Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 16, 2011

Peace and Joy

01 16 11 Sunday

Many of us have been hurt, wounded, disappointed and broken hearted in our lives.  Some of you may be in that place right now.  Today; allow forgiveness, restoration, reconciliation, hope, and love heal you.

We all have been in that place, but we don’t have to stay there.  Today is the day to receive what we need.  We need to have peace and joy no matter what has or is happening in our life.  We can’t control so much what happens to us, but we have full control of what happens in us.  I know from my own life that I need healing in areas.  So today, I stand with you as we break out of the place we have been in and move toward peace and joy.  There is a peace and a joy that we can have even in the worst of times.  Nothing can replace it.  Don’t go another day without the peace and joy you so deserve.  For some we have to humble ourselves and ask others to forgive us.  For some we have to forgive those that have hurt us so deeply.  Today is your day. I proclaim it! Healing is yours, peace is yours, and joy is yours.  Accept it! Hold on to it with all your heart.  I stand in agreement with you right now! Together we can walk in our destiny with peace and joy.


January 6, 2011

Destiny Robbers

01 06 11 Thursday

Let me ask you this; “Do you believe you have a destiny”? I have been surprised at the number of folk that have told me that they don’t believe they have a destiny.  Now hear this; “Yes, you do have a destiny and it’s an awesome destiny.”

The catch, if there is one, is this; you have to do your part.  God has created you with a gift and a destiny.  He has a plan for your life and it’s to see you succeed at your destiny.  However, if we choose not to walk it out then it will not happen.  We are given the gift of choice as well as destiny.  That’s why insecurities are such a horrible thing.  They rob us of what is rightfully ours.  When you are robbed of your destiny then the world too is robbed of something great.  You have awesomeness inside of you. It does take work, everyday work, to get that awesomeness out and working, but you can do it.  Don’t sell yourself short, don’t tell yourself you can’t do it, don’t say you aren’t good enough, don’t confess you have made too many mistakes.  We all have come up short at some point in our lives.  I have missed it countless times, but yet I continue to walk it out.  I know I have a destiny and you too.  Let’s put aside the issues, the insecurities, the unforgiveness, and pride.  Let’s walk this out together.


January 2, 2011

Restoring Relationships

01 02 11 Sunday

I believe this will be a time of restoration and reconciliation of relationships. Is there someone in your life that has walked out or deleted you? This is going to be a year of reviving some of those friendships.

We all have had folk that we were close too, but for some reason or another that relationship was severed.  It could be any number of reasons, but this is going to be a year that relationships are restored and reconciled.  The story of the prodigal son comes to mind.  I see prodigal son type happenings in our lives this year.  There will be some cases where we are the prodigal coming home.  There are several keys to this happening; one is we have to be humble.  Pride is more than likely the reason the relationship was cut short in first place.  The second is love; we have to show and receive the unconditional love that gives life to relationships.

This is going to be an awesome year of destiny.  That will include the restoration and reconciliation of relationships.  I look forward to hearing some of your stories of this happening in your life.


December 30, 2010

Stir It Up

12 30 10 Thursday

It’s time to stir up that gift that is inside of you. I was thinking the other day about what is like when we are operating in our gift.  Not so much from our point of view but from God’s point of view.  He is the One who gave us our gift.

I was thinking what it must be like when we use our gift; whatever your gift may be.  What does God see? What must He think when we are using our gift with no agenda, no motive except to honor Him?  I don’t believe it is wrong to think that God has tough days, He is dealing us you know.  So when we are just giving back to Him what must He feel?  If it’s music, writing, art, teaching, care giving whatever your gift is, how proud of us is He?  When we are in that flow, in the zone and what we are doing just seems effortless, you know it has to be because He is listening and watching.  It’s not performing before God, but just enjoying God and He enjoying us.  I know as a dad I am proud of my little girl when she is operating in her gift, even as young as she is, how much more must He feel toward us.  It is beyond my concept, but I am beginning to get a sense of it.  All of this is to say, use your gift.  Stir up the gift that is inside you.  Use it without agenda or motive. Just do it! You are an awesome and gifted person, no matter what that gift may be.   As we lean into 2011, honor God with your gift.


December 24, 2010

Getting Closer

12 24 10 Friday

I was overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes I received on Facebook, texts, and by email.  I quite counting at 200.  There is another birthday that I am overwhelmed by too; Jesus.

The closer we get to Christmas and the New Year the more excited I am getting.  I can just feel the changes that are coming.  I really and truly believe that 2011 is going to the beginning of something awesome.  More and more folk are going to start discovering and living in their destiny.  There will be positive life changing experiences taking place in our lives.  We will find that we are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, for the right reasons.  When this begins to happen this world will turn right side up.  I am excited about your destiny and what is in store of you.  When we get the pride, unforgiveness, selfishness, insecurities and fear out of our lives then destiny will begin to come alive in us.  It is an exciting and exhilarating time to be alive.  Just a few more days to get ourselves in position mentally, physically and spiritually for what is coming.  Don’t be on the outside looking in; get in today! Your destiny awaits!

