Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 31, 2010

Letting It Go

12 31 10 Friday

We are finally here! Last day of the year. Last day of the first decade of 2K.  It’s time to let go and move into 2011 and our destiny.  Excited doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel right now!

It is time to let go of the stuff that we don’t need to hold on to.  We talked earlier about letting the good times roll, but this is somewhat different.  We are talking about letting go of stuff and letting God be in total control.  God will either be in total control or not at all.  I have dealt with control and manipulation issues for years; so I know what it means to let go of things.  For me right now heading into the new year it is letting go of my writing.  I have to stop trying control everything.  I have to let God be in control; He is the one who is in control.  Allow God to have control of your life. Let Him be your guide.  Let go of the things that you don’t need to be holding on to right now.  There are issues in your life that you need to leave in 2010.  Don’t take those insecurities and issues with you.  Let God have them and take them away.  Hurts and disappointments don’t need to go with us.  Unforgiveness and hatred have to stay right here. Doubt and fear have no place with us in 2011. Let God be Who He is.

As we go into the new year, let go of the stuff that we don’t need to be holding on to.  See you in 2011! Love you all and thank you very much! I appreciate you!


December 29, 2010

Love is the Key

12 29 10 Wednesday

We are getting closer to great change.  I don’t hinge great change on January 1st, but I use it as a point of reference.  Great stuff is coming our way. Are you ready? Will you be aware of the changes?

If love is the determining factor in all you do; then you will be aware and you will be ready for the changes.  We have to have unconditional love for ourselves and for others.  Unconditional love for ourselves is always looking to love others.  To love yourself is to serve others.  When we love others and serve others then we will see the changes that are coming. We will begin to live our destiny when we love others.  You see, selfishness can’t exist if unconditional love is in control.  Selfishness and destiny can’t exist together.  We have to love, if we are going to live our destiny.  It is that simple.  When we lay it all down, love is the only thing that will remain.  Love is the key to this whole thing we call life, destiny, purpose and so on.  Check yourself right now and see what is in control of your decisions, your thoughts, your life.  Is it love or something else? Allowing love to be our decision-maker, our guide will change our live like nothing else.  Love never quits, it never gives up and love always wins.  Love never fails!


December 26, 2010

Wait Up

12 26 10 Sunday

This time of the year I hear folk talking about how they are so tired.  Folk are wore out from the holidays.  There is a verse that says; those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength.

That verse goes on to talk about the young and the old both being strong.  There is strength available for our spirit, soul and body.  To be a person of destiny we must be strong in all areas.   There will be times we are tired, but we can and will be renewed when we wait on the Lord.  That word wait doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing, but like a waiter or waitress, we serve.  When we serve God we are renewed.  When we serve others we are renewed.  To be a person of destiny it means we are servants, so renewing is for you.  If you are serving but are not being renewed, check your motives, agendas, and who it is you are serving.  Also, make sure you are serving Jesus first, then others.  Be a servant and see your strength renewed daily.


December 24, 2010

Getting Closer

12 24 10 Friday

I was overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes I received on Facebook, texts, and by email.  I quite counting at 200.  There is another birthday that I am overwhelmed by too; Jesus.

The closer we get to Christmas and the New Year the more excited I am getting.  I can just feel the changes that are coming.  I really and truly believe that 2011 is going to the beginning of something awesome.  More and more folk are going to start discovering and living in their destiny.  There will be positive life changing experiences taking place in our lives.  We will find that we are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, for the right reasons.  When this begins to happen this world will turn right side up.  I am excited about your destiny and what is in store of you.  When we get the pride, unforgiveness, selfishness, insecurities and fear out of our lives then destiny will begin to come alive in us.  It is an exciting and exhilarating time to be alive.  Just a few more days to get ourselves in position mentally, physically and spiritually for what is coming.  Don’t be on the outside looking in; get in today! Your destiny awaits!

December 23, 2010

Forgiveness and Love

12 23 10 Thursday

We hear quite often that we must have excellence.  I have written about having excellence in everything that you do.  However, if we don’t love as our motivation we won’t have excellence.  Love and forgiveness are must in our lives.

You want to live your destiny you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to have excellence in your life then you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to be blessed in your life then you got to have forgiveness and love.  I think you see the common theme going on here.  If you are going to be positive and live in such a way that stress can’t attach itself to you; then you got it, forgiveness and love.  To forgive and to love are both giving and serving.  We can’t be selfish if we have both of these determining our decisions.  As we end the year; make sure that forgiveness and love are dominant in our life.  Excellence is something we all want, but will we forgive quickly and completely.  It is part of the process of living our destiny.  Forgiveness and love; vital components of our lives.


