Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 22, 2011

Hangin' in There or Standing Strong

02 22 11 Tuesday

When was the last time you said or heard; “I can’t live like this another day,” “I can’t go on like this,” “When is my life going to get better,” or something like that? We all have been in this place at some time.

There are many folk right there, right now.  If you aren’t then be an encourager to those around you who are. If you are right in the middle of this place right now, be encouraged.  You are not alone and I don’t just mean there are others hurting with you, but there are folk standing with you to help.  There is a voice of encouragement of hope calling out to you.  Lift your head and your heart to the voice of love, compassion, understanding, hope, and encouragement.  You don’t have to stay in this place. Today can be your day to come out.  When, when, when can be today! The choice is ours; we can hang in there or we can stand.  Standing strong is so much better than just managing to hang on.  We will stand together, you are being offered a hand up today! Let’s do this!


February 20, 2011

People are Hurting

02 20 11 Sunday

There are hurting folk everywhere.  Chances are you are in this group or have been at sometime.  What to do?

I talk to folk everyday that are hurting for one reason or another.  Maybe you are in this group today.  Some have had a train wreck at some point in their life and can’t seem to recover.  There are others that have made a mistake that lead to another that lead to another and so on.  There is pain in their voice.  Their heart is breaking.  What to do?  Some can’t see any way out, no answers, no clue to what to do.  You may not be in this group, but I have been, I have even caused some folk to be in this group during my life.  I understand that you are hurting today.  I know that there seems to be no one with you and there seems to be no one that cares.  Well, I am here to tell that there is someone with you and there are folk that do care about you.  Your life may seem out of control, but don’t give up, help is on the way.  When we come to the realization that we are messed up; then we can start to make the changes necessary to turn things around.  Today is your day to start making a change.  It’s time to walk out of the place your in and move into the peace and joy of life that you are wanting so bad.  Know that I pray for you everyday.  I stand with my partners and believe for your best day everyday.  I am on your side and God is on our side too.  I might not be too much, but God…  Today is your day!


February 19, 2011

Love Makes the World Go Round

02 19 11 Saturday

Elvis used to sing, “Welcome to my world, the door is always open…”  I have folk tell me quite a bit that I am very open, transparent, and honest about my life, my issues, my struggles.

The funny thing about that is; I used to be the most closed off and private person you would ever meet.  What changed the way I am? Taking out the mistrust of others, fear of others, and low self esteem of myself.  Then replacing that with trust, mercy, grace, acceptance and most of all love for folk.  If I can allow this to take place in my life there is no doubt that you can too.  It is a heart and a mind issue.  When we allow our heart to be filled with love for self and for others, then the mind will follow.  It is a transition.  The heart will transform quickly, but the mind is a process.  It is a process that takes place everyday.  We have to renew our mind daily, which really means, everyday.  There is nothing like having your mind free from all the mess and junk the world puts in it.  I know I felt like I had seaweed all tangled up in my head, but that is all gone.  The love of God will set your mind free from bondage.  Choose love today! Make the decision to let love by the guide of your mind and heart.  Love does make the world go round!


February 18, 2011

Doing the Right Thing

02 18 11 Friday

There is something to be said about restoring and reconciling relationships.  This is a great day to renew a broken and destroyed friendship.  Take the path less traveled today.

We all have relationships or friendships that have been hurt during our lifetime.  I know I have messed up many of my friendships.  There are some that I really believe in time will be restored. I am doing my best to try to make things right.  We need to take the time to make an effort to rebuild the relationships in our life.  You may have to apologize or just let the other person go off on us.  Take the side of humility and do what the right thing.  I know in my mind that all the relationships I have broken will not be reconciled, but in my heart I don’t know that yet.  I will still do what is right and try to make it right.  When we realize that nothing is as important as people and people make friendships; then we will see the importance of reconciliation.  Forgiveness, humility, grace, mercy all wrapped up in love will allow it to happen.  Without those qualities we will just go through life continuing to leave a wake of destruction behind us.  Go the extra mile again today and restore a broken friendship.  In the end, you both will be glad you did.


February 15, 2011

All the Time

02 15 11 Tuesday

The depth of our love will determine the height of our destiny.  Without living a lifestyle of love we won’t be able to walk out our destiny.  Love is the determining factor.

Since this is the month of Valentine’s we are hearing love more often.  However, we should hear it year round.  Let’s start putting love as the determining factor in all our decisions.  When we want to hold a grudge, judge someone, criticize others, talk bad about someone; ask what would love do in that situation.  Love will be the deciding factor in the life of a person who is living their destiny.  There is no time for unforgiveness.  They don’t plan revenge tactics.  There is no place in the heart for when you were done wrong by someone.  Love is the answer.  No more jumping to conclusions about folk without knowing the truth of the matter.  When it doesn’t matter how others treat us, but how we treat them; then we are walking in love.  Love will decide whether we live our destiny or not.


February 14, 2011

Day of Love

02 14 11 Monday

Today is the day of love; Valentine’s Day.  Why can’t we make every day; the day of love? If we were free of pride; we would be able to love freely.  Our pride is what keeps us from loving unconditionally.

