Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 14, 2011

Day of Love

02 14 11 Monday

Today is the day of love; Valentine’s Day.  Why can’t we make every day; the day of love? If we were free of pride; we would be able to love freely.  Our pride is what keeps us from loving unconditionally.

When we break it down, the only thing that will prevent us from living a lifestyle of love is our pride.  I know first hand how pride will rob you of your ability to love freely and unconditionally.  When we have pride ruling our life, it will take over and stop us from loving folk the way we are designed.  Pride will cause us to see the worse in others, not give the benefit of the doubt, or have mercy and grace.  Pride is quick to judge, criticize, condemn, and stereotype others.  There is no grace or mercy in pride.  We try to church it up and call it discernment and such, but pride is pride and it stinks.  When we don’t love other folk, it is plain and simple pride.  “Well, they hurt me.” That’s still no reason not to love.  There is no reason not to love.  I have been there, where I didn’t love others and I look at it now; it was all pride on my part.  Let’s work on getting rid of the pride and fill ourselves up with love.  It’s time we put aside thinking all about ourselves and think about others.  People are hurting all around us, but we can’t see it, because we are too busy thinking about us.  Maybe I am the only one that has this pride issue, but I refuse to let it control me another day.  Take out the pride, put in the love today!

February 9, 2011

Out of Touch

02 09 11 Wednesday

Hall and Oates had a song that said; “out of touch; out of time.”  Do you ever feel out of touch with those around you and more importantly God.  Not a good feeling or place to be in.

The other day I had that exact feeling. I felt disconnected, no motivation, left out and all that goes with it.  I know it’s not true because I am connected, motivated, and appreciated.  However, that battle going on in our mind can get overwhelming at times.  You may never feel like this, but I still have those moments; moments not days, weeks, months and years.  It is during these times that we have to know the truth.  Make sure we are standing and walking in the truth.  The lies of the enemy are what will cause us to have these moments.  It is what you believe the most that will over power the other.  Which side are you feeding the most? The truth about you or the lies about you?  Choose today to believe the truth not the facts or what the world says about you.  Believe what the Word says about you.  You have been wonderfully and awesomely created full of purpose and destiny.  Nothing can change that truth, but if you don’t believe it then it can’t work in your behalf.


January 29, 2011

Not Disqualified

01 29 11 Saturday

In spite of all the past mistakes we have made in our life; God still has a plan for us.  Don’t be discouraged by your past; be encouraged by your destiny.  We have not been disqualified.

For some of us we have thought that because of past mistakes and wrong decisions; we have been disqualified from our destiny.  This is not true.  Many times it is our mistakes and failures that qualify us for our purpose and destiny.  I have dealt with this in my own life.  There have been several periods in my life that I felt like God had put me on out of the way and forgotten about me.  When I would go through difficult times; I would think that my ever having a purpose or destiny was over.  I know this is not true, but the feeling can be hard to over come at times.  The enemy knows where we are weakest and will try to attack our mind in that area.  Stay focused on what God has said about your future and destiny.  I promise you that you have not been forgotten about or disqualified.  Folk may even try to make you feel that you have been, but it’s not true.  Get back up, learn from your past, and move forward.  I believe in you, standing with you, and counting on you.


January 25, 2011

Hip Hop Don't Stop

01 25 11 Tuesday

The other day my daughter, who is 7, came to me almost in tears, because she was having trouble with a Hip Hop dance routine she was trying to learn.  She told me she couldn’t do it and was going to give up.  Wonder how I reacted to that?

I am amazed at her young age how we start developing a give up mentality.  We feel like we aren’t good enough.  She doesn’t hear that at home, school, or church.  It is the nature that is in us at birth.  The older we get the more developed we become in that mindset.  We have to work at and train our mind to change.  Never give up! You are good enough and then some! You were created with purpose, destiny, and greatness in you!  How is it we let this go at a young age? The enemy of your life will plan negative seeds in your mind.  Don’t settle for average in your life.  Don’t let others tell you negative lies about yourself.  Train your self in the truth.  What does God say about you? He created you, you aren’t perfect, but the truth is what God says about you. The truth will always override the facts.

Well, about ten minutes after she and I talked, she came running back in the room telling me how she had gotten the routine down pat.  The truth was she could do it and failure was just part of the process.  What is the truth about you?


January 19, 2011

Battle for the Mind

01 19 11 Wednesday

There is a war going on, a massive battle taking place.  Where at you ask; in our mind.  There is daily warfare taking place in our mind everyday.

I know on my part, I deal with mental battles everyday. Some days are better than others, but the opportunity is there each day.  It is our choice what we allow into our minds.  For me, I deal with the rejection mindset. I deal with feeling not good enough.  However, I don’t have to believe it.  I know that I am accepted and that I am good enough to do what I am called to do.  There are so many that can’t seem to win the mental battle.  There is nothing worse than having a defeated mindset.  Mental battles can leave you at the point of depression.  They can rob you of physical energy and ultimately of your destiny.  The enemy of your destiny knows that if he can keep you tied up mentally; you will never live your destiny.  We have to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God.  We have to believe what our Creator says about us rather than what the destroyer says about us.  It sounds easy, but I do understand it can be very difficult.  Let’s work together to build one another up and win the battle of the mind.


