did,” or “It is so hard to forgive them.”  There are so many folk, including myself that at one time or another has said this same thing.

The reality of the thing is this; forgiveness really isn’t for the other person’s benefit, but for our benefit.  They gain nothing from our forgiveness, except maybe a little peace of mind, but the benefits for the forgiver are out of this world.  Blue Cross Blue Shield don’t have a health care plan as good as the plan of forgiveness.  Holding back our forgiveness causes us stress, anger, resentment, hatred, and various other bad emotions.  These negative emotions lead to heart problems, mental problems, many emotional problems to many to mention.  When we forgive we release the stressors that have attached themselves to us.  Forgiving gets easier when we practice it continually, until it becomes a lifestyle, it becomes natural.  Enjoy the benefits of forgiveness today! Your heart and mind never had it so good!


December 15, 2010

All or Nothing

12 15 10 Wednesday

I saw a person on the news the other day say that, “Complete forgiveness would be inappropriate in his case.”  How sad that we would think this; even in the worst situation.  I am not taking away from what happened to this man and his family but to say complete forgiveness would be inappropriate is an awful place to be.

There is no such thing as partial forgiveness.  At least I don’t think there is such a thing.  We either forgive someone or we don’t.  Forgiveness has to be complete and quick.  Never bringing that offense back up again. I hear all the time how hard it is for folk to forgive others.  Why is it so hard? The first thing I can think of is pride.  We were hurt by someone, but the hurt is there only if we allow it.  They may hurt us physically, but internally only if we allow it.  Be quick to forgive. Remember, when we are the one needing forgiveness we want it quickly too.  They may not deserve it in our opinion, but our opinion doesn’t over rule the fact that we too don’t deserve it, but we still need it. Forgiveness cleanses us. Forgiveness will give you peace and freedom that nothing else can.  That’s why it can be hard to do, the reward of forgiveness is awesome.  Forgive today; quickly and completely.  Hold no offense in your heart.

November 27, 2010

Together We Stand

11 27 10 Saturday

You are blessed. You are also a blessing.  I am very thankful for you.  If it weren’t for you I would not be living my destiny.  If it weren’t for you then my life would have a void in it.

We all have issues, you may even have issues with me, but the bottom line is; we all have issues in life.  Despite these issues we all have a destiny, purpose and reason for being here.  I believe that as long as you are alive there is purpose in your life. Whether or not you tap into that purpose is up to you. I want to encourage you to tap into your purpose.  We are in this together.  Your purpose involves me; just as my purpose involves you.  Together nothing can bring us down.  It is when you get to thinking that we are alone or that we can do it alone that we fall and there is no one there to pick us up.  Stick together.  Work through the issues.  Love one another.  Respect one another.  Forgive one another. Restore and reconcile relationships.  House divided will not stand; so let’s stand together.


November 26, 2010

Never Again

11 26 10 Friday

The feeling of being made to feel that you are not good enough.  The feeling of being made to feel that you are not wanted.  The feeling of being made to feel that you are not loved or cared about.  That is what we can get from rejection.

I have felt all of those before at one time or another.  Some of you might have too.  The point is to not feel those things; those emotions.  I can tell you all day that you are good enough, you are wanted, you are loved and cared about, but until you believe it for yourself it matters not.  Strip of the power of the root of rejection and strip the power of those emotions.  There are going to be folk that treat you wrong sometimes. We all know this is true, but how they make us feel is strictly up to us.  No one can make you feel any certain way; unless you allow them too.  When we are secure and have peace in who we are then we will be held hostage by others.  Break free today and never let rejection or the emotions tied to it to hurt you again.  I believe in you and your destiny. I care about you.  You have what it takes to be the best ever!


November 25, 2010

Totally Rejected

11 25 10 Thursday

I can’t think of one person that like to be rejected.  It is the one thing that still can deal me the most misery today; being rejected.  We can learn to deal with it; even Jesus was rejected by His friends.

There is nothing that hurt us as much as being rejected; whether it is by friends, family or even total strangers.  There has been times in my life when I have been rejected by those closest to me, folk I hardly knew and there was even a time when I felt like God had rejected me.  In other words, we all know what it feels like to be rejected.  One thing that has helped me learn to deal with rejected is to know when I am the one doing the rejecting.  Learning not to reject others has really helped me deal with being rejected.  As we deal with our self-image we also learn how to deal with rejection.  When we learn who we are and that we have a destiny, we have value and worth then it is really hard for the sting of rejection to get to us like it once did.