December 16, 2010

Health Care Plan

12 16 10 Thursday

I hear so often; “I just can’t forgive them for what they did,” or “It is so hard to forgive them.”  There are so many folk, including myself that at one time or another has said this same thing.

The reality of the thing is this; forgiveness really isn’t for the other person’s benefit, but for our benefit.  They gain nothing from our forgiveness, except maybe a little peace of mind, but the benefits for the forgiver are out of this world.  Blue Cross Blue Shield don’t have a health care plan as good as the plan of forgiveness.  Holding back our forgiveness causes us stress, anger, resentment, hatred, and various other bad emotions.  These negative emotions lead to heart problems, mental problems, many emotional problems to many to mention.  When we forgive we release the stressors that have attached themselves to us.  Forgiving gets easier when we practice it continually, until it becomes a lifestyle, it becomes natural.  Enjoy the benefits of forgiveness today! Your heart and mind never had it so good!


December 15, 2010

All or Nothing

12 15 10 Wednesday

I saw a person on the news the other day say that, “Complete forgiveness would be inappropriate in his case.”  How sad that we would think this; even in the worst situation.  I am not taking away from what happened to this man and his family but to say complete forgiveness would be inappropriate is an awful place to be.

There is no such thing as partial forgiveness.  At least I don’t think there is such a thing.  We either forgive someone or we don’t.  Forgiveness has to be complete and quick.  Never bringing that offense back up again. I hear all the time how hard it is for folk to forgive others.  Why is it so hard? The first thing I can think of is pride.  We were hurt by someone, but the hurt is there only if we allow it.  They may hurt us physically, but internally only if we allow it.  Be quick to forgive. Remember, when we are the one needing forgiveness we want it quickly too.  They may not deserve it in our opinion, but our opinion doesn’t over rule the fact that we too don’t deserve it, but we still need it. Forgiveness cleanses us. Forgiveness will give you peace and freedom that nothing else can.  That’s why it can be hard to do, the reward of forgiveness is awesome.  Forgive today; quickly and completely.  Hold no offense in your heart.

December 12, 2010

Gift Giving

12 12 10 Sunday

The gift that keeps on giving.  That is something we usually say around this time of year; both for gifts we like and those we don’t so much like.  We have all been given a gift that keeps on giving.

There was a gift placed deep inside us before we were born.  That gift is for us to give to others.  What is your gift? You may not know yet, that’s fine.  Let’s discover our gift and use that gift to make this the greatest Christmas and greatest new year we have ever experienced.  None of us have the gift that you have.  That gift will lead you to your destiny.  You are gifted whether you realize it or not.  You have the ability to do something like on one else can do.  Never allow anyone to tell you that you are useless, worthless or no good.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. You are incredible, awesome, wonderful, valuable, and precious.  There is no one else just like you.  Develop your gift and let it flow through you.  I am excited about our destiny and future.  I can’t wait to see you reach your highest.  This is your time! This is your day!


November 22, 2010

Mistake Free

11 22 10 Monday

Some folk talk about wishing they had white out or a delete button so they could erase the mistakes of their life.  I have to admit it would be nice, but at the same time I have learned and grown more from my mistakes than anything else.

We all have done things we wished later that we hand’t done, but can’t have a do-over. However, we can do one thing; that is to learn from our mistakes.  Not to get bitter, angry, resentful from our mistakes. We shouldn’t build walls, hold unforgiveness, or be insecure because of our mistakes.  When we take responsibility for our mistakes we learn, grow and mature from them.  Don’t be ashamed of your mistakes. Don’t hide from the them, but take the power of their control over you.  When we take responsibility for our mistakes we do take the hurtful power from them.  Be honest with yourself and others today.  We all have made mistakes, it’s no surprise to anyone.  It is a mistake to let past mistakes rob you of your destiny.

November 21, 2010

Hold Up

11 21 10 Sunday

Are you planning to throw in the towel? Are you figuring an escape plan? Are you looking at filing for bankruptcy or divorce? Just take a second before you go any farther in those plans.

There are times in our life when we just don’t know what to do, where to turn or who to trust.  It may look like the only thing to do is give up.  Before you give up though give it one more try.  Get up one more time.  Go one more mile, one more time.  I believe that relationship will be reconciled.  Your finances restored.  Your family will come around.  Take a good look at your life from a different perspective.  If you life is not in danger then don’t give in or give up.  I know God is more than able.  You may not even believe in God, but I know He believes in you.  You can trust Him with your life and all the situations in your life.  Your mind can be free of torment. Your body released from pain.  You will be able to forgive, love and trust again. Today is your day for a miracle.  Just give it time, one more day.  Don’t let the enemy win in your life.

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