Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 10, 2011

Mind Battles

01 10 11 Monday

We are getting things in line.  This year is going to be the greatest year ever for you.  You have heard me say that many times.  We can’t just wish it to be the greatest, but we have to have hope.  Time to get your mind right.

If this is going to be your greatest year ever, you have to believe it.  We sometimes believe the worst there is about us and our life.  It is time we begin to have faith and know it is going to be a destiny filled year.  The majority of the battle is in our mind.  If we think defeated, negative, low self esteem thoughts; then we will never make it.  That is why our thoughts and words are so important.  Begin to think the thoughts of a champion and you will become a champion.  Begin to think the thoughts of a winner and you will become a winner.  You see the progression here? You will become what you fill your mind with.  Get your mind wrapped around the fact that you have been wonderful and awesomely created. You have an incredible destiny.  You have a great impact in folk.  You do make a difference.  You do matter.  You do count.  You are appreciated and respected. You are loved!


January 8, 2011

Don't Look Back

01 08 11 Saturday

There was a song that had the line; “Don’t look back,” in it.  Satchel Paige, a baseball player, used to say;”Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you.”  Both of these lines are good advice.

There is an enemy to our destiny and for most it is called ‘our past.”  When we get caught up in our past mistakes and wrong decisions we can easily lose sight of our destiny. If our past can keep us focused on it, rather than our destiny, then we will never live our destiny.  When we are stressed out and worried about what was; rather than exciting and pumped about what is coming; we have lost.  Our past is just that; past. It is gone; whether good, bad or ugly; it is all in the past.  Get your focus on today and what is coming.  Prepare by learning from the past, it is useful for something, but don’t dwell there.  Just like with Moses and the Israelis, when the cloud or the pillar of fire moved; they moved with it.  It is time to leave all the past in the dust and move on.  Our destiny is ahead and waiting for us to get a move on.  You are awesome and that includes your past.  You are still in the game. Don’’t take yourself out.  See you at the finish!


January 6, 2011

Destiny Robbers

01 06 11 Thursday

Let me ask you this; “Do you believe you have a destiny”? I have been surprised at the number of folk that have told me that they don’t believe they have a destiny.  Now hear this; “Yes, you do have a destiny and it’s an awesome destiny.”

The catch, if there is one, is this; you have to do your part.  God has created you with a gift and a destiny.  He has a plan for your life and it’s to see you succeed at your destiny.  However, if we choose not to walk it out then it will not happen.  We are given the gift of choice as well as destiny.  That’s why insecurities are such a horrible thing.  They rob us of what is rightfully ours.  When you are robbed of your destiny then the world too is robbed of something great.  You have awesomeness inside of you. It does take work, everyday work, to get that awesomeness out and working, but you can do it.  Don’t sell yourself short, don’t tell yourself you can’t do it, don’t say you aren’t good enough, don’t confess you have made too many mistakes.  We all have come up short at some point in our lives.  I have missed it countless times, but yet I continue to walk it out.  I know I have a destiny and you too.  Let’s put aside the issues, the insecurities, the unforgiveness, and pride.  Let’s walk this out together.


January 5, 2011

Destiny Words

01 05 11 Wednesday

The one thing we all have in common that could possibly stop us from reaching our destiny is fear.  There is no fear in a person of destiny.  You have to see the reality of your destiny.

We are creatures of habit and we tend to have a habit of fear.  We talk it all the time without even realizing it.  We lean toward worry and fear more than we think we do.  Just listen to the words you say, the news, and those around you.  They are full of fear and death.  The response I hear the most I hear the most is; “I really don’t mean it.”  That just doesn’t cut it.  Whether you mean it or not, if you are speaking it; then you are giving it life.  When folk speak words of life; folk look at them like they are out of their mind, but if they speak words of fear or death they just agree or laugh.  Take the time to check your words, because what is in your heart and mind is going to come out of your mouth.  No more fear and death filled thoughts or words.  We have to speak life and destiny.  Fill the atmosphere with your destiny words.  You are awesome! You are more than able! You have the God of the universe alive and well inside of you! No fear!


December 31, 2010

Letting It Go

12 31 10 Friday

We are finally here! Last day of the year. Last day of the first decade of 2K.  It’s time to let go and move into 2011 and our destiny.  Excited doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel right now!

It is time to let go of the stuff that we don’t need to hold on to.  We talked earlier about letting the good times roll, but this is somewhat different.  We are talking about letting go of stuff and letting God be in total control.  God will either be in total control or not at all.  I have dealt with control and manipulation issues for years; so I know what it means to let go of things.  For me right now heading into the new year it is letting go of my writing.  I have to stop trying control everything.  I have to let God be in control; He is the one who is in control.  Allow God to have control of your life. Let Him be your guide.  Let go of the things that you don’t need to be holding on to right now.  There are issues in your life that you need to leave in 2010.  Don’t take those insecurities and issues with you.  Let God have them and take them away.  Hurts and disappointments don’t need to go with us.  Unforgiveness and hatred have to stay right here. Doubt and fear have no place with us in 2011. Let God be Who He is.

