Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 13, 2010

The Answer

10 13 10 Wednesday

Yesterday we talked about the one thing in life that we look for.  What is the one thing you are searching for? You have spent your life looking for something.

For those of you that read yesterday’s blog; you may have come up with all sorts of answers or maybe nothing at all.  I have really been thinking about this question for a few weeks myself.  I believe for me; peace is the at the top of the list.  If I have peace in my life then no matter what comes my way I am good.  When there is peace where I live; then our house becomes a home.  There can disagreements but if we have peace we work through them.  If there is peace in the home; sickness doesn’t mess us up.  We can handle anything that is thrown at us; when we have peace.  So for me, I want peace in my spirit, soul, and body.  Your answer may differ and that’s cool.  Where you get your answer is up to you.  I find peace in knowing that Jesus is my Savior.  I know that at one time in my life I was messed up, burdened down with guilt and shame, but Jesus touched my life.  For you it maybe a different story, but that is my story and I am sticking with it.  I find my peace in Jesus.  Thankfully, since peace comes from Jesus, no one or no thing can take it away.  Anyways, thanks for the feedback on what your one thing is.  Hope it made you think as much as it did me.


October 12, 2010

Looking For That One Thing

10 12 10 Tuesday

What is that one thing you are looking for in life? What is the one thing that would make your life complete? We all in search of something; what is your something?

So many folk spend their whole life looking for that something to bring them fulfillment and satisfaction.  Many of these folk never find what it is they are looking for.  We all have heard the stories of people that seemed to have everything, but died looking for one thing.  There are the folk that are looking for their one thing in sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, but never find it.  There are those that look for it in material stuff.  They look for it in money and status, but never seem to find it.  We were born with that search instinct.  We were born to find that one thing.  We will never be satisfied, have joy or peace in our lives until we find it.  What is that one thing?  Does it vary from person to person? Will I ever find it? How will I know when I have found it?  Think about it and we will continue along this same line tomorrow.


October 3, 2010

Poster Child

10 03 10 Sunday

I had the chance to spend the past few days in my hometown.  Went down Thursday and came back yesterday.  I know that it was a divine time for me.  A time of divine appointments and brokenness.

“It’s not about me,” has been going through my mind.  My life, my destiny, my purpose, is not about me, but about others.  I have really been dealing with that issue and that of humility.  Can I say, “I am proud of my humility.” Just kidding, but I know that I have to deal with the issue of pride, selfishness, and ego in my life.  I think there are plenty of us in that group, but I just very well may be the poster child.  After spending some time with the likes of Linc Lewis, Landon Hilt, Bob Bumpers, David McKee, to name a few, I have seen where I am so lacking in these areas.  It is one thing to talk it, but we all know it is something else to walk it and live it.  I really do hope that this is an encouragement to you.  Just to know if you are dealing with these same issues, then you are not alone.  I desire to be more like to my awesome wife, who is the poster child for people person’s.  She has incredible people skills, even my 7 year old daughter has great people skills.  Be encouraged that, yeah, you are not alone.  Together we will get there!

September 24, 2010

Honor and Sacrifice

09 24 10 Friday

Wednesday night; Melissa, Gloria and I went out to Bama Air at the Tuscaloosa Regional Airport to welcome home the Honor Flight.  We were not the only ones there by any means. I had no idea what I was in for.

We waited on the tarmac for about 1 1/2 hours for the plane bringing the WWII veterans back from Washington D.C. There were a lot of folk there, both young and old waiting just as we were.  It was hot, I was tired, had to use the bathroom and so on.  I wanted to go home!  Then the plane finally landed.  It was then that it really hit me what I was getting to see and be a part of.  These men and women were heroes.  These folk had sacrificed for me.  In the prime of their lives they were taken away from their families and sent to places they probably had never heard of before.  They were willing to give their life if necessary for me.  It’s one thing to have a mindset that they sacrificed for the USA, but the mindset of they had sacrificed for me was something totally new to me.  I was in awe of the men and women as they came by us.  The looks on their faces was something I will never forget.  I was so proud of them.  The question I kept asking myself was, ‘what am I willing to sacrifice for someone else?’ “What am I willing to give up for another person I don’t even know’? I don’t mean the stuff we don’t like, but are we willing to sacrifice something we really like, such as our freedom for others? I haven’t yet wrapped my brain around all this yet, but I am getting closer.  What are you willing to give up?

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 23, 2010

Insecurity Goals

09 23 10 Thursday

I have been listening to Zig Ziglar the past couple of days.  He is a hoot to listen to. Andy Andrews does a great Zig impression, sounds just like him.  Anyways, Zig has been talking about setting goals.