When we break it down, the only thing that will prevent us from living a lifestyle of love is our pride.  I know first hand how pride will rob you of your ability to love freely and unconditionally.  When we have pride ruling our life, it will take over and stop us from loving folk the way we are designed.  Pride will cause us to see the worse in others, not give the benefit of the doubt, or have mercy and grace.  Pride is quick to judge, criticize, condemn, and stereotype others.  There is no grace or mercy in pride.  We try to church it up and call it discernment and such, but pride is pride and it stinks.  When we don’t love other folk, it is plain and simple pride.  “Well, they hurt me.” That’s still no reason not to love.  There is no reason not to love.  I have been there, where I didn’t love others and I look at it now; it was all pride on my part.  Let’s work on getting rid of the pride and fill ourselves up with love.  It’s time we put aside thinking all about ourselves and think about others.  People are hurting all around us, but we can’t see it, because we are too busy thinking about us.  Maybe I am the only one that has this pride issue, but I refuse to let it control me another day.  Take out the pride, put in the love today!

February 11, 2011

Braggin' Rights

02 11 11 Friday

I had a chance to visit with several high school coaches in south Alabama during the week.  One was one of my high school coaches back in the day. It was great getting to see him.

One thing about Coach Blackwell, he never gave up on me.  I gave him many, many reasons to, but he never did.  He has always told folk how proud he is of me and I can’t begin to tell him I appreciate him for that reason.  The lesson from this is, never give up on folk.  We have to see them for what they really can be. Look past their faults, mistakes, and quirks that drive us crazy.  When we see people for what they really can be, then we will see them in a whole new way.  See them the way God sees them.  Look through the eyes of forgiveness, love, mercy, grace and acceptance.  We all know we have needed folk to see us through those eyes.  I am learning from Coach Blackwell how to treat folk, how to see them for what they really can be.  We all have greatness in us that wants to shine.  He taught me many lessons in the classroom and on the field, but this one surpasses them all.  Treat folk with dignity, respect, and appreciation.  Praise them in public, but discipline them in private.  Take time today to brag on someone.  Look for someone that least expect it.  Be honest and sincere with your words.  Make someone’s day today.  You never know it could make a difference in their life.


February 6, 2011

Mercy and Forgivness

02 06 11 Sunday

When we take time to evaluate where we have come from in our life; it is important to do so from a merciful and forgiving mindset.  Having mercy and forgiving ourselves is a major step toward a healthy life.

I have many regrets about my past, but I have been able to forgive myself for the mistakes and wrong choices I have made.  You may find it easy to forgive yourself, but I seemed to have difficulty with it for a long time.  I would bring up past issues and let them beat me down time and time again.  It wasn’t until I was able to forgive myself and take the power from them that I was able to life a healthy, destiny minded life.  We should learn from our past, but we shouldn’t allow it to hold us down.  Make the decision today to not allow your past to hold you hostage any longer.  Even when someone else brings it up to you, don’t let it stick.  Like the saying goes, “Water off a ducks back.”  That is how we have to be when it comes to memories that have haunted us and harmed us.  Take the power away from the hurtful past.  Learn from the stuff you have been through and then don’t go back there again.  Also, don’t make the same mistakes repeatedly.  Looking back can be productive when we look back with the proper mindset.


February 5, 2011

Reflection of Hope

02 05 11 Saturday

From time to time it’s good to take step back and see where you have come from, where you are and where you are heading.  First, we look at where we come from. That can be a loaded question for some of us.

I took such a look back in my life not long ago.  I focused mainly on the past couple of years.  I was not happy with what I saw, but nevertheless it was there.  Many of you don’t know a lot about my past.  As this blog grows that number grows even larger.  The one word that really sums up my past and especially the past few years would be selfishness.  I was one of the most selfish people you would ever meet.  That selfishness would manifest itself in many different ways.  I had a very addictive personality or spirit alive and well inside me.  The selfishness I had fed on the addictive nature I had during that time.  That addictive spirit did everything it could to destroy me, my family and everyone else in my life.  It came mighty close to succeeding too.  I was 36 hours away from divorce at one point.  However, there was one thing I held on to; that was hope.  I knew there was hope for me, my family and my destiny.  God has worked a miracle in my life during the past two years.  I can honestly saw that I am not the same person I was then.  I still have changes to make and will never stop growing.  I hope this has given you some hope of your own.  There is hope for you too.  No matter what your past, your right now and your future holds; there is hope.  Hope will keep you alive when nothing else or no one else is there.  Hope will keep you company when everyone has left you.  Hope is a wonderful companion now as is was then.  Never give up! Hope is in your corner


January 29, 2011

Not Disqualified

01 29 11 Saturday

In spite of all the past mistakes we have made in our life; God still has a plan for us.  Don’t be discouraged by your past; be encouraged by your destiny.  We have not been disqualified.

For some of us we have thought that because of past mistakes and wrong decisions; we have been disqualified from our destiny.  This is not true.  Many times it is our mistakes and failures that qualify us for our purpose and destiny.  I have dealt with this in my own life.  There have been several periods in my life that I felt like God had put me on out of the way and forgotten about me.  When I would go through difficult times; I would think that my ever having a purpose or destiny was over.  I know this is not true, but the feeling can be hard to over come at times.  The enemy knows where we are weakest and will try to attack our mind in that area.  Stay focused on what God has said about your future and destiny.  I promise you that you have not been forgotten about or disqualified.  Folk may even try to make you feel that you have been, but it’s not true.  Get back up, learn from your past, and move forward.  I believe in you, standing with you, and counting on you.


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