Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 13, 2010

Death Clothes

11 13 10 Saturday

There is a Bible story about a man that was dead for four days; then Jesus called him out of the tomb.  He was alive but he was still in what they called ‘death clothes.”  A lot of us are that way today. We are alive but wrapped up in our death clothes.

Your destiny is alive, your gift is alive, your purpose is alive but it’s still wrapped up in death clothes.  You are alive and doing okay, but you are not alive in your gift, in your destiny or in your purpose.  Take the death clothes off of your gift, destiny, and purpose today.  Begin to live your live to the greatest today.  You will never experience your life the way you were intended to until you take the death clothes off.  You do have a reason for being here; or God would not have created you.  Speak life to your dreams, your passion, your love.  Take the death clothes off today and experience life!

October 14, 2010

All Wrapped Up

10 14 10 Thursday

There is a lot to be said about a person who operates in grace, mercy, forgiveness, humility and wraps them all in love.  That is a person who is living their destiny.

The type of person that I just described is a jewel.  They are definitely hard to find and they are very rare.  That is what makes them so precious.  They are extremely valuable.  We can spend all of our life looking for that kind of person.  Believe it or not; that person is you.  We all have the capability to be just that type of person and even more.  Deep down that treasure is buried in us.  It is those few who bring mine that gift and bring it out and give it away every day that is so rare.  You have a precious, costly, valuable treasure right on the inside of you.  It gets covered up and smudged up by hurts, disappointments.  These often come out in the form of selfishness.  When we are able to break though the rock of selfishness and deal with the issues that have caused that us to be like that; then we can see the awesome gift that is in us.  I know there have been times I have seen that gift in me; yeah even me.  Even with all our faults and mistakes we have made; the gift is still there. It will never leave you.  I see this incredible gift in my wife everyday and I see it reflected in me.  I know that if I am be a person of destiny then I have to break down those walls that have been built up over the years.  I know that I am not alone in this.  I hope that this helps in some way.  You are awesome and I know that you can be a person of destiny.


September 24, 2010

Honor and Sacrifice

09 24 10 Friday

Wednesday night; Melissa, Gloria and I went out to Bama Air at the Tuscaloosa Regional Airport to welcome home the Honor Flight.  We were not the only ones there by any means. I had no idea what I was in for.

We waited on the tarmac for about 1 1/2 hours for the plane bringing the WWII veterans back from Washington D.C. There were a lot of folk there, both young and old waiting just as we were.  It was hot, I was tired, had to use the bathroom and so on.  I wanted to go home!  Then the plane finally landed.  It was then that it really hit me what I was getting to see and be a part of.  These men and women were heroes.  These folk had sacrificed for me.  In the prime of their lives they were taken away from their families and sent to places they probably had never heard of before.  They were willing to give their life if necessary for me.  It’s one thing to have a mindset that they sacrificed for the USA, but the mindset of they had sacrificed for me was something totally new to me.  I was in awe of the men and women as they came by us.  The looks on their faces was something I will never forget.  I was so proud of them.  The question I kept asking myself was, ‘what am I willing to sacrifice for someone else?’ “What am I willing to give up for another person I don’t even know’? I don’t mean the stuff we don’t like, but are we willing to sacrifice something we really like, such as our freedom for others? I haven’t yet wrapped my brain around all this yet, but I am getting closer.  What are you willing to give up?

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 23, 2010

Insecurity Goals

09 23 10 Thursday

I have been listening to Zig Ziglar the past couple of days.  He is a hoot to listen to. Andy Andrews does a great Zig impression, sounds just like him.  Anyways, Zig has been talking about setting goals.