As we go into the new year, let go of the stuff that we don’t need to be holding on to.  See you in 2011! Love you all and thank you very much! I appreciate you!


December 28, 2010

Laissez les bons temps rouler

12 28 10 Tuesday

A very popular and familiar saying in my family is laissez les bons temps rouler; which means let the good times roll.  With this in mind; it is time we roll our cares, problems, insecurities, hurts, disappointments, and failures over on the God.

All through the Bible, God tells us to roll our care over on to Him because He cares for us.  As we get closer to end of this year, let’s make begin to unload all the stuff that is weighing us down and never pick it up again.  If we are going to walk and live our destiny, we can’t be carrying the cares of our past and all the negative  stuff that has happened to us.  We have to be renewed in our mind and heart.  We have to get free of all that mess that has been hurting us for way too long.  Once you have rolled your care off, don’t pick it back up and don’t let anyone else put it back on you.  Stay free of it and stay clear of it.  You will have some pep in your step when you are don’t have all that baggage on you.  Your mind will be clear and you will be able to think clearly and quickly.  You will begin to make good and sharp decisions.  Discouragement won’t come on you, cause when it tries to get in you, you will roll it off.  So laissez les bons temps rouler everybody.  It’s going to be a great new year for you.  Your life is going to go to another level of awesomeness.  I am so proud of you!


December 22, 2010

Born with a Purpose

12 22 10 Wednesday

We are getting close! So close to 2011.  I hope you are as excited and full of anticipation about what is waiting for us in the upcoming year and decade.

We are so blessed and fortunate to be alive right now! You were not born a day too early or a year too late.  You were created for a time such as this.  Folk may try to make us believe that we are not any good and we should have never been born.  That’s a lie! You and I were created for a special purpose and we were born right at the exact moment.  We were not a mistake or an accident.  Just because a person was not planned by their parents does make them a mistake or an accident.  God planned for you and set in motion a great plan just for your life.  We may have some physical or mental limitations, but we still have a destiny.  Everyone, you and me included, have a destiny.  Not just an ordinary destiny, but you have an extra-ordinary destiny.  Don’t sell yourself or anyone else short.  There is greatness in us all.  There is a gift inside of you that is awesome.  Prepare for destiny today! Prepare for greatness today! Prepare of significance today! Have no fear! Have no fear! Believe in the God that created you and the ability to accomplish what it is He created you to do.


December 21, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday

12 21 10 Tuesday

Happy Birthday to me!! 45 years young today. Feel better than I did at 35. Hope to say that in 10 more years too.  Thanks for the BD wishes.

For me the best birthday present would be to see you living your destiny.  I talked a couple of years ago about if everyone in the world started walking in their destiny.  Wow! What would that look like? If you, me, your family, your neighbor, everybody in the world got up this morning and began moving, living, walking, talking, operating and fulfilling their destiny, their purpose in life.  There would be some awesome changes taking place in a short time period. Know that destiny is not just for a few select folk.  You, yes you, have a very distinct and specific destiny and purpose in life.  Are you living out your destiny? It is my desire, dream, and purpose to see you in your destiny.  My destiny, you see, is to see you in your destiny.  Don’t lose hope in your dreams and destiny. You have got to hold on to your dreams.  Allow them to take you places you need to go.  Allow them to enable you to do things you didn’t think you could do.  No fear! Absolutely no fear! What a great birthday gift indeed to see you on the way to your destiny!!


November 17, 2010

Walking It Out

11 17 10 Wednesday

You may be hurting today; emotionally, mentally, physically or even spiritually.  Someone or some group may have hurt you deeply.  They may have taken from you, lied to you, manipulated you, controlled you or betrayed you.  I see hurting folk all round; you could be one of them.

I don’t pretend to know or to understand what you have been through or may be going through right this minute.  I do know though that you can make it through this and be stronger because you made it through.  Don’t stop getting back up, don’t quit today.  When it seems like you don’t have the strength enough to go another round; think about those that have gone before you.  You can make it.  You are not alone in your struggle.  Just be reading this you are with many others today.  We may not know what each other is facing, but we know we are facing it together.  There is safety and strength in knowing we are not alone.  You are a champion and champions win, they don’t give up.  There is healing available for you. There is reconciliation and restoration of relationships waiting for you.  Your best days are yet to come.  Don’t lose hope this close to your breakthrough day.

November 15, 2010

Overcoming Disappointments

11 15 10 Monday

There are going to be disappointments in life.  We are going to have times when folk let us down and times we even disappoint ourselves.  The thing is; don’t let these times determine your quality of life.

There is something to be said about just rolling with the flow.  In that; we do have to be able to absorb the disappointing times of life and go on ahead anyways.  When we have these times of let down; don’t let it steal your joy.  Keep a good attitude during the disappointing times. Know that these times in life will come, but they will go too.  Only when we stay in an attitude of disappointment will we not recover.  Stay upbeat, head up, and an attitude to match.  Surround yourself with folk that have joy in their life no matter what is going on.  Joy and peace are great indicators of the folk we need to be around.  When we have joy and peace in our day to day life; then disappointments won’t hurt as much as they once did.

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