November 21, 2010

Hold Up

11 21 10 Sunday

Are you planning to throw in the towel? Are you figuring an escape plan? Are you looking at filing for bankruptcy or divorce? Just take a second before you go any farther in those plans.

There are times in our life when we just don’t know what to do, where to turn or who to trust.  It may look like the only thing to do is give up.  Before you give up though give it one more try.  Get up one more time.  Go one more mile, one more time.  I believe that relationship will be reconciled.  Your finances restored.  Your family will come around.  Take a good look at your life from a different perspective.  If you life is not in danger then don’t give in or give up.  I know God is more than able.  You may not even believe in God, but I know He believes in you.  You can trust Him with your life and all the situations in your life.  Your mind can be free of torment. Your body released from pain.  You will be able to forgive, love and trust again. Today is your day for a miracle.  Just give it time, one more day.  Don’t let the enemy win in your life.

November 19, 2010

Let Go and Move On

11 19 10 Friday

We are nearing the end of 2010.  It is time we let go of some stuff we brought into the year.  Let’s not take any mess into 2011.  Let go of the stuff in your life that is holding you down.

That memory that has been haunting you and keeping you down for so long; its got to go.  That person that hurt you; forgive them and let it go.  That place in your mind that has been keeping you from living your destiny; time to get rid of it.  Rather than dwelling and living in the negative, hurtful and harmful; it is time for restoration, forgiveness, reconciliation and hope for 2011.  Start letting go of the stuff that is hurting you.  It is time to let go and start living our destiny.  Love and forgive everyone in your life.  Live your destiny today; don’t wait.

November 18, 2010

Turn Your Life Around

11 18 10 Thursday

You have probably been told that you are special, you are unique, you are awesome.  Whether or not you believe that does not make it true or not true.  The fact that you are alive on this planet makes it so.  God don’t create junk.

Just because that person walked out on you or someone told you that you are worthless does not make you a useless person.  You do have value and worth.  You have a place, a purpose, a destiny, a reason for being here.  I dare say that your mission in life is much larger than you even think or believe.  Our mistakes and mess ups don’t take away from what we were put here to do.  Today is the day to start turning things around in our lives.  Make things right with those in our family, at work, at school, at home.  Do your part and God will certainly do His part.  Life does not have to be boring, mundane or so stressful that you can’t sleep.  Start living your destiny today.  See relationships reconciled and restored.  See your life the way God sees it; full of hope, full of love, full of purpose.  Let humility be your guide and love your translator as you go through life.  These two will not fail you.  You are special, unique, and awesome!

November 17, 2010

Walking It Out

11 17 10 Wednesday

You may be hurting today; emotionally, mentally, physically or even spiritually.  Someone or some group may have hurt you deeply.  They may have taken from you, lied to you, manipulated you, controlled you or betrayed you.  I see hurting folk all round; you could be one of them.

I don’t pretend to know or to understand what you have been through or may be going through right this minute.  I do know though that you can make it through this and be stronger because you made it through.  Don’t stop getting back up, don’t quit today.  When it seems like you don’t have the strength enough to go another round; think about those that have gone before you.  You can make it.  You are not alone in your struggle.  Just be reading this you are with many others today.  We may not know what each other is facing, but we know we are facing it together.  There is safety and strength in knowing we are not alone.  You are a champion and champions win, they don’t give up.  There is healing available for you. There is reconciliation and restoration of relationships waiting for you.  Your best days are yet to come.  Don’t lose hope this close to your breakthrough day.

November 11, 2010


11 11 10 Thursday

You have limitless possibilities.  For most of us we have not even started our destiny.  There is so much for us to accomplish.  Wonder why we haven’t gotten started yet?

Many of us have roadblocks that are stopping us from reaching our destiny.  The roadblocks can be different from person to person.  However, I think they all boil down to a few specific issues.  We have talked quite a bit about forgiveness lately; which we know is one major roadblock.  As long as there is unforgiveness inside us; we will never live out our destiny.  Unforgiveness will lead us toward hate, anger, bitterness, and even rage.  None of these are destiny minded characteristics.  As long as there are any of these issues still inside our heart and mind then our destiny is out of the question.  The good news is; we can get rid of them if we choose to do so.  Begin today to forgive those that have wronged you; doesn’t matter if they are available for you to talk to or not.  They don’t have to be alive for that matter.  They don’t have to ask you to forgive them.  It is not about them, but all about you.  Forgive today and see your spirit, soul, and body begin to change.  You will surprised at how much better you feel in all areas of your life.


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