Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 8, 2011

Time to Get Back Up

02 08 11 Tuesday

“It’s time to get back up,” was something my pastor said Sunday.  I agree totally with this statement.  Let’s add just a little to it.

“It’s time to get back up and help someone else up too.” If you are down and out, it’s time to get back up today. If life has been knocking you down, stomping on you, jumping up and down on you, putting you in the chicken wing; then it’s time to get back up.  Today is your day to get back up and while you’re at it; help someone else up too.  There is strength in partnership; especially when we are getting back up.  Those that want to stay down are not good partners.  The primary thing today though is while getting back up; look around at others that have been knocked down and help them back on their feet.  There is nothing that can keep you down unless you allow it too.  It’s not what happens to us, but what happens in us that makes the difference.  Today is your day to get back up and help someone in the process.


February 7, 2011

The Blessing

02 07 11 Monday

Wherever we go we are blessed.  Wherever we go we walk in the favor of God.  This is my prayer for you today and forever.  God does want the best for us. Do we really believe and expect it?

The blessing was and still is a very important thing.  We have attempted to water it down to just something we say when we eat or somebody sneezes.  The blessing is much more than a clique.  The blessing is more than a money issue too. The blessing is whatever you need it to be at this very moment.  The blessing can be a hug, a smile, a note, or a check for a thousand dollars.  The blessing comes in many different forms.  I have prayed this for me and my family; that everywhere we go the blessing goes before us, with us, and follows us.  My desire is for you to be blessed by my writing.  I want to see folk healed in every way through my writing.  In order for that to happen, I know that I have to walking in the blessing.  I know that I have to be writing what the Holy Spirit instructs me to write.  I don’t always get it right; I know I miss it sometimes, but my heart is right and good.  So, be blessed today and everyday. Walk in the blessings of God. Remember, Jesus does love us and does want the best for us.

February 6, 2011

Mercy and Forgivness

02 06 11 Sunday

When we take time to evaluate where we have come from in our life; it is important to do so from a merciful and forgiving mindset.  Having mercy and forgiving ourselves is a major step toward a healthy life.

I have many regrets about my past, but I have been able to forgive myself for the mistakes and wrong choices I have made.  You may find it easy to forgive yourself, but I seemed to have difficulty with it for a long time.  I would bring up past issues and let them beat me down time and time again.  It wasn’t until I was able to forgive myself and take the power from them that I was able to life a healthy, destiny minded life.  We should learn from our past, but we shouldn’t allow it to hold us down.  Make the decision today to not allow your past to hold you hostage any longer.  Even when someone else brings it up to you, don’t let it stick.  Like the saying goes, “Water off a ducks back.”  That is how we have to be when it comes to memories that have haunted us and harmed us.  Take the power away from the hurtful past.  Learn from the stuff you have been through and then don’t go back there again.  Also, don’t make the same mistakes repeatedly.  Looking back can be productive when we look back with the proper mindset.


February 5, 2011

Reflection of Hope

02 05 11 Saturday

From time to time it’s good to take step back and see where you have come from, where you are and where you are heading.  First, we look at where we come from. That can be a loaded question for some of us.

I took such a look back in my life not long ago.  I focused mainly on the past couple of years.  I was not happy with what I saw, but nevertheless it was there.  Many of you don’t know a lot about my past.  As this blog grows that number grows even larger.  The one word that really sums up my past and especially the past few years would be selfishness.  I was one of the most selfish people you would ever meet.  That selfishness would manifest itself in many different ways.  I had a very addictive personality or spirit alive and well inside me.  The selfishness I had fed on the addictive nature I had during that time.  That addictive spirit did everything it could to destroy me, my family and everyone else in my life.  It came mighty close to succeeding too.  I was 36 hours away from divorce at one point.  However, there was one thing I held on to; that was hope.  I knew there was hope for me, my family and my destiny.  God has worked a miracle in my life during the past two years.  I can honestly saw that I am not the same person I was then.  I still have changes to make and will never stop growing.  I hope this has given you some hope of your own.  There is hope for you too.  No matter what your past, your right now and your future holds; there is hope.  Hope will keep you alive when nothing else or no one else is there.  Hope will keep you company when everyone has left you.  Hope is a wonderful companion now as is was then.  Never give up! Hope is in your corner


February 3, 2011

It's Time to Take a Stand

02 03 11 Thursday

There comes a time in our live when we have to make a stand.  We have to make a stand for what is right.  Today it’s time to take our stand.

We have to make our stand against average, against giving up, against status quo.  It is time that we stand for destiny, for purpose, for identity.  We have to make a stand that we will not stay the same.  We are going to grow.  We are going to be exactly what we were created to be.  As we walk the path of our destiny, we will see those that gave up and settled for average or worse.  We will see those that decided it was too hard and gave up.  Never give up, don’t ever give up.  No matter what the situations you face; keep on moving.  It is not time to set down, but it is time to make our stand.  It is time to do what we have been created to do.  Life is too short and too long to live our lives in regret of what could have been.  There is greatness inside of you.  It is time to expose that greatness.  It will be manifested differently in each of us, but today is your day.  Be confident in who you are and your destiny.  God has a plan for your life.  It is time to stand and take your place in life.  You are valuable, you do count, you have a purpose.  No more fear.  Today is going to be your greatest day and tomorrow looks even better. You can do it! I believe in you and am pulling for you!


