Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 22, 2011

Even when…

01 22 11 Saturday

I was reading the other day and came across something that really has me thinking.  It was about the love that God has for us and how wonderful that love is.  Folk all time ask, if God is so loving why did this or that happen.

I honestly don’t know.  Sometimes we blame God for stuff that He had nothing to do with though.  If we never included Him in our plan or in what we were doing or even in our life. Then how can we blame Him for what goes on in our life? Again, I don’t know or even pretend to know all the why’s of life.  I am still trying get understanding about God loving me.  It should be simple, but for some reason I guess I am making it more difficult than it is.  He loves us enough to correct and discipline us.  He loves us enough to let us make our own decisions.  All that is well and good, but the thing that gets me is this; He loved me even when I turned my back on Him.  He loved me even when I was doing everything I could to hurt those that I said I loved.  He loves us even when…  To me that says it all.  When I didn’t deserve it the most; He loved me the most.  Not that I deserve it now, but He says I do; so I do.  Please don’t think that I am super spiritual, Christian.  I am just like you in that I make mistakes and make wrong choices.  I fall and I miss it, but now I know that God isn’t mad or punishing me.  He loves me so He corrects me and loves on me. That makes giving up not an option. His love will keep me getting me up every time I mess up.  God does love us so!


January 21, 2011

Correcting Love

01 21 11 Friday

Guilt and shame are not ways that God corrects us.  If that is what you feel then dump that and receive the correction God offers; His love.

I asked God to show me His love and the next thing I know He is correcting me and showing me things in my life that needed changing.  However, I realized that the guilt and shame that used to accompany correction was not present.  Then I realized that His love comes through correction and discipline.  Not the beat down, beat up, cut up and punishment I was so used to.  I had lived for so long outside the protection of His love that I just thought it was a way a life to have one disaster after another and feel so bad, so down, depressed and no good for anything.  I felt anything but loved.  No more! I am beginning to experience His love in a way I haven’t before; not at home, church, or anywhere else.  Not to say it wasn’t there and available, because it was, I just didn’t have my heart tuned in.  I had allowed Satan to tear me up for so long and call it Jesus.  He is a liar and the father of lies.  I see the truth of my life and it isn’t in condemnation and punishment.  Rather it is in the correction and discipline of a loving God.

I hope that this helps you in some way.  I could keep going but I really don’t like just talking about me, but today was different.  This has totally engulfed me and know there is yet more to come.  What are you feeling in your life today? Is it a loving God or a lying devil?


January 13, 2011

Grace for the Race

01 13 11 Thursday

Grace enables us to find our place; so we can run the race and not fall on our face.  Ah, I am a poet and didn’t know it.  I rhyme all the time.  OK, ok sorry about that. We have been given grace to live our destiny.

Before we were born our route or plan had already been designed.  How we go about it or the most part I believe is up to us.  Grace is what protects us as we find our way toward our destiny.  To say you can be or do anything you want to be or do is not exactly correct.  Follow me here, if we are created by God, which I believe we all were, then He has a plan for us.  So if we decide to go against that plan we are going against God.  Granted that is our choice, just saying if we want to live our destiny to the fullest then we will do what He created us to do.  I am not saying we don’t have choice in our lives, we have complete choice.  However, if we don’t want to have frustration and confusion in our live then we will do what we were put here to do.  Sounds complicated a little bit, but it’s really not.  If it is your destiny to be an actress or a football coach then be an actress or football coach.  If you are supposed to be an electrician you will never be happy as a brain surgeon.  That’s my point. Be what you were created to be.  Do what you were created to do.  That grace I mentioned earlier will make a way for you. You have an awesome destiny and life yet to live.  Your best days are yet to come!

January 8, 2011

Don't Look Back

01 08 11 Saturday

There was a song that had the line; “Don’t look back,” in it.  Satchel Paige, a baseball player, used to say;”Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you.”  Both of these lines are good advice.

There is an enemy to our destiny and for most it is called ‘our past.”  When we get caught up in our past mistakes and wrong decisions we can easily lose sight of our destiny. If our past can keep us focused on it, rather than our destiny, then we will never live our destiny.  When we are stressed out and worried about what was; rather than exciting and pumped about what is coming; we have lost.  Our past is just that; past. It is gone; whether good, bad or ugly; it is all in the past.  Get your focus on today and what is coming.  Prepare by learning from the past, it is useful for something, but don’t dwell there.  Just like with Moses and the Israelis, when the cloud or the pillar of fire moved; they moved with it.  It is time to leave all the past in the dust and move on.  Our destiny is ahead and waiting for us to get a move on.  You are awesome and that includes your past.  You are still in the game. Don’’t take yourself out.  See you at the finish!


January 7, 2011

Power of Love

01 07 11 Friday

There is a place that we all desire deep down inside.  The place where we are loved, accepted, forgiven, appreciated and respected.  We all want these things in some form or fashion.

