Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 27, 2010

Together We Stand

11 27 10 Saturday

You are blessed. You are also a blessing.  I am very thankful for you.  If it weren’t for you I would not be living my destiny.  If it weren’t for you then my life would have a void in it.

We all have issues, you may even have issues with me, but the bottom line is; we all have issues in life.  Despite these issues we all have a destiny, purpose and reason for being here.  I believe that as long as you are alive there is purpose in your life. Whether or not you tap into that purpose is up to you. I want to encourage you to tap into your purpose.  We are in this together.  Your purpose involves me; just as my purpose involves you.  Together nothing can bring us down.  It is when you get to thinking that we are alone or that we can do it alone that we fall and there is no one there to pick us up.  Stick together.  Work through the issues.  Love one another.  Respect one another.  Forgive one another. Restore and reconcile relationships.  House divided will not stand; so let’s stand together.


November 26, 2010

Never Again

11 26 10 Friday

The feeling of being made to feel that you are not good enough.  The feeling of being made to feel that you are not wanted.  The feeling of being made to feel that you are not loved or cared about.  That is what we can get from rejection.

I have felt all of those before at one time or another.  Some of you might have too.  The point is to not feel those things; those emotions.  I can tell you all day that you are good enough, you are wanted, you are loved and cared about, but until you believe it for yourself it matters not.  Strip of the power of the root of rejection and strip the power of those emotions.  There are going to be folk that treat you wrong sometimes. We all know this is true, but how they make us feel is strictly up to us.  No one can make you feel any certain way; unless you allow them too.  When we are secure and have peace in who we are then we will be held hostage by others.  Break free today and never let rejection or the emotions tied to it to hurt you again.  I believe in you and your destiny. I care about you.  You have what it takes to be the best ever!


November 24, 2010

Your Choice

11 24 10 Wednesday

We are faced with choices everyday.  There are all sorts of decisions that we make without even thinking about.  One decision or choice we can make each day is to be an encourager to someone.

You may not have a clue as to what your gift or talent is right now.  If that is the case then be an encourager.  We all have the ability to encourage others.  Encouraging others is what makes relationships stronger.  When we focus on the positive things in others and make mention of them; then we are encouraged too.  If you find you are in need of encouragement; then go and encourage others.  What goes around does in fact come around.  We all have this untapped potential inside of us; that potential is to the best we can be at what we were created to be.  When we encourage someone; we enable them to tap into that potential.  We, too, tap into our potential when we are in encouragement mode.  It’s really not as hard as you may think it is to encourage others.  Just let them know they are appreciated and cared about.  Let them know that; ‘yes they can, do what they were created to do.  So many folk are just looking for permission to live their destiny.  Be an encourager today! Find someone in your life to give the gift of encouragement.

November 14, 2010

Wildest Dreams

11 14 10 Sunday

I would like to speak positive words into your life today. Hope you allow them to take root in your spirit, soul, and body.

I speak life to your God generated dreams.  I know that you have a destiny that has been created just for you by God Himself. I speak life to that dream that God put in you.  It’s time to remove any hinderances from that dream.  Move past the thing that has kept you from living the dream.  Speak to the fear that is stopping you.  Today is the day to move into your destiny.  Make things right in your life and with those around you.  Restoration, reconciliation and relationships will begin to take shape in your life.  The things you thought would never happen are going to begin to happen. God is working on your behalf today.  He is for you not against you.    Take the limits off your future and your destiny.  Dream big today!

November 13, 2010

Death Clothes

11 13 10 Saturday

There is a Bible story about a man that was dead for four days; then Jesus called him out of the tomb.  He was alive but he was still in what they called ‘death clothes.”  A lot of us are that way today. We are alive but wrapped up in our death clothes.

Your destiny is alive, your gift is alive, your purpose is alive but it’s still wrapped up in death clothes.  You are alive and doing okay, but you are not alive in your gift, in your destiny or in your purpose.  Take the death clothes off of your gift, destiny, and purpose today.  Begin to live your live to the greatest today.  You will never experience your life the way you were intended to until you take the death clothes off.  You do have a reason for being here; or God would not have created you.  Speak life to your dreams, your passion, your love.  Take the death clothes off today and experience life!

November 11, 2010


11 11 10 Thursday

You have limitless possibilities.  For most of us we have not even started our destiny.  There is so much for us to accomplish.  Wonder why we haven’t gotten started yet?