Whether or not you set goals in your life is really up to you. I do recommend that you do set some sort of goals though. They are vital to your success in your life.  The thing that really hit home with me was one key reason why we don’t set goals.  The number one reason that we don’t set goals is; insecurity. We are afraid others will find out, we are afraid others won’t approve, and most of all we are afraid of “what if don’t reach the goal; what if we fail.”  How sad it is that we don’t set goals because of our own insecurities.  I have talked a lot about insecurities in the past year or so, but never in relation to goal setting.  I am not so bothered by the fact that a lot of folk don’t set goals, but I am bothered by the fact that the number one reason is because of insecurities.   We have to stop letting insecurities steal our destiny. Insecurities are robbing us and those around us of what is rightfully your’s and theirs.  The person sitting next to you has insecurities.  What can we do to build them up, help them to overcome these destiny stealing insecurities?  Granted we can’t do it for them nor them for us, but something can be done.   We just have to decide what that something is.  Just by the fact that you are reading this blog each day or maybe for the first time ever does mean you want to do something to overcome your own insecurities and for to help those around you.  Together we can make it happen.  Enable the person next to you to feel secure in who they are and their destiny.  Together we can walk out and live our destiny.

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 5, 2010

The "We" Factor

09 05 10 Sunday

I learned quite a bit about relationships during my visits with the high school coaches last week.  I have already mentioned some of things that I picked up from the coaches.  Today I want to go deeper in the relationship aspect.

There is nothing we can’t accomplish when we have strong, healthy, pure relationships.  Everything ‘we’ do is about relationship.  There will be no ‘we’ without relationships. There will no lasting ‘we’ without healthy relationships.  Just as the coach as to have relationship with his or her players; we have to have relationship with those around us.  Without relationship everything becomes manipulation. That is a very strong statement.  I have been on the manipulation side of this equation for way too long.  It is time to be on the healthy relationship side of this thing.  Everything in life, everything about destiny is about the ‘we factor.’  I don’t think I have really grasped the magnitude of this just yet.  I do know that it’s all about people, it’s all about other, treat others even better than you want to be treated.  But, when we factor in relationship it takes it all to a higher and new level.  Everything is about relationship! I am working on the we; which is you! Learning to love, appreciate, serve, and treat you even better than I expect to be treated!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 2, 2010

Take That Step

09-02-10 Thursday

Do you ever wonder if ‘your day’ will ever come? When will I catch a break? When does my ship come in? When, when, when? The answer is today! Today is your day! There is no time like the present. We are living in the greatest time known to man, don’t wait until your time has come and gone to act.

So many folk never take the first step toward their destiny. They feel like the time has to be perfect. Well, this is as perfect as it gets. We will never be perfect, but we are perfect enough. You have a calling, a destiny, a purpose in your life. Today is the day to start living your destiny. Do something today that you have never done to take the first step in moving toward your destiny. It may be scary at first, but it will be the beginning of the most exciting time of your life. You will never regret moving into your destiny. The regret will be if you never fulfill your destiny. You have not been disqualified or replaced. Your destiny is for you and you only. You are more than able. God has hand picked you for a special purpose and He has a plan for your life. What is your plan? What is your purpose? What is your destiny? These are questions that need to be answered. Take the time to think over and pray over your life. See what God has in store for you. You will be glad you did.

If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me at or you can call or text me at 205-210-9311. Have a great day and I love you!

September 1, 2010


09-01-10 Wednesday

There are days when I do feel the regrets from my past. I remember the people that I have hurt, those that are uncomfortable around me and those that simply avoid me all together now. I believe that many of you feel similar regrets in your own way.

However, when these feelings try to bring us down; we have to know that we aren’t that person any longer. If there are those that we have done wrong then, by all means, do your best to make things right. I know that some folk don’t want to make things right. In that case, forgive and ask forgiveness and move on. There is no way that my past regrets are going to hold me hostage in any way. We are to make sure that we are not being lead by our past. We have to know that we are changing and making better decisions now than we were then. Know that no one can control you by holding your past against you; unless you allow them. I don’t know your past, but I have a glimpse of your future; of your destiny. Your future is looking good. Your destiny is starting to unfold. Your past does not disqualify you from your destiny. On the contrary, it qualifies you for your destiny. You are awesome! We got issues, we all got’um, but we are working through them, not avoiding them. Today is your day to shine!

If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me at or you can call or text me at 205-210-9311. Have a great day and I love you!

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