I want you to know that a place does exist.  There can be peace in the middle of the situation you are going through.  On your worst day ever, you can know that you are loved.  No matter what you have done in your past; whether it was last night or 12 years ago; there is a place of forgiveness for you. You are not a cast off or cast out.  There is a place where you are accepted for who you are and your gift.  All of this comes from the love of God.  The love of Jesus, it creates this place in us.  It doesn’t matter where you are in the world; there is a place for you. Remember, He created you just the way you are.  We may have done some things we aren’t proud of, but that never changes the fact that Jesus loves us.  His love accepts us, forgives us, appreciates us, and respects us.  It is all and all.  Never doubt the power of love.


January 2, 2011

Restoring Relationships

01 02 11 Sunday

I believe this will be a time of restoration and reconciliation of relationships. Is there someone in your life that has walked out or deleted you? This is going to be a year of reviving some of those friendships.

We all have had folk that we were close too, but for some reason or another that relationship was severed.  It could be any number of reasons, but this is going to be a year that relationships are restored and reconciled.  The story of the prodigal son comes to mind.  I see prodigal son type happenings in our lives this year.  There will be some cases where we are the prodigal coming home.  There are several keys to this happening; one is we have to be humble.  Pride is more than likely the reason the relationship was cut short in first place.  The second is love; we have to show and receive the unconditional love that gives life to relationships.

This is going to be an awesome year of destiny.  That will include the restoration and reconciliation of relationships.  I look forward to hearing some of your stories of this happening in your life.


December 29, 2010

Love is the Key

12 29 10 Wednesday

We are getting closer to great change.  I don’t hinge great change on January 1st, but I use it as a point of reference.  Great stuff is coming our way. Are you ready? Will you be aware of the changes?

If love is the determining factor in all you do; then you will be aware and you will be ready for the changes.  We have to have unconditional love for ourselves and for others.  Unconditional love for ourselves is always looking to love others.  To love yourself is to serve others.  When we love others and serve others then we will see the changes that are coming. We will begin to live our destiny when we love others.  You see, selfishness can’t exist if unconditional love is in control.  Selfishness and destiny can’t exist together.  We have to love, if we are going to live our destiny.  It is that simple.  When we lay it all down, love is the only thing that will remain.  Love is the key to this whole thing we call life, destiny, purpose and so on.  Check yourself right now and see what is in control of your decisions, your thoughts, your life.  Is it love or something else? Allowing love to be our decision-maker, our guide will change our live like nothing else.  Love never quits, it never gives up and love always wins.  Love never fails!


December 26, 2010

Wait Up

12 26 10 Sunday

This time of the year I hear folk talking about how they are so tired.  Folk are wore out from the holidays.  There is a verse that says; those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength.

That verse goes on to talk about the young and the old both being strong.  There is strength available for our spirit, soul and body.  To be a person of destiny we must be strong in all areas.   There will be times we are tired, but we can and will be renewed when we wait on the Lord.  That word wait doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing, but like a waiter or waitress, we serve.  When we serve God we are renewed.  When we serve others we are renewed.  To be a person of destiny it means we are servants, so renewing is for you.  If you are serving but are not being renewed, check your motives, agendas, and who it is you are serving.  Also, make sure you are serving Jesus first, then others.  Be a servant and see your strength renewed daily.


December 25, 2010

Christmas Spirit

12 25 10 Saturday

Merry Christmas! I pray that you have the most awesome Christmas that you have ever had in your life.  The best way to ensure that you do is to make it the best, most awesome Christmas for someone else.

There are so many folk that are miserable today.  The Christmas season does not bring them the joy that it does you and me.  Make this a great day for someone that might not be having a great day.  Not sure who that person may be? Well then make it a great day for everyone you come into contact with today. This is a habit that we should have each day of our lives.  Focus your attention on others and see your destiny become more clear each day.  Have a Merry Christmas and spread the joy!!


December 23, 2010

Forgiveness and Love

12 23 10 Thursday

We hear quite often that we must have excellence.  I have written about having excellence in everything that you do.  However, if we don’t love as our motivation we won’t have excellence.  Love and forgiveness are must in our lives.

You want to live your destiny you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to have excellence in your life then you must have forgiveness and love.  You want to be blessed in your life then you got to have forgiveness and love.  I think you see the common theme going on here.  If you are going to be positive and live in such a way that stress can’t attach itself to you; then you got it, forgiveness and love.  To forgive and to love are both giving and serving.  We can’t be selfish if we have both of these determining our decisions.  As we end the year; make sure that forgiveness and love are dominant in our life.  Excellence is something we all want, but will we forgive quickly and completely.  It is part of the process of living our destiny.  Forgiveness and love; vital components of our lives.


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