Many of us have roadblocks that are stopping us from reaching our destiny.  The roadblocks can be different from person to person.  However, I think they all boil down to a few specific issues.  We have talked quite a bit about forgiveness lately; which we know is one major roadblock.  As long as there is unforgiveness inside us; we will never live out our destiny.  Unforgiveness will lead us toward hate, anger, bitterness, and even rage.  None of these are destiny minded characteristics.  As long as there are any of these issues still inside our heart and mind then our destiny is out of the question.  The good news is; we can get rid of them if we choose to do so.  Begin today to forgive those that have wronged you; doesn’t matter if they are available for you to talk to or not.  They don’t have to be alive for that matter.  They don’t have to ask you to forgive them.  It is not about them, but all about you.  Forgive today and see your spirit, soul, and body begin to change.  You will surprised at how much better you feel in all areas of your life.


October 29, 2010

Deep Water

10 29 10 Friday

When getting into a pool or maybe the ocean; do you ease into it or jump in?  Many of us tip toe out so that we can run back to dry land quickly.  Which is your style in your regular life?

You have a purpose and a destiny; I have said that many, many times.  You are here for a specific reason.  God has told us to launch out into the deep.  We are not supposed to walk the bank or just tip toe into our purpose and destiny.  I am not saying we take blind leaps not knowing what we are doing.  What I am say is that we should get direction about what our purpose and destiny in life is supposed to be and then go do it.  Don’t look back and wonder if you are going to make mistakes.  We all make mistakes, but learn from them and keep going.  When you need to make adjustments in direction then make them, but don’t give up and quit because you mess up.  I hear folk ask; ‘what if I make a wrong turn, what if I mess up, what if it doesn’t work,’?  What if it does work out? What if you do walk out your destiny and fulfill your purpose? Don’t spend your life standing on the beach; launch out into the deep.  It isn’t really crowed on the extra mile.  You will have plenty of room to move around.


October 25, 2010

The Pattern

10 25 10 Monday

I have decided to start work on the Daily Destiny Devotional book.  I have two years worth of blogs to look through, about 300 pages of stuff to read through and categorize.  Help!!!

What do we do when we don’t know what to do? How do we act when we don’t know how to act? What do we say when we don’t know what to say?

I seem to faced with this everyday; so I am thinking some of you are too.  I don’t always make the right call, but I am definitely learning to right thing to do and say.  If I will respond in love then I am going to do right.  I we drop our motive and agenda when dealing with folk then we will do the right thing.  Love has to be the filter and the pattern that we use when determine our plan of action.  One major lesson I am learning; love and selfishness can’t exist in the same person.  So either selfishness or love; which one do you desire the most?  Be careful how you answer, because I would always have said love, but respond with selfishness.  However, by making myself accountable to you right here; I can say love.  Dying the self is hard to do, but it can be done.  Choose love as your pattern and filter today!


October 24, 2010

I Believe

10 24 10 Sunday

I have been asked to do a 30, 60 or 90 day Daily Destiny Devotion book.  I would like to know if you have any thoughts about this idea.  You can respond to this email.  What length? Basic topics? Should I even do it?

What do you believe? About what you may ask.  What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe about love? What do you believe about others? What do you base your life and decisions on? What beliefs are you allowing to run your life?  We all have beliefs in these areas. We may not think about it much, but we all believe in something.  I do believe in the power of love, of forgiveness, or restoration and reconciliation.  The decision that I have made is this; I want my life to be an encouragement to others.  That starts right here at home.  It is my desire to encourage my wife and daughter.  They encourage me everyday as well.  It is my desire for folk to see love in action through my life.  It is also my desire to offer hope and the hope of restoration and reconciliation to others.  Again, starting right here at home.  Take a look at your life.  What do you believe in? What is controlling how you life your live?


October 14, 2010

All Wrapped Up

10 14 10 Thursday

There is a lot to be said about a person who operates in grace, mercy, forgiveness, humility and wraps them all in love.  That is a person who is living their destiny.

The type of person that I just described is a jewel.  They are definitely hard to find and they are very rare.  That is what makes them so precious.  They are extremely valuable.  We can spend all of our life looking for that kind of person.  Believe it or not; that person is you.  We all have the capability to be just that type of person and even more.  Deep down that treasure is buried in us.  It is those few who bring mine that gift and bring it out and give it away every day that is so rare.  You have a precious, costly, valuable treasure right on the inside of you.  It gets covered up and smudged up by hurts, disappointments.  These often come out in the form of selfishness.  When we are able to break though the rock of selfishness and deal with the issues that have caused that us to be like that; then we can see the awesome gift that is in us.  I know there have been times I have seen that gift in me; yeah even me.  Even with all our faults and mistakes we have made; the gift is still there. It will never leave you.  I see this incredible gift in my wife everyday and I see it reflected in me.  I know that if I am be a person of destiny then I have to break down those walls that have been built up over the years.  I know that I am not alone in this.  I hope that this helps in some way.  You are awesome and I know that you can be a person of destiny.


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