Whether or not you set goals in your life is really up to you. I do recommend that you do set some sort of goals though. They are vital to your success in your life.  The thing that really hit home with me was one key reason why we don’t set goals.  The number one reason that we don’t set goals is; insecurity. We are afraid others will find out, we are afraid others won’t approve, and most of all we are afraid of “what if don’t reach the goal; what if we fail.”  How sad it is that we don’t set goals because of our own insecurities.  I have talked a lot about insecurities in the past year or so, but never in relation to goal setting.  I am not so bothered by the fact that a lot of folk don’t set goals, but I am bothered by the fact that the number one reason is because of insecurities.   We have to stop letting insecurities steal our destiny. Insecurities are robbing us and those around us of what is rightfully your’s and theirs.  The person sitting next to you has insecurities.  What can we do to build them up, help them to overcome these destiny stealing insecurities?  Granted we can’t do it for them nor them for us, but something can be done.   We just have to decide what that something is.  Just by the fact that you are reading this blog each day or maybe for the first time ever does mean you want to do something to overcome your own insecurities and for to help those around you.  Together we can make it happen.  Enable the person next to you to feel secure in who they are and their destiny.  Together we can walk out and live our destiny.

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement texts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 18, 2010

Opportunity of a Lifetime

09 18 10 Saturday

The things that fear and doubt make us do are just crazy.  The things that belief and confidence make us do are just crazy.  These characteristics are polar opposites but they lead us to some crazy things.

When I have been lead by fear and doubt I have missed out on some awesome opportunities.  However, when I was lead by belief and confidence I was able to step out into some awesome opportunities.  Which of these are you allowing to dictate your moves? From what I am seeing more and more of we are letting fear and doubt control us.  We may have one time acted in belief and confidence and it didn’t work out right.  Well, then we set the standard. I will never let that happen again.  It isn’t long then before there is nothing happening at all.  When an opportunity comes our way, if we are in fear and doubt mode, then we let it go, we will even run from it. The opposite is true when we are living in belief and confidence, we run toward opportunities.  Remember, the opportunity of a lifetime must be grasp during the lifetime of the opportunity.  God is sending folk your way, job opportunities your way, relationship opportunities your way, and destiny opportunities your way.  Which glasses are you looking at them through? Which filters are you evaluating them through? What paradigms do you use?  We either look at opportunities through doubt and fear or belief and confidence.  The choice is yours today.   Choose belief and confidence.  By the way, the belief and confidence that I am referring to is not in the opportunity, but in yourself.  I believe and have confidence in you! There is awesome gifts and talents in you! Today is your day of decision!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 7, 2010

Be Love rather than Being Right

09 07 10 Tuesday

Yesterday’s Destiny Text was about let’s be love rather than being right. Really then aren’t we right; both sides may be right. When we are love then we can’t go wrong.

I have heard the best way to destroy your enemies is to make friends out of them.  This is something that I am doing my best to do.  Some folk naturally will not want to be your friend, but that does not mean we don’t extend friendship and be love.  It’s hard for folk to reject love; they may at first because of past hurts and wounds, but in time… Also, it could be because of our past of not always being a loving person.  Either way it can take some getting used to on both sides.  I think I would rather err on the side of being love and getting rejected than being the old selfish me and getting rejected.  At least this way I know I did do my best.  If we show love to everyone; then it will come back to us.  What goes around; comes around can be a good thing.  Your reap what you sow can also be a good thing.  For most of my life the results of these were always bad, but I can see some changes taking place.  I still get rejected; not everyone wants to be encouraged twice a week; at least not be me.  Not everyone wants to get this blog each day, but that’s ok. Not everyone wants to read my books, I understand.  However, let’s keep on showing love no matter what.  The results may sometimes look the same as the old way, but the change that takes place inside us will definitely be much better!

For more information on this and other projects, blogs, and Encouragement txts; you can contact me at or call or text 205-210-9311.

September 1, 2010


09-01-10 Wednesday

There are days when I do feel the regrets from my past. I remember the people that I have hurt, those that are uncomfortable around me and those that simply avoid me all together now. I believe that many of you feel similar regrets in your own way.

However, when these feelings try to bring us down; we have to know that we aren’t that person any longer. If there are those that we have done wrong then, by all means, do your best to make things right. I know that some folk don’t want to make things right. In that case, forgive and ask forgiveness and move on. There is no way that my past regrets are going to hold me hostage in any way. We are to make sure that we are not being lead by our past. We have to know that we are changing and making better decisions now than we were then. Know that no one can control you by holding your past against you; unless you allow them. I don’t know your past, but I have a glimpse of your future; of your destiny. Your future is looking good. Your destiny is starting to unfold. Your past does not disqualify you from your destiny. On the contrary, it qualifies you for your destiny. You are awesome! We got issues, we all got’um, but we are working through them, not avoiding them. Today is your day to shine!

If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me at or you can call or text me at 205-210-9311. Have a great day and I love you!

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