December 23, 2010

Forgiveness and Love

12 23 10 Thursday

We hear quite often that we must have excellence.  I have written about having excellence in everything that you do.  However, if we don’t love as our motivation we won’t have excellence.  Love and forgiveness are must in our lives.

You want to live your destiny you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to have excellence in your life then you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to be blessed in your life then you got to have forgiveness and love.  I think you see the common theme going on here.  If you are going to be positive and live in such a way that stress can’t attach itself to you; then you got it, forgiveness and love.  To forgive and to love are both giving and serving.  We can’t be selfish if we have both of these determining our decisions.  As we end the year; make sure that forgiveness and love are dominant in our life.  Excellence is something we all want, but will we forgive quickly and completely.  It is part of the process of living our destiny.  Forgiveness and love; vital components of our lives.


December 19, 2010

A Blessing

12 19 10 Sunday

I can’t think of anything I would like to see more than for you to be blessed in all areas of your life.  That is what I desire for you above all things.

I have discovered that in my life when you are blessed then I too am blessed.  This is true especially in my family. I want to see the members of my family excel in their life.  I want to see them prosperous.  I want that for you too.  I want to see you blessed beyond your wildest dreams.  I desire to see you walking in the fullness of life, of your destiny. I love to see you over come the obstacles of life.  It makes me happy to see you growing and maturing.  I am excited about the things God has in store for you.  When you reconcile and restore relationships; it thrills me to no end.  When you walk in humility and encourage those around you; I could not be prouder of you.  I am in awe of the great things you are going to accomplish in your life.  I am humbled by the greatness that is inside you.  You are about to enter the greatest era of your life and I can’t wait to see you succeed in your destiny.  You are an awesome person, full of life, full of destiny, full of hope.  Your best days are just ahead, don’t give up or lose focus.  Keep walking, living your destiny and remain expectant.  Look for it, because it is coming soon.


December 17, 2010

Getting Right


12 17 10 Friday

I have said several times how excited I am about the new year.  There are things lining up and getting into place that are going to change your and my lives forever. I am pumped about it.

We all have been through situations in this past year that have prepared us for what is coming next in our destiny.  You may have cussed those times, but they have formed and molded you into the champion that you are right now.  Never despise the tough, hard and difficult times because out of them champions are developed.  The things you been through in the past year, most folk would have lost their mind, but you have prevailed and accepted the challenges.  You are a person of destiny.  You have courage, honor, humility and persistence in you.  You are going to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, the right way, with the right folk in 2011.  Stay focused, stay on course, stay in a destiny mindset.  It is coming and coming soon! Get ready for it.  2011 is going to be far above and beyond anything you have ever dreamed of or imagined.


December 15, 2010

All or Nothing

12 15 10 Wednesday

I saw a person on the news the other day say that, “Complete forgiveness would be inappropriate in his case.”  How sad that we would think this; even in the worst situation.  I am not taking away from what happened to this man and his family but to say complete forgiveness would be inappropriate is an awful place to be.

There is no such thing as partial forgiveness.  At least I don’t think there is such a thing.  We either forgive someone or we don’t.  Forgiveness has to be complete and quick.  Never bringing that offense back up again. I hear all the time how hard it is for folk to forgive others.  Why is it so hard? The first thing I can think of is pride.  We were hurt by someone, but the hurt is there only if we allow it.  They may hurt us physically, but internally only if we allow it.  Be quick to forgive. Remember, when we are the one needing forgiveness we want it quickly too.  They may not deserve it in our opinion, but our opinion doesn’t over rule the fact that we too don’t deserve it, but we still need it. Forgiveness cleanses us. Forgiveness will give you peace and freedom that nothing else can.  That’s why it can be hard to do, the reward of forgiveness is awesome.  Forgive today; quickly and completely.  Hold no offense in your heart.

December 11, 2010

Just Around the Corner

12 11 10 Saturday

I am excited about the coming of 2011.  I truly believe this new year, this new decade will be the greatest we have ever seen.  There are opportunities just around the corner, not just for me but for you too.  Get ready to see your life change in awesome ways.

You may be wondering what I am so excited about.  I really sense and feel like your best year is just around the corner.  I know this is going to be a great time for us all.  There has been so much happen to us all in the past few years, that has prepared us for what is coming.  If you are graduating high school, college, or hard knocks then this is your time.  Age, race, sex, religion has nothing to do with who is going to have a great year.  It is for those that are expecting.  Just like when a woman is expecting a child.  She and the family prepare, they get everything ready.  I am saying the same for us now. Start getting yourself ready for the coming of something awesome.  Prepare your heart, mind and body.  Don’t what is in store for you.  Remember the opportunity of a lifetime must be grasp during the lifetime of the opportunity.

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