January 11, 2011

Yes You Can

01 11 11 Tuesday

I wrote once about; “Yes you can.”  You have permission to live your destiny.  You are good enough, smart enough, and talented enough.  Sometimes we need to hear that again.

We hear, too often, about we can’t do something or that we aren’t good enough to do something.  Listen, you are good enough.  It’s easy to believe the negative and bad stuff about us, but know that the opposite is true.  Never think for a second that you don’t have what it takes.  You have exactly what it takes.

If you were doing exactly what you were created to do, what would you be doing right now? Sometimes we think our purpose and destiny is tied to one area, when in reality it isn’t. So think about it, if you were living your destiny to the fullest; what, where, and who would you be?


January 10, 2011

Mind Battles

01 10 11 Monday

We are getting things in line.  This year is going to be the greatest year ever for you.  You have heard me say that many times.  We can’t just wish it to be the greatest, but we have to have hope.  Time to get your mind right.

If this is going to be your greatest year ever, you have to believe it.  We sometimes believe the worst there is about us and our life.  It is time we begin to have faith and know it is going to be a destiny filled year.  The majority of the battle is in our mind.  If we think defeated, negative, low self esteem thoughts; then we will never make it.  That is why our thoughts and words are so important.  Begin to think the thoughts of a champion and you will become a champion.  Begin to think the thoughts of a winner and you will become a winner.  You see the progression here? You will become what you fill your mind with.  Get your mind wrapped around the fact that you have been wonderful and awesomely created. You have an incredible destiny.  You have a great impact in folk.  You do make a difference.  You do matter.  You do count.  You are appreciated and respected. You are loved!


January 9, 2011

No Man Is an Island

01 09 11 Sunday

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island.”  How true this statement is in our lives.  It is a trick of the enemy to make you think you are all alone.  You are not alone in your life.

One of the major weapons of the enemy, and my enemy I mean Satan, is to isolate you from everyone.  If he can make you think you are all alone in your situation; he has you beat.  He will tell you that no one cares, no one understands, no one wants you around.  All of that is a lie.  You are not alone in your life, your destiny, or your situation.  There are folk in your life that will stand with you no matter what.  Never think you are on an island.  Never believe you are all alone and no one is there with you.  Open your eyes and look around, you will see the person God has placed in your life.  We were not created to be alone, we were created for one another.  Even though we hurt each other at times, relationships are still the most important thing in life.  So look around your island and you will realize that you are not alone.


January 8, 2011

Don't Look Back

01 08 11 Saturday

There was a song that had the line; “Don’t look back,” in it.  Satchel Paige, a baseball player, used to say;”Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you.”  Both of these lines are good advice.

There is an enemy to our destiny and for most it is called ‘our past.”  When we get caught up in our past mistakes and wrong decisions we can easily lose sight of our destiny. If our past can keep us focused on it, rather than our destiny, then we will never live our destiny.  When we are stressed out and worried about what was; rather than exciting and pumped about what is coming; we have lost.  Our past is just that; past. It is gone; whether good, bad or ugly; it is all in the past.  Get your focus on today and what is coming.  Prepare by learning from the past, it is useful for something, but don’t dwell there.  Just like with Moses and the Israelis, when the cloud or the pillar of fire moved; they moved with it.  It is time to leave all the past in the dust and move on.  Our destiny is ahead and waiting for us to get a move on.  You are awesome and that includes your past.  You are still in the game. Don’’t take yourself out.  See you at the finish!


January 6, 2011

Destiny Robbers

01 06 11 Thursday

Let me ask you this; “Do you believe you have a destiny”? I have been surprised at the number of folk that have told me that they don’t believe they have a destiny.  Now hear this; “Yes, you do have a destiny and it’s an awesome destiny.”

The catch, if there is one, is this; you have to do your part.  God has created you with a gift and a destiny.  He has a plan for your life and it’s to see you succeed at your destiny.  However, if we choose not to walk it out then it will not happen.  We are given the gift of choice as well as destiny.  That’s why insecurities are such a horrible thing.  They rob us of what is rightfully ours.  When you are robbed of your destiny then the world too is robbed of something great.  You have awesomeness inside of you. It does take work, everyday work, to get that awesomeness out and working, but you can do it.  Don’t sell yourself short, don’t tell yourself you can’t do it, don’t say you aren’t good enough, don’t confess you have made too many mistakes.  We all have come up short at some point in our lives.  I have missed it countless times, but yet I continue to walk it out.  I know I have a destiny and you too.  Let’s put aside the issues, the insecurities, the unforgiveness, and pride.  Let’s walk this out together.


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