February 1, 2011

Change is a Coming

02 01 11 Tuesday

I think for the most part we all dislike change. Especially when it is in an area that we have been doing the same thing in for a long time.  However, without change in our life we will never grow and live our destiny.

When we attempt to make a change in our life; we often make the mistake of trying to do too much at one time.  Like going to the gym for the first time; lifting a bunch of weights and cardio stuff.  The next day we can’t move and we quit.  When making a change in our life, we must start with something we can handle and go at it strategically.  Small changes add up and compound over time.  Find something today that you need to change.  Get the bad out and replace it with something good.  Get an accountability partner to help you stick with the change.  You will be amazed at the huge results tomorrow by making a small change today.  I am right along side you in this as I have made some changes in my life starting last month.  I look forward to hearing your changes and your results.  You can do this, I believe in you and your destiny!


January 31, 2011

Roadmap to Your Destiny

01 31 11 Monday

I am putting together a program, Roadmap to Your Destiny.  It is a year long program that will help you discover and live your destiny.  I am keeping the number of partners to 15 so that we can do this right.

If you are serious about wanting to discover and live your destiny then this may just be what you have been looking for.  There is no cost for this program but you will be required to do your part.  If you really want to see personal growth, change, improvement and changes in your life then this is for you.  We will work on different areas of your life; relationships, your walk with God, your physical well being, your mental state and other areas.

Roadmap to Your Destiny will take you to the next level, but only if you are willing to commit to walking it out and then actually walking it out.  You will have weekly emails, podcasts, Ebook, conference calls, and other awesome materials to see to it you have every advantage possible.

If you are interested then let me know by emailing me at [email protected] and we will take it from there.  Thank you and here’s to discovering and living your destiny.


January 30, 2011

Pain of the Past

01 30 11 Sunday

We all have memories from our past that we would really like to forget.  However, forgetting is not that simple when it comes to hurts, failures, and disappointments.  Pain has a way of making us remember.

There is healing from the pain of the past though.  God has a wonderful way of removing the pain from our past hurtful memories.  The memory is still there, but when the pain is gone then we know we have been healed from the harmful effects.  Many folk carry around their past hurts, almost with a sense of pride, because they have developed a victim mentality.  Most of the time it was not on purpose, but the enemy kept them under such intense pressure.  Today you can begin to release that pain from your past.  Remember, Jesus took all that to the cross too.  Allow His healing to take it.  You can be healed from the pain of the past, but only if you desire it and then do it.  We weren’t created to carry that load of pain and grief.  Memories are fine, but the pain needs to go today.  Take from the memories ,the good, the lesson learned and leave the rest behind.  Unhook from it now.  Let it out of your system and never allow it to inner into you again.

January 29, 2011

Not Disqualified

01 29 11 Saturday

In spite of all the past mistakes we have made in our life; God still has a plan for us.  Don’t be discouraged by your past; be encouraged by your destiny.  We have not been disqualified.

For some of us we have thought that because of past mistakes and wrong decisions; we have been disqualified from our destiny.  This is not true.  Many times it is our mistakes and failures that qualify us for our purpose and destiny.  I have dealt with this in my own life.  There have been several periods in my life that I felt like God had put me on out of the way and forgotten about me.  When I would go through difficult times; I would think that my ever having a purpose or destiny was over.  I know this is not true, but the feeling can be hard to over come at times.  The enemy knows where we are weakest and will try to attack our mind in that area.  Stay focused on what God has said about your future and destiny.  I promise you that you have not been forgotten about or disqualified.  Folk may even try to make you feel that you have been, but it’s not true.  Get back up, learn from your past, and move forward.  I believe in you, standing with you, and counting on you.


January 28, 2011

Righteous Dude

01 28 11 Friday

I have a friend that in high school, everything was “righteous dude.”  It’s time that we got right; get in the right place, doing the right thing, the right way, in the right time and for the right reason.

Now is the time for us to get in our place.  There is a place for you spirit, soul, and body.  Your place is in your destiny.  Are you in the right place today? If you are frustrated, aggravated and even bored with your life; that is an indication that you are not in your right place.  It may mean that you have to move physically, but more than not it means it’s mental and spiritually that you need to get right.  There is a destiny place for you, but you have to go to it.  There are folk that we called destiny agents that will guide you to your place.  The major obstacle will be change.  You will have to be willing to make some changes, but think about it, you already have made some changes.  Why stop now? Get in your place today! Your destiny is ready and waiting for you.  How do I know I am in my place? You will have a peace and a joy that you can explain.  Even in the middle of your worse day there is peace and joy present.  If on your best day; you don’t have peace and joy, then you aren’t in the your right place. Find your place today and live your destiny to the fullest!


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